Prediction Blog: Doomfist vs Sundowner

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
- George Orwell, 1984

Doomfist, the conflict-seeking leader of the Talon terrorist group.

Sundowner, the war-loving leader of the Desperado Military Enforcement. 

War is a terrible thing, we can all agree on that. Needless violence, uncountable deaths, scars that are unable to heal... it's horrifying for sure. But... maybe that's just one way to look at things. Maybe war could be... a good thing? (For legal reasons, Loka nor Shadowbird Studios as a whole takes accountability of this statement)

Molded by the flames of warfare first hand, these two cyborg enforcers clawed their ways to the top of the foodchain. But like in any war, there can only truly be one victor. Can the indomitable will of the Winds of Destruction topple over the literal iron fist of Talon? Let's find out!

Before we begin...

There's actually not anything to specify for this matchup as it's a fairly straightforward one. Like Shino vs Wriggle, these guys have screentime that would make Sauron blush. 

What this section is actually for is introducing how I will handle credit moving forwards. In my earlier blogs, I've felt as if I didn't handle crediting my sources very well, but that stops now. From this blog onwards, I will credit everything accordingly, and it will be in this "before we begin" section. Let me use this first instance as an example on how it will look:

Everything else will be linked accordingly in the blog proper. 



Born to a wealthy family in Nigeria, young Akande Ogundimu was set for a rich life thanks to his parents prostethic-technology company. With his future secured, Akande felt as though he could do anything, and trained his body to become a powerhouse, mastering multiple martial arts to boot.

However, everything changed when Akande became involved in the ongoing Omnic Crisis, which resulted in the loss of his right arm. Although his family's company could easily replace the limb, Akande began to feel lost. Without the challenge and crucible of competition, he no longer had anything to strive for, and set out on a journey of self-discovery. It was then that he would meet the man who would change his life forever. Akinjide Adeyemi, the current "Doomfist".

Akinjide saw Akande's potential, and brought him into Talon, a global terrorist group who planned to keep the conflict between humans and omnics alive for the betterment of mankind. Under Akinjide's tutoring, Akande became even more of a formidable warrior, a powerful leader, and respected amongst his peers. It wasn't long before Akande made a decision which he saw as for the fateful good of Talon. He slayed his former master, and took both his title and the signature Doomfist Gauntlet for himself.  

This new Doomfist would quickly begin transforming Talon into a terrifyingly elite military enforcement, powerful enough to crush anyone who got into their way... anyone besides Overwatch, the global peace task force, who would lead a strike team that managed to actually capture him. 

But although he was locked up in a maximum security prison, Doomfist never wavered. Talon continued their operations with the knowledge that he would one day break out, and the moment he did, he would go back and retake his place, ready to drive the organization and humanity to its natural point of refinement through global conflict. Because power means nothing if you do not put it to proper use. 


Born to a poor family in Alabama US, the young Sundowner struggled to get through school thanks to his family's financial situation, meaning that he would never be accepted into a college and instead opted to serve in the military. Out on the fields, Sundowner quickly realised that he had a speciality in warfare, partaking in the invasion of Panama, the Gulf War, the Iraq War, and Afghanistan, where he recked up an impressive body count. 

After a few decades of military service, he dropped out of the force in order to become a personal mercenary for various high-ranking PMC's, where he became well known for leaving behind copious amounts of blood from his victims, reportedly enough to create a sunset. And thus, he earned the nickname "Sundowner".

Years later, the military Sons of the Patrios program officially shut down, leaving Sundowner feeling angered by the now waning war economy which he loved so much. And so, Sundowner travelled to Africa with the intent of killing prime minister N'Mani in order to distribute the peace and cause the land to descend into chaos once more. It was during this personal quest that he would meet Raiden, a former child soldier and victim of the Patriots, who wound up being forced to put a stop to Sundowner's goals and do battle with his own personal PMC; Desperado Enforcement LLC.

Whatever fate he ended up having, Sundowner saw his mission through until the very end, and always lived by his own philosophy. As they say, war has changed, and when the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine. 



Hand Cannon

Attached to his non-Doom fist, Akande has a fittingly titled Hand Cannon, a shotgun esque weapon that automatically reloads after every use. Comes with short range, a wide-spread effect, and surprisingly high damage. 

Doomfist Gauntlet

The big daddy of punchiness itself, Doomfist naturally wields... the Doomfist! This behemoth of a gauntlet is far too heavy for any ordinary man to wield effectively, and is reportedly strong enough to smash apart a skyscraper. In addition to that, it has a number of features Doomfist can utilise. 
  • Rocket Punch: Charging up the thrusters on the gauntlet, Doomfist rockets forward with an extremely powerful punch, dealing immense damage to the target, which is further increased should they impact with a wall afterwards. 
  • Seismic Slam: Doomfist leaps high into the air before crashing down, striking the ground to create a damaging shockwave while pulling foes towards him. 
  • Rising Uppercut: Doomfist jumps up after a target and catches them in the air with a powerful upwards blow. 
  • Power Block: Doomfist holds his gauntlet in front of himself for defence, lowering damage taken by up to 80%, while also increasing the damage dealt by his next Rocket Punch. 
  • Meteor Strike: Doomfist's ultimate attack, where he leaps skyward before careening into the ground like a meteorite, crushing anyone who happens to be unfortunate enough to be beneath him at the time. 

Car Door

For when a foe is just out of punching range. 


Cyborg Body

As the official rule of Metal Gear power scaling goes, if you want to be stronger than spies in spandex, you've gotta become half machine. Okay, that's not an official rule, but it still applies. At some unknown point in his life for unknown reasons, Sundowner outfitted part of his body with metallic replacements, not only making him far stronger and faster than any human, but also to provide additional protection like body armour. 

The standard military grade cyborg body (which Sundowner more than certainly compared to) is capable of surviving days without breathing. Even if their respiratory system is disabled, they can access an emergency supply of liquid oxygen which even allows them to live after being sliced into pieces.


The most unique feature of Sundowner's cybernetic body though 
are the six reactive shields that he can attach to it, all controlled independently via their own mechanical limbs. Sundowner can use these for a powerful charge, a sweeping backhand attack, and, of course, for defence. What's unique about the defensive part, however, is that striking anything besides the very edges of the shield will trigger an explosive reaction, launching the would be attacker back. 


Sundowner's ace weapons for slicing and dicing, the Bloodlust are a pair of huge cleaver executioner-type swords that can also be mounted in a bracket to allow for them to function as a pair of oversized shears. The weapon can also charge up a devastating chopping attack powerful enough to cut down any target. 

But naturally, the most important function they possess is the one that comes with being a High-Frequency weapon, namely their ability to vibrate at such immense speeds that they are able to disrupt the atomic bonds between its targets, cutting apart their quantum particles on the planck scale. If you don't speak science, it means that they are basically able to slice through any material with very minor resistance. 


Sliders are Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) outfitted with AIM-9X Sidewinder Missiles and designed for taking down grounded enemies from above. Under Sundowner's command, Desperado acquired several dozen Sliders to utilise for their goals.

While they're useful when you don't want to get your hands dirty, Sundowner knows first hand that they can also be a real pain in the ass


Also known as Canard Rotor / Wings, the Hammerhead Helicopters are mass produced in the dozens and sold off to private military enforcements. Naturally, Desperado aquired some of these as well. Alongside the same missiles as the Sliders, they also come outfitted with a chin-mounted M230 Chaingun

While Sundowner usually only calls on these for aerial support, he's known to catch a ride on them when he's needed to

Metal Gear RAY

The RAY went through an interesting journey on this blog. At first, it was here, because Sundowner directly utilised one during his quest to assassinate N'Mani, showcasing that Desperado has access to them... but then I removed it because Raiden hacked it apart so they probably don't have it anymore. 

And then I checked out the Jetstream Sam DLC and it just turns out they have several of the things. Since they can just casually use one for Sam's glorified job interview, they've probably got quite a few of them too. 

The RAY that Sundowner has accessed to is an unpilotable gear, meaning that it operates by itself, presumably controlled by an on-board AI. In terms of weaponry, the RAY can swing its tail as a melee attack, or utilise its custom enormous plasma blade. Its also outfitted with tons of cruise and homing missiles, several machineguns, and a massive chargeable plasma cannon

Mistral & Monsoon Body Doubles

Get yourself a friend willing to keep a spare duplicate of your body piloted by an emotionless AI around. What a nice guy, that Sundowner. 

After Raiden hacked these two members of the Winds of Destruction to pieces, Sundowner made sure to download a copy of them in order to continue using their unique skills, because being dead doesn't mean you're out of duty... but then Raiden hacked them to pieces too. Oh well, it's the thought that counts. 

As these bots were designed in the image of Mistral and Monsoon and carried replicas of their weapons, they showcased the ability to utilise their exact combat techniques and the unique power sets of their custom cyborg bodies. 
  • Mistral, the Cold Wind of France, utilised a unique pole-arm known as "L'Etranger", which is capable of shifting between a two-sided spear, whip, and improvised grapple hook at will. Its is composed out of the same Tripod Dwarf Gekkos that make up the additional set of seven arms on her back, meaning she can reform it at command since the little dudes follow her wherever she goes. 
  • Monsoon, the Wind of Southeast Asia, wielded a pair of magnetic sai called "Dystopia", which can grapple onto targets and send electric surges into them, as well as a belt of red phosphorous grenades to blind foes. More significant tough was his cyborg bodies ability to magnetically dislodge itself into parts, allowing him to repair it instantly, fire his body parts as projectiles, and instinctively dodge attacks. If you wanna take him apart, you gotta hit the head. Finally, he was capable of manipulating electromagnetism to such a point where he could throw around cars, helicopters, and entire stone monuments with ease. 









  • Is fuckin' invincible 
  • Leader of the Desperado Enforcement LLC.
  • Partook in military service for most of his life.
  • Fought in the invasion of Panama, the Gulf War, the Iraq War, and Afghanistan.
  • Likely had to fight against Senator Armstrong in order to join Desperado, like Sam did. 
  • Killed Prime Minister N'Mani.
  • Jumps like... really good.







Befitting his status and title, Doomfist doesn't have many exploitable weaknesses that could be taken advantage of. He's a talented leader, strategist, and warrior... but there are a few things. For instance, outside of his short-ranged hand cannon, Doomfist lacks any way to fight from far distances,meaning he has to get in close to deal damage. 

In addition to that, the gauntlet isn't perfect even when he gets in close. The fact that it's a blunt weapon means getting through armoured foes may be difficult, which isn't helped by the fact that several of its unique abilities are on a cooldown after each use, most importantly the super powerful Meteor Strike. 


Although Sundowner is an incredibly skilled and deadly warrior, he has his fair share of flaws. While he more than knows his way around blades, he's known to be quite overconfident and underestimates his foes, which would ultimately lead to his death. His cyborg body is also susceptive to strong electrical charges, such as those from EMP's, which could momentarily disable and stun him. 

And while his shields may be difficult to work around, all that's required to permanently remove them from the equation is a single attack to the mechanical limbs controlling them. Finally, while Bloodlust's HF vibrations render them capable of slicing through most materials, they're not perfect, as other HF weapons have showcased to be ineffective against far tougher materials



  • Bald
  • Likely the overall smarter combatant
  • Has a history with taking advantage of weak points
  • Less exploitable weaknesses 
  • Superior hand to hand combatant 
  • Faster to a quite frankly ridiculous degree
  • Doesn't have any reliable methods of defending against Bloodlust 
  • His strongest attacks are on a cooldown 
  • Sundowner's heaps of backup could present a challenge 
  • Far weaker and less durable 
  • Blizzard


  • Also bald
  • More experienced with actual warfare 
  • Superior endurance and survivability 
  • Bloodlust can likely slice through Doomfist's entire kit, him included, given enough power 
  • Far stronger and more durable
  • Comes equipped with a shit ton of backup
  • Is fuckin' invincible (how can I still see him?)
  • Dead
  • Overconfidence is his fatal flaw
  • His fighting style could leave him open in combat, most notably his super powerful charge attack
  • His shields are easy for Doomfist to get rid off
  • Far, faaaaaaaaaaar slower
  • As it turns out, wasn't actually fuckin' invincible 
  • Touches kids



What do you mean you didn't commit war crimes in Kindergarten?

Doomfist vssss Sundoooowneeeeer

It's a matchup that while I'm not as active of a supporter as I used to be, I do quite still enjoy. Revengeance is one of my favourite games of all time, and Sundowner's character is one of the best in the game (He also has the best song, don't @ me). And while I never quite got into Overwatch in the same way, I played it enough to say that I consider Doomfist to be quite the cool guy as well. 

Anyways, war crimes. Comparing them directly, Sundowner holds a solid AP and durability advantage. As a direct equal to Raiden, he can compare to Monsoon's chucking and Raiden's subsequent tanking of relativistic APC's clocking in at 66 Megatons at the lowest, which dwarfs Doomfist comparing to the 33 Megaton volcanic bullet by at the very lowest two times over. 

Speed however, is a different story. Even blitzing Raiden doesn't come close to even a fraction of the speeds Doomfist gets by nabbing Tracer in the middle of her Blinks, meaning that Akande should at the lowest be literally BILLIONS of times faster than Sundowner. 

This presents us in quite the interesting position. Sundowner is more than capable of one-shotting Doomfist, not only with his greater AP but also Bloodlust's HF cutting powers, while Doomfist is in turn way too quick for Sundowner to reliably hit. So, let's move on to the tertiary factors. 

Which Sundowner quite frankly dominate. 

His shields are a greater defence than Akande simply holding his gauntlet in front of himself (given how, if he ever tries to block an attack, he's getting chopped in half), his nanomachines can keep him going even if he's injured and can nullify his pain, and the absolute mountain of backup he can call in at any time means Doomfist is gonna struggle getting in close to him. He does have his fair share of AoE attacks, but that stuff ain't gonna work on Mistral and Monsoon, considering the AP difference. And while the Sliders and Hammerheads wouldn't be more than an annoyance, its still one that could work as a distraction, as while Doomfist can fight multiple foes at once, he's never faced such a varied group of enemies in one battle before. 

Ultimately, I believe it comes down to one of two possibilities. Can Sundowner distract Doomfist long enough to land the one hit he needs, or will Doomfist outmaneouvre all his foes and wear Sundowner down enough to overpower him?

And this is where the fine details matter.
Doomfist may be a well trained and respected leader, but Sundowner is experienced with actual real life warfare, and the fact that all of his support are controlled remotely via AI means that he likely has the war experience to work out a strategy to keep Doomfist busy. While he does have a ranged option in the form of his hand cannon, Doomfist largely prefers utilising his gauntlet for attacks, and while it's a potent weapon in its own right, it's a very restricted one. 

Doomfist needs to get in close to land a fatal blow against tougher opponents, and this means that he'll always be on the back foot against hordes of foes at once. Couple this with Sundowner’s tactical mind and experience, I believe he'd be able to play his cards right and set Doomfist up for the one attack he needs to cleave him in half. 

So, while Doomfist may have been a respected warrior and leader, the Desperado enforcer ultimately had the right weapon, support, and experience to make him the real Sun-downer

Get it

Its- it's like the pun and the winner announcement in the same word isn't that clever-


POV: Lee Harvey Oswald

Hi it's me, first time writing a verdict for a prediction blog like... ever. Thankfully, the MU in question is this case is both one I hold in high regard, as well as one that is fairly pretty simple to dissect.

So, that actual prediction right?

Starting with strength, Doomfist is infamous for being reported to be able to level skyscrapers, a, by all means, absurdly impressive feat that is reasonable to say, is also his overall most impressive. Other feats of his are not as impressive, but primarily in the same league, including possibly scaling to fellow Talon member Sigma, who's main schtick is creating black holes. Sundowner's noteworthy strength feats however come from his own scaling to Jack the Ripper himself, Raiden. For reference, Raiden was able to tank blows from Senator Armstrong and Monsoon, the latter of which was able to lift those APCs no problem, and on top of that, Raiden was able to take those on like a champ no less.

So, who has the advantage? Evidently Sundowner. While he has less feats to go by in comparison to Doomfist, his scaling to Raiden overshadows Doomfist's own set of feats almost completely. Point goes to Sundowner.

Speed-wise, we have Doomfist catching Tracer VS Sundowner's scaling to Raiden... again. Both are absurdly fast feats, clocking in at ludicrous speeds... buuuuuut Doomfist catching Tracer is far more impressive when taking into account her being able to blitz Omnics, who have been installed with the ability to process information in mere picoseconds. Sundowner blitzing Raiden (who's Blade Mode is also fucking ridiculous) is very much noteworthy, but still at the end of the day slower. Point for Doomfist.

Next up is durability. Both of them, again, have scaling to go by to decide who would have a more clear cut advantage, with Doomfist upscaling to D.Va and Sundowner scaling (once again) to Jack. Doomfist upscaling from D.Va is plenty noteworthy, especially since her surviving her Meka's explosion is a pretty good place to upscale Doomfist by, Raiden is, once more, far more impressive, what with him going toe-to-toe with Armstrong, the Excelsus and Monsoon, the last one of which alone eclipses D.Va's Meka. Another blatant point for Sundowner.

Now for Equipment, which is... very clear cut. While the Doomfist Gauntlet is a powerful weapon, it's the only note-worthy weapon Doomfist really has, whereas Sundowner has a perfect defense-offense combo (his shields), an also powerful CQC weapon (Bloodlust) and a shitton of backup (one of which being a copy of the previously mentioned Monsoon). An even more blatant point for Sundowner.

And finally their weaknesses and flaws, Doomfist's biggest one being that a good amount of his attacks involving the Gauntlet will still eventually face cooldown upon being used, as powerful as they are. Sundowner has it pretty bad too. While his shields are very effective weapons, they are easily exploitable if an opponent is on par or especially faster than him (such as Raiden) and they can be destroyed if done so, leaving him far more vulnerable than before. Both of these drawbacks are very much detrimental to both fighters, as they leave them basically defenseless for the most part... buuuuuuut in Sundowner's case it is slightly less detrimental, as while his primary weapon being destroyed is a huge disadvantage, the cooldown is not only far more of an inconvenience, but also deadly against an opponent who, as stated before, already takes the advantage in both power and durability. Doomfist loses a point on this one.

Final Decision?

Sundowner wins. Doomfist's speed may be superior, and isn't completely impossible to snag him a win, but way more times than not, Sundowner's superior strength and weaponry, as well as the fact that against Doomfist he's... well, basically fucking invincible, allows him to butcher Akande far more consistently, even with his shields destroyed.

POV: Lee Harvey Oswald


Lord I am so happy I'm covering a boss only character vs someone from overwatch after doing Shadow vs Mewtwo 😭 

Okay I'm starting with speed cuz it's obvious that Doomfist is faster, MFTL via scaling to Tracer blitzing omnics vs not that sounds very bad in Sundowner's favor, ergo this category goes to Doomfist

Strength, on the other hand might be a bit closer. Doomfist upscales from Sigma, who can create black holes, which gets to large town level (side note, thank you Loka for linking Discord screenshots that explicitly say what level feats get) as well as scaling to a giant mech that Genji and Mei could damage. Said robot could take getting hit by bullets with the energy of volcanic eruptions, which gets small city. Sundowner, in comparison, scales to Raiden, who can take getting his by Senator Armstrong, which got to 121 kilotons of TNT, as well as getting hit by an APC moving at realistic speeds, which got City level. Just from this, Sundowner should be stronger

Durability should also be in Sundowner's favor, due to his taking hits...cuts, from Raiden, who could flip a building sized metal gear over, ripping off one of it's swords, beating it in a swordfight, and cutting it to pieces faster than the eye can track. In comparison to Doomfist, who can take hits from Mei's ice ray, which could freeze a giant robot. Not as impressive in comparison. 

Equipment is also a wash for Sundowner because like bro can have like half of Metal Gear Rising's boss fights, himself included, on the battlefield which like, Monsoon could probably clown on Doomfist on his own, add Mistral, Metal Gear RAY, and Sundowner, Doomfist's actual opponent, and this is just Akande getting jumped at this point 💀 AND ON TOP OF THAT, Sundowner's scissor cleaver WHATEVERS, bloodlust, have the same high frequency capabilities as Raiden's sword, meaning that even if Doomfist was tougher, it wouldn't matter!

So, despite Doomfist's massive speed advantage, Sundowner, with his superior strength, durability, and backup should take this fight. 

Looks like Sundowner cut to the chase and beat Akande to the punch, let's GO I got a pun in!


Hello again! Soma here once more for Loka's amazing blogs, and I'm very thankful to take part.

For this matchup, I've really been back and forth on it again and again, having written and rewritten previous versions of the verdict, only to not feel satisfied out of indecision. I'll summarise how I see their stats, abilities, arsenals, etc comparing now before I get into the real depth of why it has been such a difficult decision to come to.

In terms of strength and durability, Doomfist scaling to the 33.5 Megaton bullet is outdone by Sundowner scaling to the impact of APCs at relativistic speeds, getting between 65.8 and 112.5 Megatons. So Sundowner is somewhere between just under twice as strong, or slightly over three times as strong, but the difference in speed is absurdly more drastic. Sundowner gets around 12% the speed of light from Jack the Ripper Blade Mode Raiden and Solid Snake dodging sensor beams, but Doomfist being capable of blitzing Omnics, which can perceive and react within Picoseconds, and keeping up with Tracer, who did the same, puts him well into the range of billions of times faster than light. That is an absolutely insane difference in speed, yet it's still an absurdly close matchup all the same.

Doomfist is overall likely the more intelligent of the two, though Sundowner is still incredibly smart in his own right, and would narrowly edge out Akande in terms of direct combat and warfare experience. Doomfist's Hand Cannon and Gauntlet are very helpful, but some of the stronger abilities of the latter run on a cooldown, and Sundowner's cybernetic body means actually taking hits is less worrisome for him, as he has nanomachines that dull his pain, control his emotions and he can afford to have non-vital parts of him damaged. Whereas Doomfist's natural human body is still vulnerable to wounds, bleeding out, fatigue and the like.

However, Sundowner's massive arsenal is pivotal for his chances at victory. His shields are helpful at blocking damage and redirecting it back to Doomfist, plus Bloodlust's High Frequency capabilities means they'll be able to cleave through Doomfist with enough time, but he's also got UCAV Sliders to fire at Doomfist from a distance, and Hammerhead Helicopters to do the same, plus give him an aerial advantage. But more importantly, he's got an entire god damn Metal Gear RAY at his beck and call, alongside body doubles of his fellow Winds of Destruction, Mistral (who Loka cannot beat)(fuck you - loka) and Monsoon. And all of these can operate independently of Sundowner himself, which will put massive pressure onto Doomfist.

Though, Sundowner does have a few weaknesses of his own. He's rather overconfident and vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses, plus his shields can be rather easily disabled with a single hit to the arms controlling them. High Frequency weapons do tend to face resistance against tougher materials and a lot of Sundowner's attacks leave him very open in return, plus his health does leave a lot to be desired. In contrast, Doomfist doesn't really have many actual weaknesses. He's primarily a close-range fighter, and mainly attacks with blunt force, but he's an expert at leadership, strategy and taking advantage of his foe's weaknesses.

So what does this all boil down to? For Doomfist to achieve victory, he needs to make it past Sundowner's horde of robots and the like to make it to the guy, and take him down from there. Their strength and durability being not too far apart definitely helps with this, and especially with Doomfist being billions of times faster. For Sundowner to achieve victory, he needs to keep Doomfist at bay with all of his machines, and try to take him down one on one, which Bloodlust will definitely help with, being able to cut through almost anything.

Deciding between the two of these outcomes has been a headache and a half, as I definitely think there are very good arguments to be made for either side. I mean, Sundowner has a fucking METAL GEAR he can throw at Doomfist, but that speed gap is completely ridiculous. I've been tossing up on which I think is more reasonable, and for a fair amount of time, I was considering leaving myself as undecided, but I think that with everything laid out on the table, Doomfist would be able to take the win in an extremely close fight.

I don't think the Sliders and Hammerheads will be too much trouble for him. Doomfist can launch himself up to them, or shoot them down with his cannon, and when getting into combat with Sundowner, he'd be able to manoeuvre around the shields without much trouble at all. Additionally, while Bloodlust might be an excellent advantage for Sundowner, Doomfist is a smarter fighter who is expertly primed to capitalise on any opportunity his foes present to him. Being, y'know, BILLIONS of times faster, it's highly unlikely that Doomfist is ever being touched by anything on the battlefield, as he'd be more than fast enough to dodge anything thrown and shot at him. That includes Sundowner attacking with his High Frequency blade in his wide, open swings which give Akande plenty of opportunity to move in and disarm him. Or better yet, take them for his own.

It may not be a common argument, but it's one Doomfist could absolutely put into action. Sundowner is highly overconfident, leaves himself open with his attacks, is billions of times slower, and is holding the key to his demise in his very exploitable and vulnerable hands. If Doomfist gets ahold of Bloodlust, he'd be able to chop through Sundowner's defences without too much trouble, and it would be especially useful against larger threats like the Metal Gear RAY, and the body doubles of Mistral and Monsoon. Doomfist could also get the weapons of these two to use against Sundowner and his forces, which would be extremely beneficial.

Due to the difference in speed being so utterly staggering between Doomfist and literally everything he's coming up against, he'll have the ability to react and deal with these threats in more than enough time. His greater intelligence, tactical mind and proclivity for actively seeking out weaknesses of his opponents to capitalise on means that I think he very well can deal with everything Sundowner is throwing his way. He might be a little bit weaker, but that difference is hardly even noticeable compared to the dwarfing advantage in speed Doomfist possesses.

Ultimately, whilst Sundowner can absolutely win in a ton of scenarios, I believe that it is overall more likely for Doomfist to come out on top due to the reasons listed above. Sundowner should've Overwatched out, because Talon's brutal leader had everything he needed to bring destruction to the head of Desperado. He was just doomed from the start.


Redhunter12 here again with another verdict lesgo


Fairly clear cut, no matter what end you use for strength, Sundowner would always be stronger, kiloton vs kilotons ends in his favor and so does the megaton comparison, speed is where shit gets interesting, no matter what, Doomfist is just blatantly faster through scaling to Tracer, who can blitz picoseconds levels of speeds, which uh yikes. So strength and dura goes to Sundowner and speed goes to Doomfist.


Not much to say here, Doomfist is arguably the smarter of the two with his own experiences but has to contend with actual war experience so I’ll just put them at equal.


Imma be blunt, Sundowner cleans house here, from drones, shields, and robotic duplicates, Doomfist just doesn’t have anything to back it up asides from AOEs

Ability Interactions

Doomfist Counters

Outnumbered: Meteor Strike and Seismic Slam are AOEs to hit multiple foes.
Sliders and Hammerheads: Rising Uppercut allows him to quickly snipe these if given the chance.

Sundowner Counters

AOEs: Sundowner can abuse them by allowing him to quickly set off his explosions from the shields or just plain outrange Doomfist with the Sliders and Hammerheads

Powerblock: Any hit from his blindside would shut it down quickly, something Mistral and Monsoon can do.


To end this off, I think Sundowner has the bigger chance of winning. Though Doomfist’s speed is going to cause huge issues, the amount of bullshit Sundowner can throw out at once would inevitably bulldoze through him. From the shields causing explosions every time they’re punched and Doomfist not having an answer to them, being zoned out by the sliders, hammerheads and metal gear RAY, to just being forced to fight a 1v3 because of Mistral and Monsoon and keep in mind, both these duplicates and RAY have the near same AP as Sundowner. Now you could play devil advocate and say Doomfist’s superior speed and levelhead could force a win through the long game but considering the amount of bullshit that he’s fighting at once combined with Sundowner’s own experience at war would put this at a halt. In the end, Sundowner’s strength, defense, and arsenal was just much for Doomfist to try to speed through, in the end Akande wasn’t geared for this as his chances were doomed from the start. The winner is Sundowner.


Team Doomfist: 1 (Soma)

Team Sundowner: 4 (Loka, Greek, Gman, Red)


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