Prediction Blog: John Wick vs Jacket

"The more you kill, the more you get better at it. And the better you get at killing, the less use you are for anything else." - Joe Abercrombie John Wick , the legendary hitman Baba Yaga. Jacket , Miami's infamous Masked Maniac. Those who kill, do it for a reason. Some do it for money. Some do it for the excitement. Some do it for revenge. And some do it on the behalf of others. Whatever the case, if you're a person that someone wants dead, you better hope that whoever hunts you down isn't someone with a real good reason to do so. Because if they are, be assured that there's not a single thing you can hope to do to escape. But when two unstoppable killing machines have a reason to end each other, who prevails? Will the masked maniac murders continue, or will Baba Yaga add another tale to his long list of legends? Let's find out! Before we begin... Not a lot to cover here. Wick will be mainly analysed from his movie series, it's comics, and it's...