
Showing posts from December, 2024

Prediction Blogs 2024 wrap-up & 2025 Announcement

  And that's a wrap! 2024 was fun, and I somehow managed to squeeze out 13 prediction blogs in it (yes I know Diana vs Herc released in 2023 but shush) , which basically means I made one prediction blog a month. Huh. Although everyone and their mom are doing these nowadays, when I first started planning to do it, I don't think as many people did... or I was just blind to it, but who knows? Regardless, despite the fact that there are so many other blogs to read, I'm happy so many people decided that mine were worth their time. It really warms my little stone heart to think about. I'll be honest in saying that my first few blogs weren't... great. I don't think they're bad, but I definitely could have done things differently, like how did it take me until Bridget vs Bulleta to add a "before the verdicts" segment? Shadow vs Mewtwo especially could have used one of those. But I do definitely think that once I got the hang of it, my latest few have been ...

Prediction Blog: Wolverine vs Raiden

"Everyone says, 'Well, you should be harmless, virtuous, you shouldn’t do anyone any harm, you should sheath your competitive instinct. You shouldn’t try to win. You don’t want to be too aggressive. You don’t want to be too assertive.'  No. Wrong. You should be a monster, an absolute monster, and you should learn how to control it. ⁣" - Jordan Peterson Wolverine , the X-Men 's fearsome Weapon X. Raiden , Metal Gear's  deadly cyborg Ripper. The hunger for bloodshed, the struggle to contain the beast within. When your life has been subject to tragedy and loss beyond words or description, it's no suprise that you end up with difficulty to adapt to anything beyond the cadavre-filled battlefield.  But although they began their lives at the very bottom, they still continued to push for their ideals, to fight the good fight even when they had to take it head on against the entire world. In this reexamined crossing of blades, will the cyborg ninja once more claim ...