Prediction Blog: Shino Aburame vs Wriggle Nightbug

"Bzzzzz bzzzt bztttttt buzz buzz" - the fly that was on my wall last night Shino Aburame , Konoha's resident Insect Shinobi Wriggle Nightbug , the firefly Youkai of Gensokyo Creepy, crawly, insects. Many love them. Even more hate them. But either side you stand on, it's impossible to deny that they're fascinating creatures, more complex than anyone can even begin to truly fathom. Yet, even with all the studies done on them to this day, only a select few can command nature's greatest soldiers to their own wills. And as two of them come face to face, it's time to solve a neverbefore asked question. Can one of Konoha's elite Shinobi take on one of Gensokyo's "monstrous" Youkai? Let's find out! Before we begin... Click off if you don't like insects (Also shoutouts to this blog for having a lot of readily avaliable Touhou feats. Made things a lot easier.) Background Shino Aburame "Fight me, and you shall never recover. Forfeit ...