Prediction Blog: Shadow vs Mewtwo
Before we begin...
Air Shoes
Inhibitor Rings
StH Weapons
- Guns: Smaller weapons with higher ammo capacities. Some fire automatically.
- Cannons: Heavy-duty weapons with explosive shells.
- Lasers: Fires shots composed out of hot energy, some of which can bounce off walls.
- Lock-on: they sure do.
- Vacuum: Gives enemies and objects the big succ, causing them to become the projectile.
- Melee: Shadow uses these when too close to shoot you. Most of these are swords, but Shadow also uses hammers, spears, and stop signs.
Dark Rider
Gravity Bands
- Angel Amulet: Instantly revives Shadow if he dies in battle, but leaves him with only 1 HP.
- Cure All: Removes all status effects.
- Fire: Allows Shadow to either throw a fireball attack or create a fiery shield.
- Ice: Allows Shadow to either throw an iceball attack or create an icy shield.
- Illusion: Leaves an illusionary orb to confuse enemies.
- Immunity Idol: Makes Shadow immune to negative status effects.
- Prune Juice: temporarily raises Shadow's strength.
- Replenisher: Slowly regenerates Shadow's HP over time.
- Shield: Simply creates an energy field that can stop any one attack from hitting Shadow.
- Speed Bar: Temporarily raises Shadow's speed.
- Blayze: Greatly increases Shadow's damage output.
- Churdle: Greatly increases Shadow's accuracy.
- Ghise: Makes all of Shadow's attacks deal water damage .
- Griff: Makes all of Shadow's attacks deal ice damage.
- Joy: Shadow's HP regenerates at the start of the battle.
- Ovus: Automatically revives Shadow once during the battle.
- Rady: Greatly increases Shadow's maximum HP.
- Seggo: Makes all of Shadow's attacks deal wind damage.
- Spartoi: Makes it so Shadow's attacks may instantly KO the target.
- Stiglin: Makes all of Shadow's attacks deal earth damage.
- Zimba: Makes all of Shadow's attacks deal lightning damage.
- Black Bomb: Goes boom.
- Blue Cube: Sets down an obstacle to stun foes.
- Cyan Laser: Fires a powerful beam attack.
- Ivory Lightning: Targets enemies with lightning from afar.
- Pink Spikes: Summons a defensive spike barrier.
- Gray Quake: Summons harmful stone pillars.
- Violet Void: Sucks in entities and items towards Shadow.
- Yellow Drill: pierces the heavens
- Jade Ghost: Makes Shadow invisible and intangible.
Chaos Emeralds
M2 Bind
Mewtwo Balls
Held Items
- Leftovers: Restores 1/16th of Mewtwo's maximum health after each turn.
- Lum Berry: Can cure any negative effects Mewtwo may have one time.
- Life Orb: Boosts Mewtwo's dealt damage by 30%
- Expert Belt: Boosts Mewtwo's super effective attacks dealt damage by 20%
- Heavy Duty Boots: Makes Mewtwo unaffected by entry hazards such as spikes.
- King's Rock: Lowers Mewtwo's opponents accuracy by 20%.
- Twisted Spoon: Gives Mewtwo's attacks a 10% chance of flinching the opponent.
- Havoc Robe: Forces opponents to exert twice as much energy as they normally would when attacking.
- Absorption: Replenishes Mewtwo's health when it defeats an opponent.
- All-Knowing: Gives Mewtwo the knowledge of the whereabouts of all items and enemies in the near vicinity.
- Anchor: Renders Mewtwo immune to being forcefully blown or warped away.
- Barrage Guard: Reduces the damage Mewtwo takes from repeated attacks.
- Better Odds: Makes it so that Mewtwo's attacks will just straight up never miss.
- Confusion Guard: Renders Mewtwo immune to being confused.
- Folow Through: Makes Mewtwo's attacks reach further.
- Intimidator: Causes Mewtwo's opponents to randomly be unable to preform their attacks.
- Lullaby: Makes it so that Mewtwo's attacks will sometimes put the target to sleep.
- Mobility: Essentially makes Mewtwo intangible, allowing it to walk through walls.
- Paralysis Guard: Renders Mewtwo immune to being paralysed.
- Payback: Sometimes causes Mewtwo's opponent to be brough to the brink of death when they land an attack.
- Petrify Power: Makes it so that Mewtwo's attacks will sometimes petrify the target.
- Poison Guard: Renders Mewtwo immune to being poisoned.
- PP Restore: Makes it so that Mewtwo's spent energy will passively restore over time.
- Sleep Guard: Renders Mewtwo immune to being forcefully put to sleep.
- Sleep Payback: Makes it so that when enemies attack Mewtwo, they may fall asleep.
- Tight Grip: Prevents any of Mewtwo's items from being forcefully taken from it.
- Toughness: a one-time use Emera that makes Mewtwo able to withstand any attack at the brink of death.
Mewtwonite X / Y
Shadow Synergy Stone
Powers and Abilities
Super Speed & Assorted Abilities
- Spin Attack: Shadow curls into a ball and rolls around, damaging anyone he comes into contact with.
- Spin Jump: Shadow curls into a ball and jumps. Same as the above, but airborne.
- Spin Dash: Shadow curls into a ball and charges up, before flying forward with his built-up speed like a spiky bowlingball of destruction.
- Light-Speed Attack: Shadow uses his super speed to strike all enemies in the vicinity at, as the name implies, the speed of light.
- Black Tornado: Shadow dashes around in a circle to create a small vortex capable of carrying him to greater heights.
Homing Attack
Shadow Boost
Chaos Energy Manipulation
- Shadow Heal: Shadow charges up for a while, using chaos energy to replenish his health.
- Shadow Guard: Shadow crosses his arms for defence, using chaos energy to summon an energy barrier to protect himself from damage.
- Shadow Teleport: yup
- Chaos Burst: Distorting space-time, Shadow makes himself untouchable before launching out with a sudden burst of energy.
- Chaos Magic: Shadow snaps his fingers, creating a small rift in space to damage his foes.
- Chaos Nightmare: Shadow holds both hands out, summoning spheres of chaos energy from them to blast away foes on both sides.
- Chaos Rift: Shadow uses chaos energy to open up a rift in space-time before launching it at his foes, usually one-shotting most targets.
- Chaos Upper: Shadow supercharges his fist with chaos energy, using it to uppercut the foe with a powerful blow.
- Roaming Chaos: Shadow creates a small ball of chaos energy, which flies around and strikes targets.
Chaos Boost
Chaos Spear
- Chaos Lance: a much more powerful version of the Chaos Spear that Shadow can utilise when boosted up. Firing a long, red projectile to skewer foes.
- Chaos Arrow: a rapid-fire alternative. While it may be weaker, Shadow can charge it up to release a devastatingly powerful attack. Only showcased in his Super Form.
- Spear of Light: a version where Shadow fires three shots at once, which will then home in on his targets. Although smaller than the nromal variant, they're more powerful.
Chaos Blast
Chaos Control
- Space Manipulation: Most often in the form of teleportation and spatial traversal, Chaos Control can bend the fabric of space. Shadow can use it on himself and others to warp them away from or towards different points in space. While it appears instantaneous to us, Shadow experiences the traversal in real time.
- Time Manipulation: Chaos Control can not only slow down time, but completely freeze it, wether it be for just a split second or half a minute at a time. Shadow can not only move freely during the time stop, but also choose if others should be able to do so as well and target specific targets with it.
- Transmutation: Team Chaotix' Chaotix Recital can transform foes into Rings, yet Shadow can withstand it just fine.
- Ice Manipulation: Can easily break free from being frozen solid.
- Electricity Manipulation: Is only momentarily stunned by electric blasts.
- Biological Manipulation: Chaos Energy provides a resistance to DNA alterations, such as from the Metal Virus.
- Memory Manipulation: The Chaos Emeralds are capable of providing protection against mental hijinx such as memory loss. (Full source here)
- Mind Control: Can nuh-uh mind control.
- Pressure: Makes any attack targeted at Mewtwo, wether it hits or not, use 2 PP instead of 1. In Pokémon, PP designates how many "uses" of a move Pokémon have left until they can no longer use it, meaning it should be somewhat fair to equate it to energy reserves.
- Unnerve: Mewtwo's hidden ability, Unnerve makes opposing Pokémon unable to eat Berries. In Pokémon, Berries are held items that Pokémon can use in order to heal their health, cure status effects, or prevent damage negation, meaning that unnerve likely causes the foe to be unable to use any personal support items.
- Life Force: Mewtwo's ability in Pokémon Conquest, this ability allows Mewtwo to passively recover an 8th of its total health in-between its attacks.
Portal Creation
Mental Abilities
- Extrasensory Perception: Mewtwo is capable of using its psychic powers to scan large areas and detect entities within them from afar.
- Telepathy: The main way Mewtwo communicates with people is via telepathic conversations, and it's capable of holding them even from miles away.
- Mind Reading: Mewtwo is also capable of scanning its targets mind for information, and it's mental probing is so powerful that it can process dozens if not hundreds of years of a person's life in just a few seconds, as it was able to do so to the ancient Pokémon Genesect.
- Mind Control: Mewtwo is even capable of completely manipulating and controlling the minds of others, able to command them and even speak through them.
- Memory Manipulation: Finally, Mewtwo can also manipulate a persons memories in order to do things like erasing any memories they've made for up to weeks of their lives, and affect numerous beings at once.
Soul Manipulation
Black Hole Creation
Energy Manipulation
Elemental Manipulation
- Agility: a non-damaging Psychic-type move that raises Mewtwo's speed stat by two stages.
- Amnesia: a non-damaging Psychic-type move that raises Mewtwo's Special Defence stats by two stages.
- Ancient Power: a 100% accuracy Rock-type move that deals 60 damage.
- Aura Sphere: a 100% accurate Fighting-type move that deals 80 damage.
- Barrier: a non-damaging Psychic-type move that raises Mewtwo's Defence stat by two stages.
- Calm Mind: a non-damaging Psychic-type move that raises Mewtwo's Special Attack and Special Defence stats by one stage each.
- Confuse Ray: a 100% accurate non-damaging Ghost-type move that confuses the target.
- Confusion: a 100% accurate Psychic-type move that deals 50 damage.
- Disable: a 100% accurate non-damaging Normal-type move that temporarily disables the targets ability to use specific attacks.
- Future Sight: a 100% accurate Psychic-type move that deals 120 damage. Takes two turns for the attack to strike.
- Guard Swap: a 100% accurate non-damaging Psychic-type move that switches Mewtwo's Defence and Special Defence stats with that of its targets.
- Laser Focus: a non-damaging Normal-type move that guarantees that Mewtwo's next attack will be a Critical Hit and strike for 1.5 times the normal damage.
- Life Dew: a non-damaging Water-type move that replenishes 25% of Mewtwo's maximum HP (which is 26.5 ~= 27 HP).
- Me First: a non-damaging Normal-type move that causes Mewtwo to temporarily steal its opponents next attack and use it for itself with a 50% damage increase.
- Miracle Eye: a non-damaging Psychic-type move that checks the targets accuracy stat (or its evasion stat if the accuracy stat is below 0).
- Mist: a non-damaging Ice-type move that prevents Mewtwo from having its stats altered by its opponent's status moves.
- Power Swap: a 100% accurate non-damaging Psychic-type move that switches Mewtwo's Attack and Special Attack stats with that of its targets.
- Psychic: a 100% accurate Psychic-type move that deals 90 damage.
- Psycho Cut: a 100% accurate Psychic-type move that deals 70 damage (with an increased crit ratio).
- Psych Up: a 100% accurate non-damaging Normal-type move that completely resets all of Mewtwo's stats and exchanges them with that of its targets.
- Psywave: a 100% accurate non-damaging Psychic-type move that inflicts a random amount of damage on the target, varying from 1 damage to 1.5 times the users level.
- Recover: a non-damaging Normal-type move that replenishes 50% of Mewtwo's maximum HP (Which is 53).
- Safeguard: a non-damaging Normal-type move that prevents Mewtwo from being inflicted with any negative status conditions for five turns.
- Swift: a 100% accurate Normal-type move that deals 60 damage.
- Teleport: Mewtwo flees the battle like a little bitch
- Blizzard: a 70% accurate Ice-type move that deals 110 damage and has a 10% chance of freezing the target.
- Brick Break: a 100% accurate Fighting-type move that deals 75 damage and breaks protective moves like Light Screen and Reflect.
- Counter: a 100% accurate Fighting-type move that deals 0 damage unless the last move used by Mewtwo was a damaging Normal-type or Fighting-type move, where it will instead double the damage of the last attack.
- Drain Punch: a 100% accurate Fighting-type move that deals 75 damage and heals Mewtwo 50% of the damage done.
- Earthquake: a 100% accurate Ground-type move that deals 100 damage. The bane of double battles.
- Dynamic Punch: a 50% accurate Fighting-type move that deals 100 damage and makes the target Confused.
- Flamethrower: a 100% accurate Fire-type move that deals 100 damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target.
- Focus Punch: a 100% accurate Fighting-type move that deals 150 damage. Can be interrupted.
- Fire Blast: a 85% accurate Fire-type move that deals 110 damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target.
- Fire Punch: a 100% accurate Fire-type move that deals 75 damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target.
- Hyper Beam: a 90% accurate Normal-type move that deals 150 damage. Requires a recharge after each usage.
- Ice Beam: a 100% accurate Ice-type move that deals 90 damage and has a 10% chance of freezing the target.
- Ice Punch: a 100% accurate Ice-type move that deals 75 damage and has a 10% chance of freezing the target.
- Icy Wind: a 95% accurate Ice-type move that deals 55 damage and has a 99.6% chance of lowering the targets Speed stat by one stage.
- Iron Tail: a 75% accurate Steel-type move that deals 100 damage and has a 30% chance of lowering the targets Defence stat by one stage.
- Nasty Plot: a non-damaging Dark-type move that raises Mewtwo's Special Attack stat by two stages.
- Protect: a non-damaging Normal-type move that simply protects Mewtwo from any and all kind of damage for a turn.
- Psystrike: a 100% accurate Psychic-type move that deals 80 damage. Mewtwo's final smash in the Super Smash Bros. Series.
- Reflect: a non-damaging Psychic-type move that doubles Mewtwo's Defence stat if its hit by a physical attack.
- Rest: a non-damaging Psychic-type move that makes Mewtwo fall asleep, while in the meantime restoring it's HP to full.
- Rock Slide: a 90% accurate Rock-type move that deals 75 damage and has a 30% chance of making the target flinch.
- Self-Destruct: Mewtwo fucking explodes
- Shadow Ball: a 100% accurate Ghost-type move that deals 80 damage and has a 20% chance of lowering the targets Special Defence by one stage.
- Stone Edge: a 80% accurate Rock-type move that deals 100 damage and has an increased crit ratio.
- Submission: a 80% accurate Fighting-type move that deals 80 damage. Mewtwo takes 20 recoil damage as well.
- Telekinesis: a non-damaging Psychic-type move that makes all of Mewtwo's moves for the next three turns always hit the target.
- Thunderbolt: a 100% accurate Electric-type move that deals 90 damage and has a 10% chance of paralysing the target.
- Thunder Punch: a 100% accurate Electric-type move that deals 75 damage and has a 10% chance of paralysing the target.
- Toxic: a 90% accurate non-damaging Poison-type move that poisons the target.
- Zen Headbutt: a 90% accurate Psychic-type move that deals 80 damage and has a 20% chance of making the target flinch.
- Physical Attacks: As a Psychic-type, mewtwo is naturally resistant to Fighting-type attacks, which are mainly focused on physical combat.
- Mental Attacks: Psychic-type Pokémon are also resistant to other Psychic-type attacks, which most often are represented as mental in nature. Mewtwo can also resist mind controlling technology specifically designed for it.
- Extreme Cold: Can fly in the vacuum of space.
- Cosmic Radiation: See above.
- Power Nullification: Unaffected by blast from machines designed to seal its powers.
- Transmutation: Resisted a blast of light from Deoxys that transformed other Pokémon to stone.
- Teleportation / BFR: The Anchor emera specifically prevents Mewtwo from being forcefully warped away.
- Paralysis: The Paralysis Guard emera makes Mewtwo immune to being paralysed.
- Poisons: The Poison Guard emera makes Mewtwo immune to being poisoned.
- Sleep Manipulation: The Sleep Guard emera makes Mewtwo immune to falling asleep.
Hero Shadow
Dark Shadow
Super Shadow
- Invulnerability: The Super hedgehog forms are famously completely invincible, with even attacks from cosmic entities being unable to do more than momentarily stun them.
- True Flight: Thanks to chaos energy, Super Shadow can fly without aid even in the vacuum of space.
Hyper Shadow
Mega Mewtwo X
- Steadfast: Mega Mewtwo X's passive ability, which simply raises its Speed stat by one stage every time it flinches.
- Psydisaster: a new attack it gains as Mega Mewtwo X, where it traps its foes in an alternate dimension before striking them with a punch powered up by all its psychic energy at once.
- Elasticity: Mega Mewtwo X can stretch its limbs. Weird.
Mega Mewtwo Y
- Insomnia: Mega Mewtwo Y's passive ability, which prevents it from being forced asleep.
Shadow Mewtwo
- Time Manipulation: Shadow Mewtwo can manipulate time, and is capable of both stopping and reversing it whenever when in a weakened state.
- Space Manipulation: Shadow Mewtwo is capable of both distorting the space around itself and creating entire seperate dimensions out of nothing.
- Existence Erasure: Shadow Mewtwo is easily capable of wiping things from existence, such as an entire seperate dimension.
Mega Shadow Mewtwo X
- Dark Nova: Mewtwo charges up and throws a ball of pure destructive energy, which proceeds to begin eating away at the Earth, presumably eventually destroying the entire planet.
Mega Shadow Mewtwo Y
- The coolest
- Can easily take on armies by himself
- Easily decimates Eggman's best mercenaries.
- Defeated Eggman, Sonic, Silver, Knuckles, Final Hazard, Black Doom, Black Death, Infinite, Mephiles, Metal Sonic & Solaris.
- Trans ally
- Pissed on Eggman's wife
- Does that really cool thing above.
- Kicked Silver in the head.
- Easily shatters meteors.
- One-shots large robots.
- Can break down large doors.
- Can send enemies flying hard empugh to topple stone towers.
- Downed the Death Egg with a single Chaos Blast.
- Destroys Metal Sonic 3.0.
- One-shots a clone of himself.
- [Super Shadow] Chaos Blasts buildings to death.
- [Super Shadow] Alongside Super Sonic, teleported the ARK Space Colony from hitting the Earth.
- [Super Shadow] Teleported the Black Comet.
- [Super Shadow] Is powered by the combined power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, which can:
- [1 Emerald] Move pieces of the Earth around. (1.9 Ronnatons - 2,165 Quettatons of TNT)
- [6 Emeralds] Power the eclipse cannon to piss on the moon. (1.53 Yottatons of TNT)
- [7 Emeralds] Power the Chaos Emerald Cannon into awakening Dark Gaia. (7.2 Yottatons of TNT)
- [7 Emeralds] Pierce stars. (32 Quettatons of TNT)
- [Super Shadow] Upscales from Eggman's Final Egg Blaster, which can vaporise stars. (465 ExaFOE)
- Consistent equal to "the fastest thing alive"
- Quick enough to run up vertical surfaces.
- Easily dodges gunfire.
- Dodges around rockets.
- Dodges lasers with no issue.
- Outruns Sonic's Homing Attack.
- Can manoeuvre around just fine when turned into lightspeed particles.
- [Super Shadow] Dodges Final Hazard's lasers.
- [Super Shadow] Dodges lasers from Solaris.
- [Super Shadow] Upscales from Eggman's Final Egg Blaster, which can reach seperate star systems. (58 billion c)
- The world's strongest Pokémon
- Fought evenly with 50% Zygarde.
- Easily bested Team A.C.T's Charizard and Blastiose.
- Defeats potentially a million Pokémon with ease (it's likely less).
- Created a machine capable of instantly cloning creatures from a single DNA sample.
- Wipes the memories of dozens of humans and Pokémon at once while flying away in the most majestic anime scene ever
- Blew up Team Rocket's base.
- Impaled Deoxys with its spoon.
- Teleported an entire lake.
- Destroyed most of Ceruelean City.
- Lifts a whole herd of charging Tauros.
- Catches and sets down a bus from far away.
- Created a giant hurricane. (268 Megatons of TNT)
- Halted the Tree of Lifes Decsent into the sun.
- [Mega X] Has a grip strength of one ton.
- [Mega Y] Can smash skyscrapers to smithereens.
- [Shadow Mewtwo] Destroys most of the Earth. (411 Yottatons of TNT)
- [Shadow Mewtwo] Created / lit up a realm containing numerous stars (Multi-Solar System Level)
- [Shadow Mewtwo] Proceeded to simply wipe said realm from existence with a wave of its hand.
- Flew fast enough for its armour to break off.
- Caught Pikachu's Quick Attack, which is... quick.
- Caught Cindersce when it was moving at FTE speeds.
- Casually bounced back Gyarados' Hyper Beam, which is lightspeed.
- [Mega X] Can sprint 100 meters in 2 seconds.
- [Mega Y] Moved quickly enough for time to appear frozen.
- [Mega Y] Breached escape velocity.
- Tanked the explosion it made to destroy Team Rocket's lab.
- Tanked another explosion it made, this one causing a mushroom cloud.
- Unscathed by Mega Charizard X's Fire Blast.
- Unharmed by attacks from Lucario and Cinderace simultaneously.
- Took hits from its genetic father, Mew.
- Can take hits from powerful legendaries like Ho-Oh, Deoxys, and Zygarde.
- Blocked an attack from Ash Ketchum, the strongest character in anime
Sonic the Hedgehog
- Blew up a mountain. (200 Tons of TNT)
- Broke of this giant stalactite. (199.5 Kilotons of TNT)
- Has a whole bunch of laser dodging and timing feats.
- Can reach light speed in an instant.
- Can Light-Speed Dash at 11.42x FTL.
- Can move quickly enough to accelerate through time.
- Destroyed the chains around Little Planet (3 Teratons of TNT).
- Can run across the Night Palace, which is infinite in size.
Sonic's Friends
- Tails can drag 10 tons. (hmmmmmmmmm)
- Amy can just casually survive falling from orbit no issue (Amy > Shadow fr)
- Knuckles is strong enough to shatter the Master Emerald.
- Knuckles once punched Sonic out of his Super Form and I feel like that doesn't get talked about enough
- Silver can toss around masses of scrap metal, rubble and entire vehicles into giant projectiles
Super Sonic
- Dark Gaia, a primordial force of destruction that exists to maintain the cycle of death, having been described as a hyper-energy entity that has existed since the beginning of time.
- The End, a mysterious entity who has existed since time immemorial, and planned to tear down the walls between dimensions in order to consume everything.
- Time Eater, a slumbering entity capable of destroying all of space-time and reality as we know it.
- Egg Wizard, Eggman's ultimate mech fuelled by the Power of the Stars, which could overwhelm the energy of the Chaos Emeralds and sustain parrallel universes.
- Excalibur Sonic defeated Merlina the Dark Queen, who was capable of warping all of space-time in the Camelot world and put the entire universe in cryostasis.
- Darkspine Sonic defeated Erazor Djinn, who could alter entire realities and reduce all of space-time to an endless void.
- With some aid, Sonic defeated Void, who was planning to destroy the entirety of Maginaryworld, a potentially 4th dimensional space consisting of everyone's dreams.
- Exists across all of time, the past, present, and future all at once.
- Lit up an entire timeline. (77 Quadrillion c)
- Was capable of consuming all timelines in reality, annihilating the very fundamental meaning of time and reducing everything to nothingness.
- The Sonic multiverse contains at least 326 timelines, as there are 326 possible routes that Shadow can take during Shadow the Hedgehog (once more, the game). This makes Solaris at least 326 times universal, or Universal+
- Going further, the Sonicverse also contains Maginaryworld, a 4-Dimensional, infinitely-sized alternate reality, as well as the apply titled Fourth Dimension Space, giving enough evidence and justification for Solaris to potentially be at least 4th Dimensional.
- It should be noted that the Sonic Multiverse is probably, likely even, much larger than this. Many may point towards Tails' statement in particular mentioning that it could be infinite. However, this is as of now unsupported by any substantial sources.
- Of course, this is just my opinion on the matter. I am by no means the objective speaker of all.
- Has a really sick boss theme.
- Telekinetically controlled Grand Meteor Delta (896 Zettatons of TNT)
- Flew across the galaxy in 10 days (9.862e5 c)
- Destroyed Deoxys' Grand Meteor Delta. (161 Yottatons of TNT)
- More powerful than Groundon and Kyogre combined.
(50%) Zygarde
- It's individual cells are capable of flying across the planet in seconds.
- Battled evenly with Ultra Necrozma.
Ultra Necrozma
- Way more powerful than Lunala, who can fly at MFTL+ speeds
- In its base form, absorbed all the light of the Ultra Space, an entire seperate universe.
- Ultra Space contains all of the Ultra Wormholes from across the infinite Pokémon Multiverse, meaning it is most likely infinite in size. Thus, Universe+ Level and Infinite Speed.
Dialga and Palkia
- Dialga can easily visibly rapture the 4th dimensional concept of time itself.
- Palkia's birth alone broke down the spatial walls of reality and created a sky that spans on for infinity. (Universal+)
- The two are easily able to wipe out entire dimensions. (Likely at least Universal)
- A battle between Dialga and Palkia caused space-time to distort and eventually collapse, ending the entire world. (Multiversal+ due to Pokémon's infinite multiverse cosmology)
- Another clash between the two threatened to reduce all of time, space, and reality to complete nothingness. (Multiversal+)
- The two can both independently match Giratina, who tirelessly balances the normal and Distortion worlds, which exists on the opposite side of the multiverse where time doesn't flow and space isn't stable, and managed to maintain its balance even during Dialga and Palkia's beforementioned clash, suggesting a potential second layer of the Multiversal+ cosmology
- Gun
- More direct and straightforward
- Has the larger and more deadly arsenal
- Has infinite energy and stamina, meaning Mewtwo's Pressure won't affect him
- Potentially stronger as Super Shadow...
- Resists Mewtwo's main hax abilities of memory erasure and mind control
- Chaos Control is incredibly difficult for Mewtwo to get around
- Still has healing options outside of his power-ups, meaning he can replenish his health despite Mewtwo's tricks
- Isn't in Smash
- Gets statstomped in base
- ...but also potentially way weaker even then
- Mewtwo has a lot of hax that he'll struggle against
- Mewtwo may be able to just forcibly make him unable to use any power-ups
- Super Shadow runs on both a timer and a limited fuel source that decreases whenever he's hit
- (Insert joke about the Sonic fanbase)
- Hasn't had a good Death Battle in 12 years
- Spoon
- Is in Smash
- Smarter and more tactical
- Likely more experienced and trained (was literally created to fight)
- Holds a massive stat advantage over base Shadow
- Potentially way stronger than even Super Shadow...
- Still comparable in speed to Super Shadow regardless
- Has several hax that Shadow cant deal with reliably
- Has better mobility as it can fly without aid and use telekinesis to keep Shadow at bay
- Way better and more reliable healing methods, including a passive auto heal
- It's super forms aren't on a time limit
- ...but also potentially weaker than him
- Can't harm Super Shadow
- Shadow resists a large amount of its most useful hax
- Will struggle to get around Shadow's chaos powers
- Shadow's arsenal is incredibly dangerous for it
- Gets caught by a 10 year old
- (Insert joke about the Pokémon fanbase)
- Hasn't had a good Death Battle

(Art by PitTheSwordmaster)(Like I said, commission him something. You won't regret it)Loka

I nearly went insane at least seven different times during the making of this blog this was a FUCKING mistake
Okay, Shadow vs Mewtwo. This matchup is like fantastic and working on this blog caused me to genuinely grow to love Shadow as a character, so I'm all for him getting a 4th episode so that he can actually get a good one, and I have no issues with this one getting remade. I love Mewtwo as well, and it has no other matchups I like (Cell notwithstanding) so yeah.
Anyways, the debate. Who do i think wins?
I have no fucking clue
This matchup is complicated. Very much so. Before starting this blog, I thought Mewtwo would win, and then during research I switched to Shadow... and then back to Mewtwo... and back to Shadow... and-
Here's what I'm certain of. Both of their base forms are on a somewhat equivalent scale, and their strongest super forms (Super Shadow and Mega Shadow Mewtwo X) should solidly reach well into at least the Uni+ level of power. How far? Good question! You can make all sorts of metrics with Solaris, Maginaryworld, Necrozma, the Creation Trio, and so much more. I am not an expert on these series, so I honestly don't know what to buy as legitimate.
Speed I can say they're even in, both being infinite. And then we have hax, where they both match a large amount of what the other can do they can both heal, erect barriers, teleport, manipulate time and space and whatever else have you. Who's got the better hax? Again, I have no idea!
I'm genuinely flip flopping between the two as I write this sentence right now, and honestly? I don't feel confident enough to make a case for either. For what will be a rare occasion on these blogs, I am sitting this one out, as I genuinely have no clue who wins. I'll leave it to everyone else to debate this one while I sit back and watch, because I'm remaining undecided. HeavenPiercerChris
Imagine getting a shoutout at the start of the blog. I can't imagine ever getting that.
Jokes aside, it's a huge pleasure to be here. Shadow vs Mewtwo is an amazing matchup that I, like many others, absolutely adore, so it’s great to be here for it. I’m also a huge Sonic nerd and a decently sized Pokémon nerd so I have a lot of knowledge on all areas and it was nice helping out with some of the stuff needed for this one. Also shoutouts to Loka trying to kick me out several times YOU CAN’T KEEP ME AWAY FROM THIS
First of all I want to apologize because this verdict is going to be REALLY long. Not only do I love both characters to death, but Shadow vs Mewtwo is an incredibly complicated debate with a large amount of factors to consider at every single front. So strap in and get ready, because I'm going to look at everything.
Skill & Experience
Both Shadow and Mewtwo are incredibly skilled fighters, having faced off several, several times against some of the toughest fighters in their respective worlds. Shadow has defeated entire armies practically by himself, has fought against enemies like Sonic and Knuckles, who are both extremely skilled and have been fighting for most of their lives. His time as a G.U.N. agent also helps his combat experience, though we don’t exactly know how long he was a member or how many missions he took part in. On the other hand, Mewtwo was literally created as a true fighting machine, and it shows, with it being capable of defeating entire hordes of enemy pokémon and keeping up with Legendaries who have been around for at least thousands of years. Quite frankly, both of them are just insane in terms of how good they are at fighting, so I'll just say they're about equal. Shadow has a larger moveset consisting of direct hand-to-hand combat, but Mewtwo has fought others with similar styles of fighting before, like Lucario, as well as having many ways to handle Shadow’s regular homing attacks, punches and kicks. Pure physical prowess won’t get us anywhere though, since that’s far from the main thing in either character’s kit. So let’s move on to
Arsenal & Abilities
Oooh boy this is where things get a little crazy. Both of them can negate status effects. Both of them have ways of increasing their stats to get even stronger and tougher. Both of them have ways of becoming completely intangible. Both of them have direct counters to being affected by status effects. Shadow can become invisible, but Mewtwo can detect the presence of all nearby enemies. Shadow can suck in items, but Mewtwo can outright prevent him from taking any of its own. Shadow has ways of delivering a one-hit kill, and while Mewtwo has ways of withstanding such attacks, they're more limited in comparison, and on the other hand, Mewtwo only has ways of leaving Shadow at the brink of death, and Shadow has ways of reviving if Mewtwo manages to land a killing blow. Both of them have weapons but generally speaking Mewtwo’s spoon is a lot more useful and powerful than Shadow’s vast array of guns and swords. Just in terms of items, these two practically go band for band, but that's when their own innate abilities come in.
Mewtwo, being a Pokémon, has an absurd number of moves it can use, and some of them are extremely deadly. Disable would prevent Shadow from using one of his powers, Guard Swap and Power Swap could take away a potential stat advantage from Shadow and give it to Mewtwo instead, several ways of buffing itself, several ways of healing itself… It even has stuff like telekinesis, which we know Shadow is vulnerable to thanks to a certain silver hedgehog. It's a lot to take in, and extremely difficult to overcome. There's not much Shadow can do against many of Mewtwo's powers, so he's in for a rough time whenever Mewtwo starts unleashing some of its more haxxy moves, even with Shadow being capable of resisting status effects.
Shadow is no slouch, however. While it's clear that he doesn't have as much on quantity, but his mastery of Chaos Energy gives him some room to fight back. He's got healing and barriers of his own, as well as incredible range and AoE thanks to his Chaos Spears and Chaos Blast, but of course his most useful trick is Chaos Control, allowing him to freely bend time and space pretty much whenever he wants to, as long as he's got the emeralds on hand. Mewtwo has no real resistance to things like Time Stops and can only counter with his own time manipulation at his very strongest, so Shadow has a lot of opportunities to freeze the Pokémon in place and wail on him for some great damage dealing (which combined with him being capable of unleashing instant-kill moves is pretty damn useful). Sure, Pressure could be an issue in most fights, but against Shadow, who has infinite energy, it wouldn't be an issue. Not to mention many of Mewtwo's mind tricks could be completely resisted thanks to the Chaos Emeralds, taking away one of its main tactics.
In terms of abilities both have ways of dealing immense damage to the other, but Mewtwo has more direct shutdown options and ways of dealing with Shadow's powers. Even comparing their Super Forms, Super Shadow doesn't give Shadow enough abilities to change much, while Shadow Mewtwo gains temporal rewinds and a great amount of space manipulation, as well as not having a time limit. Mewtwo has an advantage, but I believe Shadow can still pull out a win, so it all really boils down to…
This is what I was dreading. Both Sonic and Pokémon have risen to infamy due to their stats being super debated upon in nearly every major vs circle out there, and very few agreements being made. So I want to note that this is merely MY take on the matter, and I'll be sure to explain it as much as I can.
Starting with Sonic the Hedgehog. Starting off with base forms, most people believe they're only about planetary in terms of power, but I believe you can argue them being much higher. In Secret Rings, he can fight and defeat the Ifrit Golem, who would destroy half of the entire Arabian Nights dimension, and Erazor Djinn, who had absorbed the other half. And furthermore, in Sonic Prime, Sonic directly tanks being at the epicenter of his entire universe being shattered into a small multiverse. I believe it's very likely for Sonic, and by extension Shadow, to be able to contend with and tank hits from Universal levels of power.
As for Super Forms, the main force to address here is Solaris, who planned to devour all of time. One could likely see this as another Universal enemy, but it could affect Silver's future, meaning it was shown to affect several timelines at once. As explained in the blog proper, Solaris would be around 326 times Universal at a minimum, likely even higher given it likely would include other dimensions like Blaze's world. And of course, MFTL+, specifically Quadrillions of times light speed from lighting up a single timeline. Very impressive stuff and technically the bare minimum for the stats scaling to Solaris gets.
Let's see how well Mewtwo compares, shall we? Most of his feats and scaling are pretty impressive, but to contend with the stats I've given to Shadow, I believe focusing on Necrozma and the Creation Trio should be the priority. Palkia's birth breaking down the spatial walls of reality and creating an infinite sky immediately launches it into Universal+, stronger than Shadow's base by itself. And in the fights between Dialga and Palkia, they both could easily destroy all of time, space and everything in-between. So, since Pokémon has an infinite Multiverse, they should be Multiversal+, right?
Not exactly. Allow me to give my own thoughts on the matter of the Creation Trio.
Obviously, Dialga and Palkia are manifestations and master over all things time and space respectively, but assuming them to be Multiversal+ is assuming that a singular Dialga and Palkia control those concepts in every single universe at once. An interpretation that I consider blatantly untrue. To assume that only one Dialga and Palkia exist is, quite frankly, completely unsupported headcanon, directly contradicted by Arceus giving birth to either one of them or Giratina in an event from Heartgold Soulsilver. To argue that they both scale to the entire Pokémon Cosmology simply isn't reasonable, and you can make similarly faulty arguments for Shadow reaching Multiversal+ even if you were to use it.
But okay, throw Multi+ out of the window for a bit, how strong would the CT and Mewtwo be without those assumptions? Well, somewhere higher than Universal, most likely. We know that Ultra Space exists and while there’s no actual proof of it itself being a universe, we could use all the dimensions it connects to in order to try and give Mewtwo a proper number for power. That would be…. Around 10 times Universal. Of course, Lunala and Deoxys’ travel speed allows for Mewtwo to reach MFTL+, and if you do argue Ultra Space being a universe Necrozma’s light could be used to even things out with Solaris.
When all is said and done, Shadow is simply much stronger, and you need some generous interpretation to argue Mewtwo matches him in speed. You could give both the benefit of the doubt and argue they both scale to an infinite multiverse, but at that point only one of them gets scaling to an entire higher spatial dimension. And that’s not Mewtwo.
This fight is really close in most aspects, but I have to side with Shadow the Hedgehog. Mewtwo obviously has many advantages that shouldn’t be ignored. Super Shadow’s timer is a legitimate issue, and abilities like Disable and Power Guard could very well just spell out Shadow’s downfall outright, but more often than not, I believe the combination of a decent stat advantage, revives, time stop and instant kill moves gives the Ultimate Life Form the advantages needed to get a win more often than not in a ridiculously close bout.
It’s not an exaggeration to call this fight close to dead even. Both Shadow and Mewtwo have had so many tools given to them over the years and are so close in stats that I’ve had to go back and forth on who I think wins many times. So… what options are at both characters’ disposals?
As far as stats go, they’re essentially the same as far as I’m concerned, with their arguments and scaling all coming out with similar results… sort of. The obvious caveat is that this is when taking into account them at their strongest states: Super Shadow and Mega Mewtwo X/Y, which for Mewtwo wouldn’t be too worth making a distinction for. For Shadow, it’s quite different since, like his subsidiaries, Shadow’s Super form runs on a time limit, and without that, Shadow is at a major statistical disadvantage against Mewtwo, who’s super forms carry no such arbitrary time limit. So, Mewtwo just sits back with a latté and lets Super Shadow run out before swatting him like a fly, right? …Yeah, it’s not that simple.
Let’s get the obvious out of the way right now: Mewtwo hitting the Alt Tab+4 on Shadow’s brain isn’t gonna cut it. The Chaos Emeralds providing protection against mental attacks from the likes of Black Doom means that Mewtwo isn’t gonna have a lot of luck controlling Shadow or making him go braindead or whatever. In a similar vein, Shadow has his fair share of counters to status ailments or even being transmuted. For a Psychic type that focuses on esoteric abilities such as those, having those options taken away is uh… kind of a problem, to say the least. So, that answers that then, right? Shadow shuts down a lot of Mewtwo’s go-to options and just brute forces his way through- you know I wouldn’t be saying this if it was that straightforward so screw it, cutting to the chase.
Mewtwo’s access to Mist is a major boon in their favour, as the ability to completely reset whatever stat boosts Shadow gains from additional equipment while keeping their own is pretty significant. This wouldn’t reset the stat boosts Shadow inherently has from turning Super obviously, it doesn’t work like that with Mega forms or other such transformations in Pokémon, but secondary buffs are completely off the table for Shadow. “But Pit, wouldn’t the Chaos Emeralds or Shadow’s equipment nullify Mist’s negative effects?” Well, that’s the thing- Mist isn’t really a “negative effect” so to speak. It resets stat alterations, positive and negative, and even in the world of Pokémon, it’s not considered a stat lowering move or one with negative properties (abilities that do interact with such moves like Defiant or Competitive not activating when hit with Mist proves that). Because of that, Shadow doesn’t really have a defence to having his stat boosts reset, while Mewtwo can just boost theirs freely.
Mewtwo wouldn’t win purely off of that though. Mewtwo’s primary options for ending fights quickly may be off the table but their fighting style is still very well suited for taking on Shadow. Mewtwo is a very defensive zoner that uses telekinesis and force fields to keep his foes off of him, which pairs nicely with moves like Mind’s Eye or the Better Odds Looplet that would make it hard for Shadow to constantly dodge Mewtwo’s onslaught. Plus, while both have solid healing tools and even finite revival tools, Mewtwo’s are far more efficient at keeping them in pristine condition throughout the fight. Shadow could close the gap with his own spatial manipulation or teleportation, but Mewtwo can do the same and just as regularly as Shadow would, so it evens out.
Of course, there was one thing I overlooked until now that gave me the most trouble when deciding who I believed to be the victor: Chaos Control.
Mewtwo has never shown resistance or really, counterplay of any kind to just being frozen in time. With that, Mewtwo would be a sitting duck, and even trying to hide itself away behind a dozen force fields or whatever would amount to nothing when Shadow can just bend space or even teleport to get in and wail on him. This was what had me questioning myself the most. It’d be so much harder for Mewtwo to outlast Shadow if Shadow can, at any point, just make Mewtwo a free target. If you ran this fight over and over, no doubt Shadow could eek out a victory a dozen or so times with a well timed (teehee) Chaos Control… so why do I think more often than not, that wouldn’t be enough?
Recall what I mentioned earlier about Mewtwo’s stat altering moves. Mewtwo has a way to reliably boost every one of their primary stats bar physical attack and HP, and with reliable recovery both manual and passive, Mewtwo could more than survive an onslaught in the time it would take for Chaos Control to wear out. Chaos Control hasn’t given Shadow a free win in every fight even in game- an opponent with the endurance to withstand his attacks can power through it. So okay, Shadow would just need to break it out before Mewtwo gets the stats ball rolling. Wouldn’t be the first or only time Shadow has ever broken Chaos Control out right off the bat. Shadow and Mewtwo naturally being even in speed even at their strongest means Shadow wouldn’t reliably win a quick draw off of this though, and Chaos Control isn’t instantaneous. Mewtwo has a window to minimise the damage Shadow could do. Most importantly though, Mewtwo has one ace up their sleeve: their telepathy.
Shadow is immune to having his memories wiped or his mind controlled entirely, but oddly, straight up mind reading is not something he’s ever dealt with. The cases where Shadow or characters with Chaos Emeralds have resisted mental attacks were very specific on the type that they were being affected by, so I would argue it’s entirely within Mewtwo’s power to just see Shadow’s thoughts and be able to plan accordingly. Mewtwo’s telepathy is their most relied on ability that Shadow doesn’t naturally resist, and with Mewtwo’s immense intelligence, being able to know what Shadow’s game plan is could be game breaking, and further limits what Shadow is able to do to capitalise on Chaos Control.
To summarise, this is an extremely close match, with both Shadow and Mewtwo possessing numerous advantages that could swing the fight in their favour. Shadow’s resistance to many of Mewtwo’s primary options in combat are problematic and Chaos Control is frankly absurd, but Mewtwo’s greater intelligence and planning abilities in conjunction with their telepathy, control over both combatants’ stats and superior healing and regeneration ensured they have the means to outlast Super Shadow and get the jump on what used to be known as the ultimate lifeform. My vote goes to Mewtwo.
Hi everyone! It’s me Dani and welcome to another one of my verdicts! My appearances haven’t been as frequent as I wanted them to be (mainly due to me being busy with school and making YouTube videos), but now I actually have the time to do one of these… and I’m very thankful that I do because this matchup is awesome! Sonic the Hedgehog is my favorite series of all time, with Shadow being my third favorite character from it (only getting beaten out by the blue blur himself and Silver) and Pokémon is one of my top 10 favorite series of all time, with Mewtwo straight up being my number one favorite character from it. So when I heard that Loka was going to make a blog for this one, I really wanted to write a verdict of my own (funny story, I actually thought that I missed the window to write one until Loka themselves told me that they didn’t even start asking if people wanted to write verdicts lmao). So who do I think would win between the ultimate lifeform and strongest Pokémon? Let’s get right into it!
To start things off, I want to discuss abilities and hax. Shadow’s got some insane stuff thanks to his ability to manipulate Chaos Energy even without a Chaos Emerald on his person, but I think that Mewtwo’s got him beat in both categories. They share similar powers like healing, teleportation, and the ability to create barriers and Shadow’s various weapons give him an edge in that category due to matching in close-range and surpassing in long-range, but Mew the second’s got one big thing that puts him at an advantage in this category; mind manipulation. As powerful as the Ultimate Lifeform is, he’s consistently shown to be vulnerable to his memory being fucked with (Hell, that’s what made him so hellbent on destroying the world in his first appearance), so all that Mewtwo would need to do is get the edge in speed and he’d have the opportunity to wipe Shadow’s mind clean and beat him to death… but unfortunately for him, it wouldn’t be that simple.
Both are pretty much even in strength, with Shadow being able to defeat Solaris, who had the capabilities needed to destroy everything into nothing, which would include MaginaryWorld and the Fourth Dimensional Space, which Sonic and gang would get… in base form. This would fittingly put him at 4D at only base, meaning that Super could be even higher thanks to statements from fellow Sonic the Peak character Tails. While Shadow did need the assistance of Sonic and Silver to take Solaris down for good, that was when they were in their super forms, which would make them more powerful than before, so I don’t think that that takes away from how impressive defeating him is. As for Mewtwo, he’s on par with legendaries like Dialga, who can rapture the 4th dimensional concept of time and Palkia, who’s clash with Dialga threatened to destroy everything.
But as I alluded to earlier, strength wasn’t the main deciding factor of this matchup. Speed was. The holder of the speed advantage decided who would take the win. Either A, Shadow takes it and just outlasts Mewtwo’s attacks until he overwhelms the Pokémon or B, Mewtwo takes it and wipes his memory. So… who took it? Mewtwo is ridiculously fast thanks to scaling to the likes of Rayquaza and feats of his own… but Shadow was able to fight Solaris, who existed at both the past, present, and future, which would put him at a level of speed that’s immeasurable, which is something that the strongest Pokémon has never had to deal with. He’d be able to match it if we scale him to Arceus… but there isn’t any evidence that suggests the genetic Pokémon be even stat-wise with him, so we can’t do that.
To say that this matchup is a close one would be an understatement. I frequently changed my verdict’s winner up until I wrote the paragraph about speed and the genetic Pokémon’s hax would give him the win very quickly, but I think that Shadow the Hedgehog would ultimately emerge victorious thanks to matching Mewtwo’s strength, while also being fast enough to seal the deal.
And that’s the end of my verdict! Thank you Loka for having me on here, this was a lot of fun to write! Thank you for reading and I hope that you have a good way :)Gman
Man can you believe a matchup this good hasn't been done by Death Battle!?
This matchup is a big one so my verdict may hopefully be longer than average.
Let's start off with strength.
Shadow was able to down the Death Egg, and with seven emeralds, he was able to pierce a star. As Super Shadow (expect to hear that alot) he was stronger than Eggman's final egg blaster, which can vaporize stars. Mewtwo in comparison isn't as impressive, even with mega evolutions...until Shadow Mewtwo comes in. With that boost in power, Mewtwo can not only destroy most of the earth, but create a realm filled with stars, and then wipe it from existence! Mewtwo is the stronger of the two...without scaling.
With scaling... Shadow is still weaker in base but scaling to Super Sonic, Super Shadow should be up to snuff with baddies like the Egg Wizard (who can sustain parallel universes), Merlina (who was able to put all of Camelot in cryostasis), and Solaris...mostly (Shadow needed the help of Sonic and Silver to defeat him, but hey 1/3rd of 326 universes is still at least 108 universes). As for Mewtwo's scaling, they scale to Ultra Necrozma (who can absorb all the light in Ultra Space), and the GODDAMN space/time duo of Dialga and Palkia, both of whom can wipe out dimensions with ease!
Now with scaling, I can't easily say who's the stronger of the two, so I'm calling this category a tie
Again, Base is nothing to write home about, dodging bullets, rockets, lasers, the works. But as Super Shadow, he's faster than the Final Egg Blaster, which can reach separate star systems. Mewtwo, again even with mega evolutions, isn't as impressive, though he could move fast enough for time to appear frozen as Mega Mewtwo Y.
Scaling makes this a bigger wash for Shadow. Sonic (in base) was able to run across the Night Palaca, which is infinite in size. Both of their super forms should upscale from this. Mewtwo in comparison, scales to Deoxys and Ultra Necrozma, the former of which can fly across the galaxy in ten days, and the latter is just better than Lunala, who can fly at MFTL+ speeds. Loka didn't specify how fast that is so I won't either. Speed goes to Shadow, no matter what if you ask me.
Durability. Shadow's showings in base aren't as impressive, being able to survive atmospheric re-entry. In comparison, Mewtwo can take hits from the aforementioned Deoxys, as well as other legendaries like Ho-Oh and Zygrade. Then Super comes in and yeah no Shadow has this. Again, being a third as powerful as Solaris means a lot apparently.
Shadow takes durability.
Okay now for their abilities. Holy shit they've got tons.
Chaos energy, baybee!!! He can teleport, heal, make projectiles like Chaos Spear, make forcefields, the works!! And this isn't even getting into his two best moves, Chaos Blast, which is a big AOE attack which can also be used as a beam, and Chaos Control, which can mess with space and time. Shadow can teleport others and himself to different points in space, and he can stop time for up to half a minute. He can move during that period and even choose who else can move. As for resistences, the chaos emeralds can protect users from> Having your DNA altered> Having your memory altered> Being transmutated> And mind control
Now for Mewtwo's abilities 🥲
Mewtwo has three passive abilities, one of which actually seems useful in the context of a vs match, that being "Life Force". With it, Mewtwo can passively recover an 8th of their total health in-between attacks.
Mewtwo can also> Teleport> Open portals in space> He has telekinesis> Forcefields> Telepathy> Mind control > Memory manipulation> Make black holes> Turn enemies to stone> A healing factor good enough to count as a revive!> Manipulation energy, making shockwaves, explosions, amping his attacks, etc
And I haven't even gotten to it's actual moveset 😭
So Mewtwo has a lot of 100% accurate attacks, so I'm gonna list the ones that actually do things outside of hurt you > Confuse ray: confuses you> Disable: makes it so you can't attack with a specific move for a bit> Guard swap: switches Mewtwo's defenses with it's opponent> Power swap: switches Mewtwo's strength with it's opponent> Psych up: resets Mewtwo's stats and exchanges them with it's target. Whatever that means. > Counter: it's a counter attack. Bada boom.
But I'm not done yet, because oh BOY Mewtwo has resistances too!
> Mewtwo resisted mind controlling tech designed for itself> Mewtwo can survive in the vacuum of space> A blast from a machine designed to seal Mewtwo's powers did jack shit to Mewtwo> Was not turned to stone by Deoxys when other pokemon were> The anchor emera, a neat item, prevents Mewtwo from being warped to other places
Okay transformations Woohoo!!
Super Shadow, as already mentioned, makes Shadow not only way stronger and faster, but makes him invulnerable...if he has enough rings. Said rings, which he can have 999 of, drain by the second, and get drained more if he's hit.
Also Mewtwo has it's aforementioned mega evolutions, which can be achieved with mega stones, which Mewtwo has on it's person at all times. Where's it store them? I dunno.
> Mega Mewtwo X's speed can be raised by one stage every time it flinches> It can trap foes in an alternate dimension before hitting them with lotsa psychic energy> It can stretch it's limbs. For some reason.
I'm gonna barely mention Mega Mewtwo Y because all it does is prevent sleep which like Mewtwo can already do with the Sleep Guard emera, another neat item.
Shadow Mewtwo! Using the Shadow Synergy Stone from the second best Pokémon spinoff ever, Mewtwo gets stronger, faster, more destructive, and COOLER. It's abilities consist of> Time manipulation: stopping and reversing time> Space manipulation: distorting space and making dimensions from nothing> Existence erasure: ...yeah
However, this form is very do or die, as it drains Mewtwo's health exponentially...which is negated by it being able to FUCKING MEGA EVOLVE so that's a moot point
Honestly with all the resistances abilities and forms these two have I'm inclined to call this category a tie as well.
Man that's a lot of stuff, huh? Okay so, while Mewtwo has plenty of good abilities and resistances to Shadow's abilities, as well as being much stronger than base Shadow, I believe that Shadow the Hedgehog, with his superior speed, tougher durability, devastatingly powerful super form, as his laundry list of abilities and resistances can give him the win like, 7 times out of 10.
I don't have a pun this time guys I'm so sorry 😭AnAustralianPerson
Oh boy, this match-up, Shadow vs Mewtwo, even more of a doozy to come up with a decision then Henry vs Mark, but who do I think wins? Well, let's break it down.
Firstly, for strength, Mewtwo has the advantage... but only compared to Base Shadow. Once he enters Super Shadow, even with Mewtwo having much more forms, Super Shadow kinda wipes. Both can evenly match each other from the MSS to Uni+ level, but only one has been shown fighting a being on a higher dimensional tier physically, and that's Shadow. Even though he did require help from Sonic and Silver to fight against Solis, still playing a significant part in fighting a monster that would've destroyed everything is much more blatant dimensional scaling to me than Mewtwo with the Creation Trio, point to Shadow.
Next, speed. While Mewtwo at their strongest could match being like the galaxy travelling Deoxys and time god Palkia in speed, Shadow meanwhile is consistently equal to Sonic, who could travel through the infinitely-sized Night Palaca in base form, meaning that when Super Shadow comes out, Mewtwo will have the hardest possible time to react. Another point to Shadow.
Finally, the misc. section. Here, the two are basically even, with both resisting a lot of the others' tricks. For all of Shadow's chaos madness, Mewtwo resists many of his physical attacks and can easily match his projectiles. On the other hand, a lot of Mewtwo's mind-fuckery won't work thanks to the resistance the Chaos Emeralds grant, especially so for Shadow since he usually carries one on had to use Chaos Control with. Even with their super forms in mind, the stronger both get, the more both resist each other.
Basically, my decision is based on the following question; Can Super Shadow kill Mega Mewtwo before his time limit runs out? To me, that answer is a close yes.
With slightly better strength, blatantly better speed, and both having to go through hell and back to kill each other due to their plethora of hax, Shadow is my choice for who wins. Mewtwo may be amazing, but Shadow just couldn't throw it all away.KingCorporeal
Hello! For those unfamiliar, I’m Corp, an admin on the DBW and active contributor over on G1^2. It was a pleasant surprise for me to be given the opportunity to hop on this blog for a verdict, especially on such short notice, so I’d like to thank Loka for having me on for what seems to be one of their bigger blogs as of late. This is a matchup that I’m quite a fan of, so it’s nice to be given a platform to talk about its intricacies.
But enough pleasantries. Let’s get into the thick of it.
This matchup, from the looks of it, seems pretty close. Let’s go ahead and discuss stats first, then move into specific wincons from there.
While both are in their base forms, it seems like Mewtwo has a solid upper hand. Scaling to Grand Meteor Delta’s destruction alone, worth 161 yottatons of TNT, absolutely eclipses Shadow’s best scaling in base, only being within the teraton range. For reference, a yottaton is worth a TRILLION teratons, so it’s likely that Shadow would struggle to deal any notable damage to Mewtwo whatsoever at the start of the fight. Add on the fact that the finite speed ends lean heavily in Mewtwo’s favor, being nearly a thousand times faster (comparing Deoxys’s speed to the Light-Speed Dash), and Shadow would struggle to do, really, anything that isn’t already instantaneous.
But, of course, neither is going to stick to their base form for the entire fight. Super Shadow and Mewtwo’s various forms must be considered as well.
Super Shadow is pretty strong. I dare say he’s very strong. He’s able to reach Multi-Solar System levels of power through direct showings alone, but his true power comes from his fight with Solaris alongside Sonic and Silver, who all contributed equally to its downfall. Solaris, for the most part, scales to the entirety of the Sonic universe and its respective timelines, which puts him at bare minimum Universal. But we can go a bit further than that.
We know that there are 326 possible routes within the Shadow the Hedgehog game, all of which should count as separate timelines within Sonic’s canon. While there is the possibility that it could be infinite based on statements from Tails, I don’t believe that we have enough surefire proof to draw a direct conclusion from that. Considering that it took the combined effort of Sonic, Shadow, and Silver in their super forms, we can assume that each contributed equally, making Shadow 108 ⅔ times Universal.
Of course, this is neglecting the concept of Maginaryworld. While I think the evidence supporting Maginaryworld being a Multiversal+ construct holds up under scrutiny, I feel like the argument sort of falls apart once you try to actually scale Solaris to it. Solaris’s plan was exclusive to the main Sonic universe and its various timelines; nothing was stated about Solaris threatening other dimensions or realities such as Maginaryworld other than the vague context of “destroying everything,” in which case a lot more characters would be Uni than we’d probably like. Even in context, it seems the “everything” being referred to is “everything in the universe,” not “everything that has ever existed ever in the history of ever.” Nothing would imply that Solaris would be a fourth-dimensional threat (spatially, at least) outside of this scaling chain’s existence, which would lead me to believe that Solaris shouldn’t be compared to this realm in terms of size.
This begs the question of “Why not directly scale Sonic to Void?” The answer’s simple; Sonic didn’t kill Void, or at least he didn’t pose a threat to Void’s life. In order for Sonic and the gang to stop Void, they had to seal him within a crystal after an incredibly scuffed boss battle. Additionally, they required Illumina’s help, who is a direct counterpart to Void, so it’s likely that this victory wasn’t solely theirs to begin with.
So, while I think there are some elements of using this that are fine, there are others that generally cause the scaling chain to fall apart. As such, I’m much more comfortable sticking with the number of timelines we definitively know that Solaris was threatening.
As for Mewtwo, scaling to Dialga and Palkia in his Mega form via Rainbow Rocket and/or Hoopa gives a much more straight-forward way to scale to the infinite Pokémon multiverse. Unlike the Sonic verse, we actually know that time and space is truly infinite across infinite timelines. Even without scaling to literal Pokémon God, Mewtwo has more than enough ammunition to verify that his Multi+ status is valid. And that’s not even touching the Distortion World.
So, no matter how you slice it, Mewtwo is stronger and more durable than Shadow. Well, what about speed? Well, both are directly comparable to beings who have dominion over time as a concept, those being Solaris and Dialga respectively. For these two, time is nothing, which means that their speed is effectively infinite. So they’re probably about equal there, though it should be stated that Shadow needed two other fighters to match Solaris while Mewtwo can most likely rival Dialga on his own, so if you held a gun to my head and asked me who’s faster I’d probably say Mewtwo, though likely not by a significant margin.
Things aren’t looking good for Shadow, but hey, it’s not over yet! Let’s take a look at those abilities!
In terms of fighting style and specific moves, I’d say the two are pretty even. Mewtwo’s Unnerve ability would likely render most of Shadow’s items moot, but it’s not like many of them would be useful regardless, save for the Chaos Emeralds, which would be unaffected.
Since Shadow is the one that would need to bypass Mewtwo’s durability due to the stat disparity, what does he have on offer that can potentially take Mewtwo down?
Not much, in all honesty.
Most of Shadow’s abilities are simply just flashier ways of doing damage. The Spin Dash, the Homing Attack, even his Chaos abilities are basically just special moves in a fighting game. In terms of a VS scenario, there just isn’t really much that Shadow can play around with in terms of taking down his opponent via alternative means. You could maybe make an argument for Spartoi the Chao giving him a potential one-shot opportunity, but Unnerve would potentially not let Shadow benefit from his Chao, if he were to have one equipped. And that’s assuming that Shadow even has Spartoi on hand. Considering that we only see Spartoi in one game and never again after Dark Brotherhood, I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume that Shadow can just pull out this one random Chao. And, besides, even if Shadow does have Spartoi on hand, it’s only a 10% chance of one-shotting. I wouldn’t bet on those odds, especially when speed is relatively even and Mewtwo has ways of increasing his evasiveness.
Speaking of which, Mewtwo’s movelist! Yeah, this alone has more versatility than Shadow’s entire kit, I’d argue. He has Amnesia, Safeguard, and Protect for defensive utility, Agility and Icy Wind for speed control, Recover and Rest for constant healing, and Calm Mind and Nasty Plot for boosting his attack. Not to mention the variety of statuses that he can inflict on Shadow, such as Confusion with Confuse Ray and Poison with Toxic. In addition to his vast selection of type coverage… wait, type coverage? What fucking type is Shadow? Dark, right? He’s gotta be Dark type, which is… immune to Psychic damage. Hmm. Well, good thing that Mewtwo has tons of coverage! Aura Sphere, as well as other Fighting type moves such as Brick Break and Submission, should deal super-effective damage in this case, and even then Mewtwo has tons of other coverage with moves such as Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Blizzard, and Flamethrower.
But even outside of just beating down Shadow in a regular fight, Mewtwo does have a few options to just end the fight in an alternative manner. While Shadow does possess a few good resistances to Mewtwo’s most common forms of attack, such as memory manipulation and mind control, there are some things that he just can’t defend against. If Mewtwo tries to petrify or soulfuck Shadow, there isn’t really much he can do to counter it.
Well, that just leaves one option for Shadow: use the Chaos Emeralds and BFR the everloving fuck out of Mewtwo before he gets the chance to do anything. Well, sorry Shadow, but that’s not going to work. The Anchor Emera prevents Mewtwo from being warped away, and even if he wasn’t immune, he could just teleport back to the battlefield with one of his own portals. Or, better yet, just use his own BFR on Shadow in return, something that Shadow doesn’t resist.
From the information presented, I see no reason why Mewtwo doesn’t come out as the victor. Superior scaling, comparable speed, and a much more varied arsenal that can overcome Shadow’s resistances will all but guarantee his defeat. It seems some chaos truly is uncontrollable

Thank you once again to Loka for having me on! Especially for one of my favourite matchups of all time, if not outright favourite, period.
Dissecting this match, it's, as Loka said, incredibly close. And things and swing either way depending on what you buy, but as far as stats are concerned, I think they're even, mostly. With Shadow scaling to Sonic, who defeated Erazor Djinn in control of the universe of the Arabian Nights, took down the 4th Dimensional being, Void, and could run through the infinite Night Palace, and other similar feats, Shadow can reasonably be placed at Universal, and Infinite speed, with higher arguments for scaling to fourth dimensionality. Likewise, Mewtwo scaling to Ultra Necrozma lighting up all of Ultra Space and feats on the same level gives Mewtwo those same stats; Universal and Infinite speed, and with scaling to Dialga and Palkia, could similarly be scaled to fourth dimensionality.
(Also I have seen Hoopa and the Clash of Ages. I watched it in cinemas. It's an alright movie all things considered!)
Though when considering their enhanced forms, Super Shadow offers more when compared to Mega Mewtwo. Firstly, he's invincible. That's a massive deal for Mewtwo, who won't be able to conventionally harm him from there on, while Mewtwo is still vulnerable to harm. The increase in power from Mewtwo to its Mega forms is substantial, but not nearly as significant as that of Shadow to Super Shadow. With higher end arguments, Mewtwo is still on the level of Dialga and Palkia in base, with the only higher power ceilings in the series being Giratina and Arceus; the latter of whom utterly eclipses everything in the series. Mega Mewtwo would naturally upscale from 4D, and would likely reach Immeasurable speeds, given it having fought Dialga, who is literally Time itself.Super Shadow however was able to defeat Solaris, an omnipresent being who transcended being a threat to just the fourth dimension. Given the circumstances of their fights, I believe it's reasonable to suggest Super Shadow could be up to 5th Dimensional, depending on how you view Solaris, but for the sake of a more fun argument, I'll just be sticking with the stats of 4D and Immeasurable for both. How their arsenals interact is another detailed and interesting aspect of the match, so let's get into that now.
Shadow and Mewtwo can do many of the same things. Healing, teleportation, creating barriers, enhancing their stats, and so on and so forth. Their vast array of items and abilities counter each other in many ways. Safeguard and the Immunity Idol make them immune to harmful status effects. Replenished and the Leftovers heal them over time. Shadow is protected from mental manipulation thanks to the Chaos Emeralds, and Mewtwo cannot be forcefully teleported thanks to the Anchor Emera, etc. They can both take out opponents from full health, revive if taken out in return, mess with space and time, and resist almost all of their opponent's offensive abilities.
Key word being almost. One of the biggest factors at play here is Shadow's usage of Chaos Control. Something he can do even without a Chaos Emerald, his control over time is something that Mewtwo doesn't actually resist. Moreover, Mewtwo has only ever shown the ability to manipulate time when under the influence of the Shadow Synergy Stone, which was a very situational thing during the events of the Pokken Tournament storyline. Even if he were to be given access to it, Shadow also resists time manipulation himself, and Chaos Control is potent enough to override and enforce a time stop on those with the ability to resist temporal manipulations, so Mewtwo likely would not be able to prevent Shadow from using Chaos Control to stop time and capitalise.
Unnerve wouldn't prevent Shadow from using his items, as it specifically prevents the foe from eating held Berries in battle, of which Shadow carries none. Pressure would not drain Shadow's stamina, as he has unlimited stamina and energy, and though Super Shadow runs on a timer, it doesn't continue during stopped time, Shadow can always refuel with more rings, and other Hedgehogs like Sonic have been shown to hold their Super forms for extended periods of time; potentially up to days on end. Sonic was also able to forcefully will the Chaos Emeralds back into himself in the DLC of Sonic Frontiers after his ring reserves were extinguished and his Super form faded, regaining the form with no drawbacks, and Shadow would likely be able to do the same thing if needed.
Both Shadow and Mewtwo should be equally skilled, having fought against immortal gods with far more experience, so that wouldn't be a major determining factor at play. Mewtwo is likely more intelligent though, and could use his greater intelligence to gain a grasp of Shadow, however Shadow could also stop time with Chaos Control and use that time to think and plan as well, so it's not an instant win. Unless Mewtwo can put in place methods to prevent Shadow from using his own instant win options during stopped time when it is unable to defend itself, Shadow would be able to capitalise completely.
With the matchup being so utterly back and forth, it really comes down to determining what the core advantages each combatant has. I believe that stats for the most part are even, and that while skill, experience and intelligence may be favouring Mewtwo slightly, they aren't damning advantages which puts Shadow down for the count. The vast majority of their abilities counter each other, or are resisted by their foe, but Chaos Control and Time Stop not being resisted by Mewtwo is what I think is the crucial edge in this fight which grants Shadow the victory. It allows him time to think, breathe, plan, and most importantly, attack when Mewtwo is unable to defend itself, and Shadow is more than willing to use it over and over again if needed.
I cannot stress enough how close of a match this is. No matter which character you side with, it's an extremely difficult fight for either of them, but I believe that in the end, Shadow has just enough to edge out the win. The invincibility of his Super form, inexhaustible stamina and complete control over time allow the Ultimate Lifeform to Shad-own the Genetic Pokemon. My puns are awful, but pay them no mind. It was about time Mewtwo live and learned not to mess with one that could not be controlled.
The winner is Shadow the Hedgehog.Shadow (not the Hedgehog)
Hi guys
Getting into the matchup, I think that it’s really really really close. In terms of stats, both have multiple different potential levels of power you could place them, and you could make an excellent case for any of them. While Mewtwo’s solidly stronger than base Shadow at least, I wouldn’t lean on that as a solid reason for it winning. Their super forms should be ~=, with both reaching into Uni+. Though you could argue higher with Maginaryworld and Creation Trio shit, I’m not nearly insane enough to delve into that in depth. Additionally, even if you bought 4D Shadow, Mewtwo has Power Swap, which would potentially reverse the stat gap and give Mewtwo the win. Overall, I think their stats should be comparable to the point where they wouldn’t be the main reason for either winning.
Moving onto their abilities, it’s again really really really close. While Mewtwo’s mental attacks would usually be a solid win-con, Shadow would resist them. On the other hand, just BFR-ing Mewtwo with Chaos Control also wouldn’t work, since Mewtwo has access to teleport. Both also have comparable healing, mobility, shields, etc etc. They’re both dead even in every category, so it’d be a tie, right?
super shadow has a time limit, mega mewtwo doesnt
While the time limit does fluctuate in length depending on the amount of rings Shadow has, I think that Mewtwo has plenty of ways to outlast it. Firstly, his timer decreases every time he’s hit. With Mewtwo’s strong AoE and various sure-hit attacks, I think that it’d be able to whittle down Shadow’s time limit decently fast. Additionally, Mewtwo has Pressure. While this is more guesswork, I think that you could argue Pressure would be able to further drain Super Shadow.
With this in mind, I think that, while the fight is incredibly close and either could win, Super Shadow’s time limit is a crucial disadvantage that Mewtwo could take advantage of, earning it the victory.
In the ultimate showdown between Mewtwo and Shadow the Hedgehog, it was a battle of psychic finesse versus supersonic speed. As the dust settled, Mewtwo emerged victorious, proving that in this clash of fur and fur-ocious, the psychic power was just too "mega-evolved" for Shadow to handle!
------ chatgpt
Jokes aside, it's a huge pleasure to be here. Shadow vs Mewtwo is an amazing matchup that I, like many others, absolutely adore, so it’s great to be here for it. I’m also a huge Sonic nerd and a decently sized Pokémon nerd so I have a lot of knowledge on all areas and it was nice helping out with some of the stuff needed for this one. Also shoutouts to Loka trying to kick me out several times YOU CAN’T KEEP ME AWAY FROM THIS
First of all I want to apologize because this verdict is going to be REALLY long. Not only do I love both characters to death, but Shadow vs Mewtwo is an incredibly complicated debate with a large amount of factors to consider at every single front. So strap in and get ready, because I'm going to look at everything.
Both Shadow and Mewtwo are incredibly skilled fighters, having faced off several, several times against some of the toughest fighters in their respective worlds. Shadow has defeated entire armies practically by himself, has fought against enemies like Sonic and Knuckles, who are both extremely skilled and have been fighting for most of their lives. His time as a G.U.N. agent also helps his combat experience, though we don’t exactly know how long he was a member or how many missions he took part in. On the other hand, Mewtwo was literally created as a true fighting machine, and it shows, with it being capable of defeating entire hordes of enemy pokémon and keeping up with Legendaries who have been around for at least thousands of years. Quite frankly, both of them are just insane in terms of how good they are at fighting, so I'll just say they're about equal. Shadow has a larger moveset consisting of direct hand-to-hand combat, but Mewtwo has fought others with similar styles of fighting before, like Lucario, as well as having many ways to handle Shadow’s regular homing attacks, punches and kicks. Pure physical prowess won’t get us anywhere though, since that’s far from the main thing in either character’s kit. So let’s move on to
Mewtwo, being a Pokémon, has an absurd number of moves it can use, and some of them are extremely deadly. Disable would prevent Shadow from using one of his powers, Guard Swap and Power Swap could take away a potential stat advantage from Shadow and give it to Mewtwo instead, several ways of buffing itself, several ways of healing itself… It even has stuff like telekinesis, which we know Shadow is vulnerable to thanks to a certain silver hedgehog. It's a lot to take in, and extremely difficult to overcome. There's not much Shadow can do against many of Mewtwo's powers, so he's in for a rough time whenever Mewtwo starts unleashing some of its more haxxy moves, even with Shadow being capable of resisting status effects.
Shadow is no slouch, however. While it's clear that he doesn't have as much on quantity, but his mastery of Chaos Energy gives him some room to fight back. He's got healing and barriers of his own, as well as incredible range and AoE thanks to his Chaos Spears and Chaos Blast, but of course his most useful trick is Chaos Control, allowing him to freely bend time and space pretty much whenever he wants to, as long as he's got the emeralds on hand. Mewtwo has no real resistance to things like Time Stops and can only counter with his own time manipulation at his very strongest, so Shadow has a lot of opportunities to freeze the Pokémon in place and wail on him for some great damage dealing (which combined with him being capable of unleashing instant-kill moves is pretty damn useful). Sure, Pressure could be an issue in most fights, but against Shadow, who has infinite energy, it wouldn't be an issue. Not to mention many of Mewtwo's mind tricks could be completely resisted thanks to the Chaos Emeralds, taking away one of its main tactics.
In terms of abilities both have ways of dealing immense damage to the other, but Mewtwo has more direct shutdown options and ways of dealing with Shadow's powers. Even comparing their Super Forms, Super Shadow doesn't give Shadow enough abilities to change much, while Shadow Mewtwo gains temporal rewinds and a great amount of space manipulation, as well as not having a time limit. Mewtwo has an advantage, but I believe Shadow can still pull out a win, so it all really boils down to…
This is what I was dreading. Both Sonic and Pokémon have risen to infamy due to their stats being super debated upon in nearly every major vs circle out there, and very few agreements being made. So I want to note that this is merely MY take on the matter, and I'll be sure to explain it as much as I can.
Starting with Sonic the Hedgehog. Starting off with base forms, most people believe they're only about planetary in terms of power, but I believe you can argue them being much higher. In Secret Rings, he can fight and defeat the Ifrit Golem, who would destroy half of the entire Arabian Nights dimension, and Erazor Djinn, who had absorbed the other half. And furthermore, in Sonic Prime, Sonic directly tanks being at the epicenter of his entire universe being shattered into a small multiverse. I believe it's very likely for Sonic, and by extension Shadow, to be able to contend with and tank hits from Universal levels of power.
As for Super Forms, the main force to address here is Solaris, who planned to devour all of time. One could likely see this as another Universal enemy, but it could affect Silver's future, meaning it was shown to affect several timelines at once. As explained in the blog proper, Solaris would be around 326 times Universal at a minimum, likely even higher given it likely would include other dimensions like Blaze's world. And of course, MFTL+, specifically Quadrillions of times light speed from lighting up a single timeline. Very impressive stuff and technically the bare minimum for the stats scaling to Solaris gets.
Let's see how well Mewtwo compares, shall we? Most of his feats and scaling are pretty impressive, but to contend with the stats I've given to Shadow, I believe focusing on Necrozma and the Creation Trio should be the priority. Palkia's birth breaking down the spatial walls of reality and creating an infinite sky immediately launches it into Universal+, stronger than Shadow's base by itself. And in the fights between Dialga and Palkia, they both could easily destroy all of time, space and everything in-between. So, since Pokémon has an infinite Multiverse, they should be Multiversal+, right?
Not exactly. Allow me to give my own thoughts on the matter of the Creation Trio.
Obviously, Dialga and Palkia are manifestations and master over all things time and space respectively, but assuming them to be Multiversal+ is assuming that a singular Dialga and Palkia control those concepts in every single universe at once. An interpretation that I consider blatantly untrue. To assume that only one Dialga and Palkia exist is, quite frankly, completely unsupported headcanon, directly contradicted by Arceus giving birth to either one of them or Giratina in an event from Heartgold Soulsilver. To argue that they both scale to the entire Pokémon Cosmology simply isn't reasonable, and you can make similarly faulty arguments for Shadow reaching Multiversal+ even if you were to use it.
But okay, throw Multi+ out of the window for a bit, how strong would the CT and Mewtwo be without those assumptions? Well, somewhere higher than Universal, most likely. We know that Ultra Space exists and while there’s no actual proof of it itself being a universe, we could use all the dimensions it connects to in order to try and give Mewtwo a proper number for power. That would be…. Around 10 times Universal. Of course, Lunala and Deoxys’ travel speed allows for Mewtwo to reach MFTL+, and if you do argue Ultra Space being a universe Necrozma’s light could be used to even things out with Solaris.
When all is said and done, Shadow is simply much stronger, and you need some generous interpretation to argue Mewtwo matches him in speed. You could give both the benefit of the doubt and argue they both scale to an infinite multiverse, but at that point only one of them gets scaling to an entire higher spatial dimension. And that’s not Mewtwo.
This fight is really close in most aspects, but I have to side with Shadow the Hedgehog. Mewtwo obviously has many advantages that shouldn’t be ignored. Super Shadow’s timer is a legitimate issue, and abilities like Disable and Power Guard could very well just spell out Shadow’s downfall outright, but more often than not, I believe the combination of a decent stat advantage, revives, time stop and instant kill moves gives the Ultimate Life Form the advantages needed to get a win more often than not in a ridiculously close bout.
As far as stats go, they’re essentially the same as far as I’m concerned, with their arguments and scaling all coming out with similar results… sort of. The obvious caveat is that this is when taking into account them at their strongest states: Super Shadow and Mega Mewtwo X/Y, which for Mewtwo wouldn’t be too worth making a distinction for. For Shadow, it’s quite different since, like his subsidiaries, Shadow’s Super form runs on a time limit, and without that, Shadow is at a major statistical disadvantage against Mewtwo, who’s super forms carry no such arbitrary time limit. So, Mewtwo just sits back with a latté and lets Super Shadow run out before swatting him like a fly, right? …Yeah, it’s not that simple.
Let’s get the obvious out of the way right now: Mewtwo hitting the Alt Tab+4 on Shadow’s brain isn’t gonna cut it. The Chaos Emeralds providing protection against mental attacks from the likes of Black Doom means that Mewtwo isn’t gonna have a lot of luck controlling Shadow or making him go braindead or whatever. In a similar vein, Shadow has his fair share of counters to status ailments or even being transmuted. For a Psychic type that focuses on esoteric abilities such as those, having those options taken away is uh… kind of a problem, to say the least. So, that answers that then, right? Shadow shuts down a lot of Mewtwo’s go-to options and just brute forces his way through- you know I wouldn’t be saying this if it was that straightforward so screw it, cutting to the chase.
Mewtwo’s access to Mist is a major boon in their favour, as the ability to completely reset whatever stat boosts Shadow gains from additional equipment while keeping their own is pretty significant. This wouldn’t reset the stat boosts Shadow inherently has from turning Super obviously, it doesn’t work like that with Mega forms or other such transformations in Pokémon, but secondary buffs are completely off the table for Shadow. “But Pit, wouldn’t the Chaos Emeralds or Shadow’s equipment nullify Mist’s negative effects?” Well, that’s the thing- Mist isn’t really a “negative effect” so to speak. It resets stat alterations, positive and negative, and even in the world of Pokémon, it’s not considered a stat lowering move or one with negative properties (abilities that do interact with such moves like Defiant or Competitive not activating when hit with Mist proves that). Because of that, Shadow doesn’t really have a defence to having his stat boosts reset, while Mewtwo can just boost theirs freely.
Mewtwo wouldn’t win purely off of that though. Mewtwo’s primary options for ending fights quickly may be off the table but their fighting style is still very well suited for taking on Shadow. Mewtwo is a very defensive zoner that uses telekinesis and force fields to keep his foes off of him, which pairs nicely with moves like Mind’s Eye or the Better Odds Looplet that would make it hard for Shadow to constantly dodge Mewtwo’s onslaught. Plus, while both have solid healing tools and even finite revival tools, Mewtwo’s are far more efficient at keeping them in pristine condition throughout the fight. Shadow could close the gap with his own spatial manipulation or teleportation, but Mewtwo can do the same and just as regularly as Shadow would, so it evens out.
Of course, there was one thing I overlooked until now that gave me the most trouble when deciding who I believed to be the victor: Chaos Control.
Mewtwo has never shown resistance or really, counterplay of any kind to just being frozen in time. With that, Mewtwo would be a sitting duck, and even trying to hide itself away behind a dozen force fields or whatever would amount to nothing when Shadow can just bend space or even teleport to get in and wail on him. This was what had me questioning myself the most. It’d be so much harder for Mewtwo to outlast Shadow if Shadow can, at any point, just make Mewtwo a free target. If you ran this fight over and over, no doubt Shadow could eek out a victory a dozen or so times with a well timed (teehee) Chaos Control… so why do I think more often than not, that wouldn’t be enough?
Recall what I mentioned earlier about Mewtwo’s stat altering moves. Mewtwo has a way to reliably boost every one of their primary stats bar physical attack and HP, and with reliable recovery both manual and passive, Mewtwo could more than survive an onslaught in the time it would take for Chaos Control to wear out. Chaos Control hasn’t given Shadow a free win in every fight even in game- an opponent with the endurance to withstand his attacks can power through it. So okay, Shadow would just need to break it out before Mewtwo gets the stats ball rolling. Wouldn’t be the first or only time Shadow has ever broken Chaos Control out right off the bat. Shadow and Mewtwo naturally being even in speed even at their strongest means Shadow wouldn’t reliably win a quick draw off of this though, and Chaos Control isn’t instantaneous. Mewtwo has a window to minimise the damage Shadow could do. Most importantly though, Mewtwo has one ace up their sleeve: their telepathy.
Shadow is immune to having his memories wiped or his mind controlled entirely, but oddly, straight up mind reading is not something he’s ever dealt with. The cases where Shadow or characters with Chaos Emeralds have resisted mental attacks were very specific on the type that they were being affected by, so I would argue it’s entirely within Mewtwo’s power to just see Shadow’s thoughts and be able to plan accordingly. Mewtwo’s telepathy is their most relied on ability that Shadow doesn’t naturally resist, and with Mewtwo’s immense intelligence, being able to know what Shadow’s game plan is could be game breaking, and further limits what Shadow is able to do to capitalise on Chaos Control.
To summarise, this is an extremely close match, with both Shadow and Mewtwo possessing numerous advantages that could swing the fight in their favour. Shadow’s resistance to many of Mewtwo’s primary options in combat are problematic and Chaos Control is frankly absurd, but Mewtwo’s greater intelligence and planning abilities in conjunction with their telepathy, control over both combatants’ stats and superior healing and regeneration ensured they have the means to outlast Super Shadow and get the jump on what used to be known as the ultimate lifeform. My vote goes to Mewtwo.
Hello! For those unfamiliar, I’m Corp, an admin on the DBW and active contributor over on G1^2. It was a pleasant surprise for me to be given the opportunity to hop on this blog for a verdict, especially on such short notice, so I’d like to thank Loka for having me on for what seems to be one of their bigger blogs as of late. This is a matchup that I’m quite a fan of, so it’s nice to be given a platform to talk about its intricacies.
But enough pleasantries. Let’s get into the thick of it.
This matchup, from the looks of it, seems pretty close. Let’s go ahead and discuss stats first, then move into specific wincons from there.
While both are in their base forms, it seems like Mewtwo has a solid upper hand. Scaling to Grand Meteor Delta’s destruction alone, worth 161 yottatons of TNT, absolutely eclipses Shadow’s best scaling in base, only being within the teraton range. For reference, a yottaton is worth a TRILLION teratons, so it’s likely that Shadow would struggle to deal any notable damage to Mewtwo whatsoever at the start of the fight. Add on the fact that the finite speed ends lean heavily in Mewtwo’s favor, being nearly a thousand times faster (comparing Deoxys’s speed to the Light-Speed Dash), and Shadow would struggle to do, really, anything that isn’t already instantaneous.
But, of course, neither is going to stick to their base form for the entire fight. Super Shadow and Mewtwo’s various forms must be considered as well.
Super Shadow is pretty strong. I dare say he’s very strong. He’s able to reach Multi-Solar System levels of power through direct showings alone, but his true power comes from his fight with Solaris alongside Sonic and Silver, who all contributed equally to its downfall. Solaris, for the most part, scales to the entirety of the Sonic universe and its respective timelines, which puts him at bare minimum Universal. But we can go a bit further than that.
We know that there are 326 possible routes within the Shadow the Hedgehog game, all of which should count as separate timelines within Sonic’s canon. While there is the possibility that it could be infinite based on statements from Tails, I don’t believe that we have enough surefire proof to draw a direct conclusion from that. Considering that it took the combined effort of Sonic, Shadow, and Silver in their super forms, we can assume that each contributed equally, making Shadow 108 ⅔ times Universal.
Of course, this is neglecting the concept of Maginaryworld. While I think the evidence supporting Maginaryworld being a Multiversal+ construct holds up under scrutiny, I feel like the argument sort of falls apart once you try to actually scale Solaris to it. Solaris’s plan was exclusive to the main Sonic universe and its various timelines; nothing was stated about Solaris threatening other dimensions or realities such as Maginaryworld other than the vague context of “destroying everything,” in which case a lot more characters would be Uni than we’d probably like. Even in context, it seems the “everything” being referred to is “everything in the universe,” not “everything that has ever existed ever in the history of ever.” Nothing would imply that Solaris would be a fourth-dimensional threat (spatially, at least) outside of this scaling chain’s existence, which would lead me to believe that Solaris shouldn’t be compared to this realm in terms of size.
So, while I think there are some elements of using this that are fine, there are others that generally cause the scaling chain to fall apart. As such, I’m much more comfortable sticking with the number of timelines we definitively know that Solaris was threatening.
As for Mewtwo, scaling to Dialga and Palkia in his Mega form via Rainbow Rocket and/or Hoopa gives a much more straight-forward way to scale to the infinite Pokémon multiverse. Unlike the Sonic verse, we actually know that time and space is truly infinite across infinite timelines. Even without scaling to literal Pokémon God, Mewtwo has more than enough ammunition to verify that his Multi+ status is valid. And that’s not even touching the Distortion World.
So, no matter how you slice it, Mewtwo is stronger and more durable than Shadow. Well, what about speed? Well, both are directly comparable to beings who have dominion over time as a concept, those being Solaris and Dialga respectively. For these two, time is nothing, which means that their speed is effectively infinite. So they’re probably about equal there, though it should be stated that Shadow needed two other fighters to match Solaris while Mewtwo can most likely rival Dialga on his own, so if you held a gun to my head and asked me who’s faster I’d probably say Mewtwo, though likely not by a significant margin.
Things aren’t looking good for Shadow, but hey, it’s not over yet! Let’s take a look at those abilities!
In terms of fighting style and specific moves, I’d say the two are pretty even. Mewtwo’s Unnerve ability would likely render most of Shadow’s items moot, but it’s not like many of them would be useful regardless, save for the Chaos Emeralds, which would be unaffected.
Since Shadow is the one that would need to bypass Mewtwo’s durability due to the stat disparity, what does he have on offer that can potentially take Mewtwo down?
Not much, in all honesty.
Most of Shadow’s abilities are simply just flashier ways of doing damage. The Spin Dash, the Homing Attack, even his Chaos abilities are basically just special moves in a fighting game. In terms of a VS scenario, there just isn’t really much that Shadow can play around with in terms of taking down his opponent via alternative means. You could maybe make an argument for Spartoi the Chao giving him a potential one-shot opportunity, but Unnerve would potentially not let Shadow benefit from his Chao, if he were to have one equipped. And that’s assuming that Shadow even has Spartoi on hand. Considering that we only see Spartoi in one game and never again after Dark Brotherhood, I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume that Shadow can just pull out this one random Chao. And, besides, even if Shadow does have Spartoi on hand, it’s only a 10% chance of one-shotting. I wouldn’t bet on those odds, especially when speed is relatively even and Mewtwo has ways of increasing his evasiveness.
Speaking of which, Mewtwo’s movelist! Yeah, this alone has more versatility than Shadow’s entire kit, I’d argue. He has Amnesia, Safeguard, and Protect for defensive utility, Agility and Icy Wind for speed control, Recover and Rest for constant healing, and Calm Mind and Nasty Plot for boosting his attack. Not to mention the variety of statuses that he can inflict on Shadow, such as Confusion with Confuse Ray and Poison with Toxic. In addition to his vast selection of type coverage… wait, type coverage? What fucking type is Shadow? Dark, right? He’s gotta be Dark type, which is… immune to Psychic damage. Hmm. Well, good thing that Mewtwo has tons of coverage! Aura Sphere, as well as other Fighting type moves such as Brick Break and Submission, should deal super-effective damage in this case, and even then Mewtwo has tons of other coverage with moves such as Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Blizzard, and Flamethrower.
But even outside of just beating down Shadow in a regular fight, Mewtwo does have a few options to just end the fight in an alternative manner. While Shadow does possess a few good resistances to Mewtwo’s most common forms of attack, such as memory manipulation and mind control, there are some things that he just can’t defend against. If Mewtwo tries to petrify or soulfuck Shadow, there isn’t really much he can do to counter it.
Well, that just leaves one option for Shadow: use the Chaos Emeralds and BFR the everloving fuck out of Mewtwo before he gets the chance to do anything. Well, sorry Shadow, but that’s not going to work. The Anchor Emera prevents Mewtwo from being warped away, and even if he wasn’t immune, he could just teleport back to the battlefield with one of his own portals. Or, better yet, just use his own BFR on Shadow in return, something that Shadow doesn’t resist.
From the information presented, I see no reason why Mewtwo doesn’t come out as the victor. Superior scaling, comparable speed, and a much more varied arsenal that can overcome Shadow’s resistances will all but guarantee his defeat. It seems some chaos truly is uncontrollable
Shadow (not the Hedgehog)
Hi guys
Getting into the matchup, I think that it’s really really really close. In terms of stats, both have multiple different potential levels of power you could place them, and you could make an excellent case for any of them. While Mewtwo’s solidly stronger than base Shadow at least, I wouldn’t lean on that as a solid reason for it winning. Their super forms should be ~=, with both reaching into Uni+. Though you could argue higher with Maginaryworld and Creation Trio shit, I’m not nearly insane enough to delve into that in depth. Additionally, even if you bought 4D Shadow, Mewtwo has Power Swap, which would potentially reverse the stat gap and give Mewtwo the win. Overall, I think their stats should be comparable to the point where they wouldn’t be the main reason for either winning.
Moving onto their abilities, it’s again really really really close. While Mewtwo’s mental attacks would usually be a solid win-con, Shadow would resist them. On the other hand, just BFR-ing Mewtwo with Chaos Control also wouldn’t work, since Mewtwo has access to teleport. Both also have comparable healing, mobility, shields, etc etc. They’re both dead even in every category, so it’d be a tie, right?
super shadow has a time limit, mega mewtwo doesnt
With this in mind, I think that, while the fight is incredibly close and either could win, Super Shadow’s time limit is a crucial disadvantage that Mewtwo could take advantage of, earning it the victory.
In the ultimate showdown between Mewtwo and Shadow the Hedgehog, it was a battle of psychic finesse versus supersonic speed. As the dust settled, Mewtwo emerged victorious, proving that in this clash of fur and fur-ocious, the psychic power was just too "mega-evolved" for Shadow to handle!
------ chatgpt
There are a few issues, not major but a few
ReplyDeleteHigh uni (destroying 3D infinite matter) =/= destroying a space-time which is 4D
Tails statement is a reference to the MWI which is referring to branching timelines, the fact he mentions that there are possibly infinite, shows that there is an uncountable amount of timelines purely with how many possibilities can exist in a single second. So shadow would be uncountable universes to possibly infinite multi.
Maginary world could still be 5D if you believe that the dimension as a whole has an overarching timeline, making it 4 spacial dimensions + 1 temporal one, so no change there other than which dimensionality.
Overall: good blog but few minor errors that shouldn't really change the verdicts
Thank you for the feedback!
DeleteDisagree with Mewtwo scaling to the creation trio. But overall, I agree with shadow winning. Nice job on this!
ReplyDeleteHey, loved this. Fun read.
ReplyDeleteOne teeny tiny nitpick.
Solaris would not be 326 times universal (I think something similar was in Mewtwos scaling), but rather Low Multiversal (Not uni+). It'd be 326x uni if Solaris was merged with just ONE timeline or universe that was calced at 326x the size of our Universe. I hope that makes sense? Again the research is excellent it's just the name of the tier.