Prediction Blog: Wonder Woman vs Hercules

"Remember, kid, theres heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die." - Babe Ruth

Wonder Woman, Themyscira's goddess of Strength and Truth. 

Hercules Panhellenios, Olympus' god of Strength and Heroes.

Greek mythology is home to many, many, famous champions of mythic proportions, and the world of comic books are no strangers to adapting them for their own tales. DC and Marvel have presented their best warriors on the show before, and today it is time for the former's returning champion to once more put her skills to the test against a surely herculean foe. 

Can the warrior princess of the Amazons take down the mightiest half-mortal Olympus has to to offer? It's time to find out!

Before we begin...

First of all, major shoutouts to the G1 Death Battle fan blogs, from where I got some help with Wonder Woman's abilities, as well as scaling for Hercules (She-Ra & Thor vs WW blogs, Thor vs Vegeta blog respectively), as well as U/MyNameIsJeffHarrison's Wonder Woman and Hercules respect threads on Reddit. This is my first time doing something like this, so having a place to collect reliable information from is more than helpful.

Second of all, Diana and Hercules will be mainly examined with their standard arsenal and abilities, meaning no amps such as Goddess of Truth Wonder Woman or Chaos War Hercules will be used. This analysis will also cover only their comic book iterations, ignoring any outside media such as movies or game appearances.


Wonder Woman

“I used to want to save the world. To end war and bring peace to mankind. But then, I glimpsed the darkness that lives within their light. And I learned that inside every one of them, there will always be both. A choice each must make for themselves. Something no hero will ever defeat. And now I know, that only love can truly save the world. So I stay, I fight, and I give, for the world I know can be. This is my mission, now. Forever.”

Themyscira, a magical island created by the gods and inhabited solely by women. While at first, it may seem like this paradise would host only a life of peace and serenity, its an island of warriors. The Amazon are some of the most well-trained and skillful fighters in the whole universe, and no one is a better example of that than the lady of liberty; Diana Prince.

Diana and her fellow Amazons remained undisturbed by the rest of the world for millenia until the year of 1916, when WW1 pilot Steve Trevor crash-landed on the island. As a result of this incident, the Queen of the Amazons Hippolyta made a decision. A tournament would be held to dictate their best warrior, who would then make her way to the "World of man". It was time for Themyscira to become one with the rest of the Earth, and Diana proved herself the perfect candidate for this mission.

Thanks to her divine blessings and Amazonian training, Diana proved more than capable of completing the mission brought on her. She proved herself an incredible warrior and even more incredible hero, becoming a funding member of the Justice League of America alongside Superman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lanter, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter, even often being heralded as member of the DC Trinity. 

No matter the challenge, Diana will rise up to defend this new world she eventually grew to call her second home.


"Over the millennia to come, you will experience emotions you don't yet know are even possible. The only one that will keep you sane is joy. Do not waste time mourning for those whom you outlive. Instead, revel in their friendships. If you savor them to their fullest, forever remembering those you meet along the way, the loneliness is tempered... because they shall then be immortal, too."

The tale of Hercules is perhaps one of the best well known ones in all of fiction. After the god of thunder and king of Olympus, Zeus, seduced and slept with the mortal woman Alcmena, a demigod named Alcaeus was born. Unfortunately, Zeus' wife Hera took notice of the child's inhuman strength and toughness. Realising that Zeus has fathered a child with another woman (again), she decided to enact vengeance by killing Alcaeus. In a desperate move to appease Hera, Alcmena renamed him Herakles; "Glory of Hera".

This did not work.

Hera would continue to haunt Herakles as he grew older, following his every step with attempts of death and ruin. In the year of 1291 B.C, Herakles was imprisoned during the Minyan war, and happened to learn the truth about his real heritage from his adoptive mortal parents, which inspired him to aid the Minyan's as a showing of heroism, which lead to his marriage with the Thebian princess Megara.

This lead to his completion of the Twelve Labours in order to prove his worthiness for immortality and the title of hero. Taking advantage of this distraction, Hera would once again attempt to ruin Herakles' life, this time succeeding in manipulating him into murdering his wife and children. Torn apart by guilt, he would from now on change his name to "Hercules" in order to distance himself from Hera and his past actions as much as possible.

In modern times, Hercules fought in World War II alongside Wolverine, and would later be tricked by the Enchantress into attacking the Avengers, but Hawkeye was able to snap him out of her control. He now fights alongside the Avengers and Earth's other defenders as the true hero he was always meant to be.


Wonder Woman

Bracelets of Submission


The most recognisable thing in Diana's arsenal, the Bracelets of Submission are a pair of indestructible cuffs. Aside from being good at blocking attacks, the Bracelets also keep Diana's divine abilities contained (more on that later) to keep civilians and bystanders safe. In terms of blocking attacks, they can do that too! Even attacks from the likes of Zeus and Nekron can't shatter them.

Lasso of Truth

Diana's main weapon of choice is the Lasso of Truth, forged out of the purest gold Mount Olympus has to offer and infinite in length. It is also extremely sturdy, capable of supporting the weight of the entire Earth. But it's most recognisable ability is the one it is named after, capable of forcing anyone who touches it to reveal the truth, such as when it forced Ares to see the truth of his plan, forced Martian Manhunter to reveal his true form, nullified the Queen of Fable's powers by forcing her to confront the truth, and forced a thug to relive his entire life which led him to killing himself.... wow.

The Lasso can also summon the Fires of Hestia, magical flames even the gods can't resist, protect against magical monsters, and kill Black Lantern Corp members. The Lasso can conduct magical energies, and even pour the very element of life to destroy entities of death.

And to top it off, the Lasso has various soul manipulation abilities, such as going into people's souls to look through their history and memories, or attack, torture and "napalm" souls. It's also said that the Lasso can even destroy souls, and apparently no souls can escape it.

Sword of Hephaestus

As one of DC's best swordfighters, it's only natural that Diana would have a personal favourite blade of choice. In her case, the Sword of Hephaestus was made by the man it's named after, and is more than sharp enough to effortlessly slice apart atoms.

Godwave Sword

An extraordinarily powerful blade that contains the energy of the Godwave, a cosmic force of divine energy that created the Pantheons of Earth, the Speed Force, the Quantum Field, and the Emotional Spectrum. Obviously, Diana can't fully channel all of this energy at the same time, but it does grant her the ability to kill immortal gods like Ares.


During a period where she temporarily lost her powers, Diana used a gun to fight off some demonic foes. Her gun looks to be a standard Uzi, a very popular sub-machine gun that fires 9x19mm Parabellum cartridges at 600 rpm with a muzzle velocity of 300 m/s, all with an effective firing range of over 200 meters.


An extremely durable piece of greek forgery that Diana uses as her main method of guarding against attacks. It's easily her best piece of defensive gear, capable of protecting against attacks from the likes of the Green Lanterns and Doomsday.


Made out of one of the strongest materials in DC, Diana's tiara serves as an unexpectedly powerful boomeranging weapon that can swat projectiles out of the air and decapitate gods. Diana has used it to tag the likes of Cheetah, who, by Diana's own words, is comparable in speeds to the Flash.

Bolt of Zeus

The main weapon of Diana's father Zeus, this divine rod of electricity is one of the strongest weapons in her arsenal. The Bolt is powerful enough to send tanks flying and obliterate mountains. When used by Zeus himself, it proved powerful enough to one-shot Poseidon.

Also, it can resurrect the dead.

Gauntlet of Atlas / Sandals of Hermes

A gauntlet and sandal combo that boosts Diana's strength & speed. The gauntlets reportedly increase her strength by a factor of 10, while the sandals grants her the ability to fly... which she can't already do. Nope. Not at all.

Magic Sea Shell

Given to her by Kane Milohai, this mystical sea shell can transport Diana to any location she needs to go to. It can even bypass enchantments specifically crafted to keep Diana out. For instance, during a time where Diana was banished from Themyscira, the shell was still capable of giving her and some gorillas access to the island.

Golden Armour

Designed and given to Diana by Pallas, this Golden Armour is obviously much stronger than Diana in her normal. It doesn't exactly grant her any specialised abilities or anything, but it does provide incredible protection against most types of damage, wether it being blades, explosions, magic or anything else.

Lansinarian Morphing Disk

Perhaps Diana's strangest piece of equipment, the Lansinarian Morphing Disk is a sentient piece of machinery that even Superman can't harm. Alongside high-speed flight, the Disk offers telepathic shielding even against the likes of Martian Manhunter.

Invisible Jet

The classic iconic stealth-plane itself. Diana's invisible jet is, you guessed it, completely invisible, meaning it's the perfect transportive vehicle to use in any situation where you don't want to get noticed by your foes.

Wait what do you mean it doesn't turn the driver invisible as well-

Star Sapphire Ring

One time when Diana was under the influence of the Black Lanterns, she was gifted a Star Sapphire Power Ring that helped her free herself from their control. With an endless love for creation and light, she became a perfect member for the group, and with the additional blessings from the goddess of love Aphrodite, was more than a perfect fit for their cause. While she did leave the group, she has rejoined it several times and is always welcomed into their ranks.


Golden Bracelets

Herc doesn't wear a lot of armour, but he always carries with him his Golden Bracelets which are surprisingly durable, capable of deflecting all sorts of different projectiles.

Helm of Hades

Another piece of equipment he carries is the Helm of Hades, which grants Hercules the ability to turn completely invisible for as long as he wears it. This invisibility is magic in nature, rendering him unable to be detected by even the gods. It is also forged out of adamantine, and has the added protection of shielding Herc against telepathic attacks.


It's literally a scouter that uses thermal imaging to scan targets for weak points and openings.

Golden Mace

Herc's signature weapon is his Golden Mace, made of unbreakable Adamantine. It was created in order to match Thor's hammer Mjolnir, and it has repeatedly proven itself capable of doing just that

Sword of Peleus

Herc's second most well known weapon is his Sword of Peleus. Despite being the size of an average to large knife, he can expertly utilise and swing it with the same ferocity as if it was a broadsword. Not only is it powerful accompanied with Herc's might, but by itself it is also sharp enough to cut through molecules.

Shield of Perseus

A durable shield that Herc usually wields alongside his sword. Apart from being tough, it was imbued with the face of Medusa, allowing Herc to petrify those who happen to look into her face. However, it's important to note that the effect is not permanent, and those with powerful regenerative abilities can break out of it quicker.


Herc's main weapon of long-range combat is his bow. As he has long ago lost his signature arrows coated in Hydra poison, he now instead uses arrows composed out of the feathers of the Birds of Stymphalis that are reportedly capable of cleaving through any armor, natural or man-made.


Herc isn't above packing parabellum, and in modern time carries several powerful firearms. One time, he whipped out a large rifle to use against a crowd of centaurs.

Grenade Launcher

When fighting a group of Gigantes, Herc utilised a special Grenade Launcher that fired shells filled with custom made smoke charges mixed with resin incense and camphor. The weapon itself was just used to weaken them before Herc himself goes in for the punch.

Energy Rifle

One time, he randomly had a giant rifle that shot energy beams.



When Herc wishes to fight without killing someone, he typically uses a high-voltage taser.

Pegasus Chariot

When he wants to travel through the air, Hercules uses a flying chariot pulled by a mighty Pegasus.

Powers and Abilities

Wonder Woman

Superhuman Physique

As expected of a hight-tier comic book character, Diana's physical capabilities are far beyond any mortal could ever imagine. She is one of DC's all time heavyweight champs, and possesses not only great strength and durability, but also incredible speed, agility and manoeuvrability.


Diana is capable of quick and unrestricted flight of both skyward and interstellar distances.

Warrior Training

Hailing from a society where you're literally trained to fight before you can say your own name, it's no suprise that Diana can more than hold her own in a one on one fight. 

She has been trained by master martial artists such as the legendary I-Ching, and her skills in combat has been described as "unparalleled".

And she has more than kept up this training as a member of the Justice League. She is a frequent sparring partner for Superman and Manhunter, even being capable of holding her own against the best of the JL while blindfolded. There's a reason Batman considers her the best melee fighter in the world, after all.


Thanks to her divine blessings, Diana is capable of understanding and communicating with all sorts of animals. The best example of this is when she talked to and commanded an entire horde of dinosaurs.


Diana can teleport, both as a flash of light and via mystic portals. She's even capable of teleporting large groups of people alongside herself.


Diana also possesses the ability to telepathically communicate with people from far distances away. Because at this point, why not, right?

Soul Manipulation

Even outside of her lasso, Diana for whatever reason possesses the divine ability to manipulate souls. She can see and interact with normally invisible spirits, heal shattered and factured souls, and even punch people so hard, she inflicts an exorcism on them. 



Being a divine entity sculpted from mystic clay by the gods, its not outlandish that Diana possesses some levels of immortality. Most notably, her ageing is extremely slow acting, meaning that she will (and literally has) remain in peak physical condition for centuries. 

And although by no means unkillable, she possesses a potent healing factor that allows her to regenerate from most fatal wounds. She was able to completely recover from a massive head trauma, compound fractures, and multiple organ failures in only three hours.


A bi-effect of being a descendant diety is that its hard to control your full strength, and Diana knows this more than anyone else. Thus, a secondary purpose of her Bracelets of Submissions is to restrain her godly might so that she doesn't accidentally harm civilians.

In this "Godforce" state, Diana is powerful enough to match fight on par with incredibly powerful godlike entries such as Firstborn, who is capable of destroying the entirety of the Underword plane of existence. 


Superhuman Physique

As the son of the king of the Olympian gods, Hercules possesses incredible superhuman buffs. Despite being half-human, his strength, speed and durability dwarfs most superhumans in his universe, even being considered one of the strongest actual gods to exist. He is the literal god of strength after all, and he more than makes use of this power in whatever tussle he gets into.


By clapping his hands together real hard, Hercules can create a powerful shockwave that is capable of dissipating hurricanes, putting out infernos, and knocking out fellow warriors.

Hand-to-Hand Combat

Having been a trained warriors for a few thousand years, Hercules is incredibly skilled at unharmed hand-to-hand combat. Thor stated that out of the two, Herc was the better fighter, and he has showed this skill in times such as when he organised a wrestling match where anyone was allowed to challenge him, and he still swept the competition, even against warriors like Wolverine and the Thing.


Hercules has showcased his impeccable senses, like when they allowed him to realise that someone was following him without any indication, and when he managed to figure out that Yellowjacket was hiding in a closet spying on him.

Laser Vision

"lol" said Hercules, "lmao"



Hercules is immortal, meaning that he cannot die of old age, he doesn't need to breathe, he can drink enough to knock out an elephant with no ill effects, and has a healing factor that allows him to regenerate deadly wounds in short timeframes.

According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Hercules (bottom, second column) cannot be killed in conventional means, and it requires an injury of such magnitude that it incinerates or disperses a major amount of his molecules to kill him. Even in those cases, Zeus or one of the other gods might resurrect him upon death.


Wonder Woman








Reminder that this guy feels the need to carry around a bow and arrows.




Wonder Woman 


Although questionably comparable to Superman going all out, Diana has been capable of keeping up with the Man of Steel in combat numerous times.

The Flash(es)

While we know for a fact that Diana is slower than Flashes Barry Allen and Wally West, she is officially faster than the rest of the Flash Family. She should be comparable to the other two when they're not going all out.

Lantern Corps

Diana is capable of drawing blood from Green Lantern Hal Jordan and effortlessly shatter his constructs.

Other DC Heroes

Martian Manhunter: Scaling to Superman should make her comparable to Martian Manhunter.
Zatanna: Zee has implied that Wonder Woman is the stronger of the two.
Dr Fate: By scaling to the likes of Superman and Green Lantern, Wonder Woman should compare to Doctor Fate.
Skyfather Shenaningans
(Wether Diana should scale to the following comes down to your opinion)

Superboy-Prime: Martian Manhunter has survived fighting Superboy Prime and taken hits from him, so it stands to belive Diana could too.
The Spectre: Characters like Black Adam and Shazam can fight and damage the Spectre, so Diana should compare.
Darkseid: Since Darkseid is Superman's main nemesis, it stands to reason that Diana, who fights Clark all the time, should be able to take on the big D as well.


Thor Odinson

This shouldn't be a suprise. Thor and Herc are constantly throwing hands with each other, and have been stated numerous times to be near-equals in power. They once even battled for almost an hour straight with no victor in sight.

The Incredible Hulk

Bruce Banner himself has specifically stated that Hercules is one of the few people capable of taking down the Hulk by himself.

The Sentry

Hercules once casually caught Sentry by the cape while he was flying at him with the intent of attack. When Sentry threatened to unleash his full power, Hercules' response was to knee him in the dick. 
Other Marvel Heroes

  • Wolverine can fight in Blightspoke, a realm above the multiverse where collapsed realities are stored. In this fight, entire universes shattered around and atop Logan but he was able to continue fighting.
Skyfather Shenaningans
(like with Diana, this scaling depends on your views)

The Chaos King: Herc can beat up sentry, who in turn can physically box with the Chaos King.


I am not going into detail on this section, partially because I hate VS related cosmology talk and partially because it doesn't ultimately matter much in the end.

Marvel and DC's respective universes have established sizes, being 1 Trillion lightyears and 100 Trillion lightyears respectively. However, it's possible to calculate more accurate sizes considering their ages and rate of expansion, which gives numbers that go way into higher digits. No matter which of these alternatives you buy, DC's universe is significantly larger. 

However, both universes also have several statements of being ininite in size. Taking these at face value, the energy required to destroy them would be equivalent (disregarding any additional spatial dimensions).

Attack Potency is further equalised if you buy Skyfather tier scaling for both characters. While it has some differences, the sizes of both series cosmological structures are ultimately on a similar scope of unmeasurability. 

So, with finite statements, DC wins. With infinite statements and/or multiversial scaling, its a tie. Whatever you consider more usable is up to you.


Wonder Woman

Diana is one of DC's most powerful warriors for a good reason... but she isn't perfect. For starters, she has extra difficulty bridging the gap between goddess and human, always being afraid that her powers will burst out and hurt innocents. World of Cardboard, if you will. This is the reason she keeps her true powers contained by the Bracelets of Submission.

However, the weakness you likely think of first is her extra vulnerability to piercing weapons. While her divine skin is impenetrable to most attacks, it doesn't take more than a sharp enough sword or a bullet with enough firepower behind it to cause some serious damage.

And yes, I feel obliged to mention that up until the 1980's, Diana and all amazons had a weakness to being bound by men, which would make them lose their powers. Thankfully, that was retconned and never mentioned ever again.


The writers. 

No, seriously. If you're reading a Marvel story and Hercules shows up in it, there is a 95% chance that it will end with him getting his ass kicked.

As for actual weaknesses, despite his millenia of battle experience, Herc often goes into a fight fists first, brains second. He is known to make brash decisions and not think until he gets himself in trouble, relying on brute force to get though obstacles.


Wonder Woman

  • Statstomps with finite stats.
  • Equivalent with infinite stats.
  • More nimble and acrobatic.
  • Likely the better trained of the two.
  • Better strategist
  • More esoteric abilities and arsenals.
  • Lightning vs Wonder Woman OMM
  • Bisexual icon.
  • Physically weaker.
  • Worse healing factor.
  • Most weapons can't put Herc down.
  • Rogue vs Wonder Woman, Thor vs Wonder Woman, She-Ra vs Wonder Woman.
  • Injustice
  • Related to Zeus 


  • Equivalent with infinite stats.
  • Broader and more versatile arsenal.
  • Far greater healing factor.
  • Almost just cannot be killed by Diana.
  • Bisexual icon.
  • Far weaker with finite stats.
  • Likely not as well trained.
  • Not much of a strategist.
  • Has a tendency to not think ahead.
  • More clumsy, bigger target.
  • The writers hate him
  • Related to Zeus


Loka Fåghel

Hey its me, Loka! The individual who wrote and researched this thing! Thanks for checking out my first ever prediction blog (The first of many, hopefully!)

I love both of these characters (I do prefer Herc, but don't tell Diana that I said that), and this is easily one of my most wanted Death Battle matchups. But enough of that, who do i think wins?

Well, im not gonna sugarcoat it, this is genuinely an incredibly difficult verdict to figure out. Both of them have insane feats and scaling, as well as quite frankly broken arsenals, so lets dissect this bit by bit.

Starting with stats, I'm just gonna pussy out and say that they're completely even. Both scale so high into their respective cosmologies that numbers eventually just start to feel meaningless, and both of their universes should be similarily infinite anyways. That being said, I do think Diana is naturally more nimble and acrobatic (Herc is kind of a big lug, after all), while Hercules has the better endurance and physical strength (Bench pressing universes > moving planets).

Now, that by itself is not at all enough to call a victor, so let's get into the more nitty gritty of arsenal and abilities. Both can heal from fatal injuries, but Diana does have her weakness to piercing weapons, while Herc could likely take advantage of if he figured it out. Another point for Hercules is that I'm confident in giving him the superior healing factor, requiring a majority of his molecules to be destroyed in order to kill him. That, alongside his resistances to atomic fuckery, soul shenanigans and mind probing, immediately gives him what is basically a complete immunity to 90% of Diana's arsenal.

Unfortunately for Herc, those last 10% consist of the Bolt of Zeus, Star sapphire Ring, Bracelets of Submission, and the Godwave Sword. 

Hercules may have taken electric zaps before, but not ones capable of one-shotting someone who is an equal to Zeus, and the Lantern Ring, well.... Its a Lantern Ring.

But alright, Herc can heal from the bolts damage and the ring is non-standard, sure. That still leaves us with those pesky cuffs, which I find hard to give an argument for Herc to shatter. They can defend from attacks from Nekron after all, a guy capable of fighting off dozens of Lanterns simultaneously. Even if he did get past them, doing so would only unleash Diana's full strength. Taking into considerstion that many of her equivalent feats are done when Diana is wearing the bracelets, things are starting to not look good for Herc.

And then there's the Godwave Sword which, I will not lie, ultimately was the tipping point for me in this debate. The Godwave is responsible for the creation of basically every single higher dimensional force in the multiverse, and channeling even a fraction of that would just be too much for everyone's favourite demigod, more than dispering his atoms enough to kill him, just like it did to Ares.

Add onto that Diana's more tactical mind, flight, and teleportation, I belive she would be more than capable of avoiding Herc's attack, wittle him down, and strike the killing blow with a good ol' Godwave. It'll be far from a clear-cut match, but I ultimately belive that Wonder Woman will be the one to recieve the Herculean victory.

But don't just take it from me, I invited some of my closest friends to give their own thoughts on this matchup. I wrote this before they sent their own answers in, so lets see what they have to say.


(Your story is odd, I heard it a lot, and I believe in unusual fights-)

Woooo Ancient Greece baby love Ancient Greece! Hercules is really cool, Diana has some alright stories, that's as much backstory with these characters as I have so let's get to it

Comparing the physical is always a bit of a headache when it comes to the greatest heavy hitters of Marvel and DC, since they're usually pretty directly comparable, to the point where trying to figure out who's better is always a losing battle. For all Wonder Woman's scaling to Superman, there's Hercules scaling to Thor and Hulk! For all of Woman Woman scaling to Flash's impossible speeds, there's Hercules scaling to Silver Surfer and... Thor... again...

And for all the skyfather top tier shit Diana has dealt with, Hercules just has to have some good old Thor scaling, the solution to every problem! So I'm just gonna call them equal and not bother.  So where do we go from here?

Well, when it comes to their equipment and abilities, it seems pretty clear that Diana has the edge. Even ignoring stuff like the Star Sapphire Ring, which is pretty easy to consider non-standard, from her Lasso, to her tiara, to stuff like the Bolt of Zeus and being able to freely teleport anywhere, Diana's arsenal is a lot more useful than most of Herc's stuff, although the Shield of Perseus and the Helm of Hades make for a great combo that can allow him to get some really good damage in.

And while both have really solid counters to most of each other's abilities, Hercules is pretty one-note in that regard. He punches the best, what more do you really need? (laser eyes) But it does mean Diana is generally more versatile, which to me feels like a pretty decent advantage considering how close they are in nearly every other regard, and the added mobility of flight doesn't hurt. Even when it comes to experience, these two are gods that have been around for a reallyyyy long time, so that's not really an advantage for either.

This is a really close and I honestly believe it could go either way, but it's no Wonder who I'm going for.

(I-it's Wonder Woman. Just to be clear)


Hi everyone! It’s me Dani and welcome to my verdict for Wonder Woman vs Hercules! I’m a big fan of both characters and the series that they come from, so I’m happy that I’m here to give my opinion on who I think would win a Death Battle. I don’t have anything else to say, so let’s get right into it!

Stats-wise, I do think that Wonder Woman would take it. Hercules is incredibly strong and fast, but I believe that scaling to Supes and members of the Flash family even when they aren’t going all-out would give Diana a slight advantage over Herc. Even then, fighting on par with Hal would help. Hercules is able to keep up with the likes of Thor and Sentry, but their feats aren’t as impressive as those done by the heroes and villains Diana has fought in the past. As impressive as punching Galactus in the dick is, scaling to someone who fought The World Forger does give her the edge.

Next, I want to discuss abilities and arsenals. This was the hardest one to choose, because both have advantages in some way. Hercules had a range advantage thanks to his rifle and grenade launcher (I love Marvel comic books), but Wonder Woman has more options for defense thanks to her Bracelets of Submission, shield, and Golden Armor. Ultimately, I believe that Diana would more than likely hold the advantage here too. Not only does she have more options for defending herself (with her having three options for defense while Herc only has a singular shield), but she also has a lantern ring, which would give her a massive versatility advantage thanks to a lantern rings’ only limit being the imagination, which is something that Hercules doesn’t have.

Hercules is an incredibly powerful fighter and does hold advantages of his own, such as his greater amount of ranged weaponry and high endurance (and him kneeing Sentry in the crotch is a huge win), but ultimately, I believe that Wonder Woman has what it takes to give Herc an incredible fight… before like, chopping his head off or something.

That’s all from me, I hope you enjoyed listening to what I had to say! Thank you Loka for giving me the opportunity to be on here and I hope that I can be in more of these in the future (if there are any) because it was a ton of fun :)





Ok yeah comics are bullshit, but I’m going to go off on a limb here and sayyyyyyyy

Diana why not.

It’s close as shit, and they have resistances to a lot of each other’s hax, so I genuinely have no clue. But reading this blog over and over again, I’ve had…almost no time to think because Covid has been fucking me up. But I’m still standing (yeah yeah yeah). I could change who I think wins, as these two are just insanely cracked. Like dawg Diana literally throws her lasso into the speed force, and Hercules scales to Sentry who boxes with the fucking Chaos King.

I’m not a debater by any stretch of the mean so I could be very wrong, but for now I’m gonna side with Wonder Woman.


Running through this dense debate, I’m siding with Wonder Woman. Stats wise, both could easily surpass and match the other. Strength wise, both can be comparable to the likes of Zatanna and Hulk, who can impact the entire multiverse with ease. Scaling to the Silver Surfer’s reality breaking speed is impressive though Diana being beyond all but four speedsters is a title that few can match. Diana can take beatdowns from Ares and an Amazo with both her and Superman’s powers while Herc got beaten bloody by Zeus himself. Accounting for the link to Odin in strength and low-scale Flashes breaking logic with ease, I’m feeling comfortable with Diana having an edge in speed, Herc a leg up in durability, and both able to match the other blow for blow in battle.

The real meat of the debate comes down to how they can use those slight advantages with their skills and tools. Her/ soul defenses and casual resistance of Ghost Rider’s flames would dampen much of the support from the Lasso of Truth. Herc’s likely been fighting for far longer than Diana, but she’s shown far greater skill in general, such as when she fought off five of the JL top dogs blindfolded. That same awareness would put a hamper on the Helm of Hades in tandem with her magical resistance. The Shield of Perseus could freeze Diana, but only momentarily given her regenerative powers. Both even have swords that can slice through atoms, something Herc would logically have a resistance to.

But where one of Diana’s blades falls short, her other makes up for it in spades. Aside from its incredible power, the Godwave Sword has been shown to kill immortals. By equating this to the god of strength, it could bypass some of his immortal blessings, most notably, regeneration. While neither have regeneration at the speed of characters like Wolverine or Hulk, they are still great booms for long battles. And with how close the stats in the debate are, a long battle is all but assured for these two. With Herc himself having no way around Diana’s immortality and regeneration, he’s earning himself more and more wounds while his opponent manages to heal those same injuries over the course of the battle.

Both warriors could match the other almost blow for blow, but Diana’s speed, skill, and steel were enough to take down the God of Strength.

It may have been a labor, but Diana turned that hero to a zero.


Hello there!

Soma here and it's an incredible pleasure to be a part of this prediction blog. Loka's one of my absolute best friends, and I adore comics, so this was just the perfect opportunity to come and give my two cents on the battle. And speaking of, let's get into Diana vs Hercules without any further delay.

So, addressing the elephant in the room right away: Stats and Cosmology. As Loka's explained above, both DC and Marvel's cosmology is so absurdly large and infinite that both are equally comparable. If you care to only regard finite size for them both, DC's ends up larger, but it's far more reasonable that both are indeed infinite. With both Diana and Hercules scaling to feats and characters who can threaten and cross these infinite universes, multiverses and beyond (such as Superman and Thor), the issue of stats becomes a mostly non-factor, as both are equal in this regard.

So that leaves us with the multitude of tertiary factors, which is where the fun begins. Both Diana and Hercules are extremely skilled warriors with thousands of years training and in direct combat. They've fought with the best their worlds have to offer, and are among the greatest fighters ever seen in comics. They have enhanced senses which can alert them to their enemies, healing factors which can regenerate from fatal wounds, and similarly resist many things like heat, cold, electricity, existence erasure, mind, age, death, soul and atomic manipulation; the list goes on. They're rather evenly matched in many regards, however there are a few key differences in abilities which does begin to paint a clear picture of the victor.

Firstly, Diana is able to fly entirely on her own. Hercules is otherwise landlocked without his Pegasus Chariot, which still doesn't offer him as much manoeuvrability as Diana's free-flying. And not that Wondie is the type to do this, but if the Pegasi are hurt or killed, it would remove Here's ability to match Wonder Woman's flight from the picture entirely. Her capability to remain in the air and use that to her advantage is a very notable one. Sure, Hercules has laser vision, but Diana can also teleport, further adding to her superior movement options, and she's more than capable of deflecting energy beams of similar power with the Bracelets of Submission, like Superman's Heat Vision.

Both have wielded modern day weaponry such as firearms, but Hercules' additional usage of laser guns, grenade launchers and taser does provide more versatility, though all of this comes up short when compared to their regular arsenal, as these weapons were mainly used when both had been de-powered. Hercules' Helm of Hades offers very useful invisibility, undetectable by even the magic of the gods, but he is still physically present, and Diana would eventually be able to pick up on this with her enhanced senses and warrior training. His Shield of Perseus is likely superior to Wonder Woman's own shield, in that it is able to cause petrification while hers does not offer any additional effects, though Diana would be able to break out of it without too much difficulty. Contrastingly, Herc's Sword of Peleus is very impressive, able to cut even molecules, but Wonder Woman's Sword of Hephaestus goes even further, going down to the atomic level. In a direct clash between the two, Hercules' blade would give out first.

Thankfully, he also has his Adamantine Mace and Bow. Admittedly, the latter is less useful given Diana's teleportation and ability to block similar projectiles with the Bracelets of Submission, but Herc's Golden Mace consistently clashing against Thor's very own Mjolnir proves it to be a reliable option against the princess of Themyscira. Though this is where Wonder Woman really begins to shine. She still has a number of options left available to her, such as her Tiara, which is able to decapitate even immortal gods, or her Lasso of Truth, which has flames that even the gods do not resist, and can destroy souls with no escape. Hercules has faced similar abilities before, but Diana's plethora of options would begin to overpower Hercules sooner or later.

Furthermore, she also has access to the Godwave Sword, which can kill immortal gods like Ares, the Bolt of Zeus (favouritism much?) his very own lightning bolt which could decimate Poseidon in a single attack, the Golden Armour, which boasts even more defence than her regular armour (both of which protect her more than Hercules' own), and the Star Sapphire Ring. Not only does it boost her physical abilities even more than normal, but she can also crystallise her targets, manipulate energy and create constructs, make forcefields, and much more. With so much to throw out at Hercules, it's unlikely that the God of Strength would be able to hold out against such an overpowering onslaught.

Hercules has bracelets of his own, but they serve no greater purpose than protection. Diana's Bracelets of Submission are additionally meant as a way of keeping her godly powers in check. If she takes them off, she's able to fully access the Godforce, which increases her already insane strength to new heights. While Hercules may have matched Diana before, empowerment from the Godforce and Star Sapphire Ring mean that she'll always have more ways to boost herself and gain the edge. Especially given that she is a far smarter and more tactical combatant.

Hercules tends to rush into battles head-first and brute force every problem, which usually doesn't end well for him and he has to create solutions at the last minute. With her clearer head, Wonder Woman would definitely be able to use her superior arsenal and abilities to her advantage here, and her better win-loss record proves it. While she may be more vulnerable to piercing weapons like Hercules' Sword of Peleus, her own Sword of Hephaestus would be able to take it out of the picture, and Hercules' arrows are finite resources. With those gone, he's down to blunt methods of attack and it's simply a matter of time before Diana is able to seal the deal.

While both children of Zeus are evenly matched in many ways, once you start to dig deeper into the intricacies of their abilities, Diana simply has a lot more useful options available to her to take the advantage and end the fight. Due to her extreme versatility, superior arsenal, more intelligent mind and varied ways to increase her power even further, it's no wonder that I believe the victor should be Diana Prince, the Wonder Woman.

Thanks so much again for having me on! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!


Team Wonder Woman: 6 (Loka, Chris, Dani, Tsar, Mannington, Soma / Everyone)

Team Hercules: 0 (we still love you, buddy)


  1. So.....does this mean you think Diana beats Thor, or would that be a whole other story for a whole different post?

    1. In all honesty, I'm unsure on who I think wins that. Thor has a LOT more abilities than Herc and almost certainly scales higher nowadays. I'd be interested to do a deep dive on that at some point in the future, but for now I think it's likely Thor wins.


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