Prediction Blog: Deadshot vs Bullseye

"Dad, I'm a- Ye- Not a "crazed gunman", dad, I'm an assassin!... Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's a mental sickness!" - Sniper TF2

Deadshot, the man who never misses. 

Bullseye, the world's deadliest assassin. 

Locked. Loaded. Aimed. Fired. 
The life of the hitman is an exhilarating one. After all, when your job is to kill, what's more breathtaking than taking someone else's breath away? But what happens when the worlds finest are paid to take each other out? Well, bullets are gonna fly, of course!

Will Floyd make Bullseye's name apt, or will Lester teach him the real meaning of a "Dead shot"? Let's find out!

Before we begin...

Not too much to cover here if you're familiar with how comic book characters are usually handled. Of course you are, silly! You're a Death Battle fan! For Bullseye, the focus will be on his mainline Earth-616 incarnation, while thanks to Infinite Frontier, Deadshot will be getting everything from pre-crisis to Flashpoint. 

In order to get a little more spice, tough, I'll be giving these guys every single weapon they've ever used, standards be damned. Wether you choose to factor these in for the debate itself or not is your choice, I'm just having fun. 

Source Citations




While many false stories of Deadshot's origins have been told over the years, we know the true facts thanks to the man who temporarily took up the name and shared a cell with him for many years; Will Evans. According to him, the man who would become Deadshot was born Floyd Lawton to a whealthy family in the outskirts of Gotham city.

But wealth isn't a substitute for perfection, as Floyd and his brother Eddie were both heavily physically abused by both their parents, the two brothers forming a strong bond to protect and take care for each other. One day, Floyd was convinced by his mother to kill his father, and climbed into a tree to take the shot. However, he flinched, and not only did he miss his target, but he ended up killing Eddie instead. That night, he made two promises that would shape his life moving forwards, to one day kill his father, and to never again miss a shot.

Taking the mantle of "Deadshot", Floyd began making a name for himself in the Gotham underworld as a hired mercenary with unmatched skill and proficiency, large enough to eventually be noticed by other supervillians, and in particular, the Joker. And with the attention of the Joker comes the attention of the Batman, who beat Floyd up so hard that he was sent to an emergency hospital.

It wasn't too hard to predict what would follow, and Deadshot swiftly joined the ranks of Batman's rouges gallery, becoming one of his most notable (and dangerous) foes to date, such as when he was hired by the Kobra Cult in an attempt to assassinate Bruce Wayne, or taking part in the forming of the Suicide Squad. So the Batfamily, the Gotham underworld, and whoever else someone wants killed better watch their backs, or else they won't even have a chance once Floyd Lawton has his eyes set on the price.


Few things are known about the man who calls himself Bullseye, not even his real name. What we know for sure however (or, at least what he's told us), is that a boy, who may or may not be named "Lester", was born into a rather unfortunate household. His father was highly abusive, which is a possible explanation towards Bullseye's evident insanity.

But wether he burned his house down, shot his dad in the head, or tried to become a professional baseball player, it didn't matter. All roads lead him to one spot, that being the one of the contract killer lifestyle, the perfect job for someone who takes pleasure in ending their enemies lives. He would then take up his now famous mantle and make a name for himself with an unmatched talent of his, that being turning every single thing he has in his hands into a deadly weapon. For some reason, Lester simply has the ability to weaponise anything he can throw, which would make him a difficult obstacle for the heroes who wished to end his crimes, most notably the man without fear, Daredevil.

Bullseye became quite the thorn in Matt's side for many years, which gave him a taste of the proper supervillain life, and he wanted more. So it shouldn't be surprising that he rose in notoriety within the superhero world. But wether he's fighting Daredevil, Punisher, and Elektra, becoming "trying-to-kill-each-other-besties" with Deadpool, or even taking up the mantle of Hawkeye for a while, he remains a man to be feared. Because should he set his sights on you, he'll take you out in one single shot. Bullseye.

Powers and Abilities


Martial Arts

For a man with the word "shot" in his name, Deadshot is surprisingly solid when it comes to hand to hand combat. He is adept in various martial arts such as Karate, Judo, Boxing, and Krav Maga, and is good enough to fight on par with the likes of Batman, Harley Quinn, and even Deathstroke.


Martial Arts

It may be far from his preferred type of combat,  but Lester is quite adept in martial arts as well. Although he rarely showcases it, he's good enough to take down foes like Daredevil, Black Widow, and Moon Knight, and even outmatched Elekra and killed her with her own sai all through close quarters combat. 

Daredevil Sense

Yeah so this is a thing apparently

While it's unlikely that he still possesses this ability, for a while Bullseye was able to physically sense whenever Daredevil was within close proximity to him.

It's weird. Moving on.




Given his line of work, you'd expect Deadshot to wear some protective gear, and he sure does. While his supervillain costume isn't much to write home about in comparison to the likes of Deathstroke or others, it still does the job it's supposed to. The suit is mostly bulletproof, (but can be pierced and destroyed by heavier rounds or shots from close range), and will protect Floyd from any unwanted wounds, which is preferable seeing how he doesn't want to... yknow, die.


Housed within his mask, Deadshot has access to a scanner capable of... scanning stuff! Not only can it zoom in on targets from far away and lock on to them, but it can also detect what materials objects and armours are made of, as well as how durable they are. Even through walls!

Wrist-Mounted Guns

Deadshot comes literally strapped with his most recognisable weapon, the magnums designed with the specific intent of hunting Batman. These babies are able to fire with both accuracy and ferocity, making them a versatile multi-range tool for all situations, though Floyd usually has them set to auto-machinegun mode, firing bullets capable of piercing through 72 layers of kevlar. Thanks to his mask and scanner, he can aim them as precisely as he needs.

Explosive Rounds

For when he needs someone to go boom, Floyd packs explosive rounds, which he can switch to at any time seemingly automatically. As an extra boon, they're also armour piercing, meaning they can get within their targets and detonate inside of them for extra high damage.

Incendiary Rounds

Deadshot also packs a secondary type of explosive cartridges, these ones being focused on incendiaries, letting him set his targets ablaze and burn them to a crisp.

Grappling Hook

Floyd's gauntlets aren't just foor tootin n' shootin, as he also has a retractable grappling cable housed within, allowing him to Spider-Man around his surroundings and escape from danger in the nick of an eye.


Sometimes, Deadshot switches out his wrist-guns for normal pistols. Hey, good to have if they get destroyed, yeah? Naturally, he's proficient in aiming these as well as you'd expect, even using two at a time with perfect accuracy to disarm foes in a moving vehicle.

Pistol Rockets

When he needs a little more firepower than what normal guns can grant him, Floyd can simply screw on a bottle rocket on his pistols and fire that instead. The result? Kaboom, baby.

Sniper Rifle

The man is known as one of the best snipers in the world for a reason, and he's gotta be if Deathstroke of all people is willing to compliment him on it. As expected, Deadshot can use snipers for a variety of long-range stealth kills, or presidential assassinations.


Should he require heavier artillery, Deadshot can pick up this minigun that he stole from an attack helicopter and wields with one hand like an absolute badass. This thing is powerful enough to blow up airplanes with ease.

Rocket Launcher

The natural progression in the heavy weapons department evolution line, Deadshot packs a variety of grenade and rocket launchers to blast targets to kingdom come.


Yes that's Deadshot

While he prefers live ammunition, Deadshot has also showcased the ability to use more old-era weapons, such as crossbows, doing the classic "apple on the head" trick.

Laser Guns

Sometimes, Floyd has even been shown to pack laser weapons, most commonly pistols. According to him, he can set them either to just track targets, or to slice through them.



Bullseye's supervillian costume isn't that much to write home about, just the standard spandex appearance that's norm, but at least he does usually wear some sort of bulletproof vest beneath the fabric that can tank basic gunfire. Unfortunately tough, the face isn't protected, and while reasons below means it's unlikely a bullet could get through to his brain, the likes of his eyes and inner throat are still unguarded.

Adamantium-Laced Bones

One of the most notable things about Bullseye is that not too unlike a certain blade-fisted Canadian, his bones are laced with a strong coating of adamantium, one of the most durable metals known to man (even Thor has a hard time breaking it). This is thanks to Kenji Oyama, who really wanted Bullseye to kill the Japanese Minister of Trade, even tough Lester had a broken spine at the moment.

Easy fix, the metal fused to his bones (the spinal column and skull in particular), Bullseye was healed, and he fucked off back to New York without completing his part of the deal. Asshole.

Anyways, this upgrade not only massively boosts his durability, it also makes even trying to hit Bullseye with a hard blow potentially dangerous, as you might just end up breaking your own hand. Adamantium also has some unique properties, like being magnetic or able to be melted by anti-metals, so a foe capable of utilising either could take advantage of that.

Cable Gun

In order to escape from bad situations or reach higher levels, Bullseye has a cable gun, from which he can fire a retractable steel rope that he can use to swing or pull himself around. Presumably, he can also use it to drag targets towards himself.


Shouldn't be a shock that Bullseye knows how to operate basic firearms like pistol handguns. Not much else to add to that really. It's a gun. pew pew.


For all your slicey needs. Bullseye carries numerous knives of all sizes and varieties for both close and long range jobs, aka stabbing and throwing.


For when he feels extra fancy, Bullseye carries kunai as well. Although they were likely invented as a farming tool, people soon realised that they were pretty good for stabbing too, even though they have been more popularised as a throwing weapon in recent times.


The classic long-range non-firearm killing weapon, Bullseye carries numerous shuriken ninja stars with him at all times. Historically, shuriken were likely used most effectively as weapons designed to slit throats, and Bullseye should naturally be capable of the same.


With his ability to lethalise anything, you'd expect Bullseye to keep favourites. And that he does in the form of a deck of standard playing cards. Yes, reminder that these are not like the Joker's razor-sharp cards, as due to Lester's natural abilities, he's capable of rendering even normal paper cards as lethal as bladed ones.

Sniper Rifle

Should he need to kill someone who's further away than usual (or in a parade), Bullseye brings out his trusty sniper rifle. As you'd expect, a weapon that's built for careful aiming and efficient kills is perfect for Lester, and hey, he seems to agree with that.

Assault Rifle

Yes that's Bullseye

Usually picked up from a dead foe, Bullseye is proficient with automatic weapons as well, capable of aiming it precisely enough to land five perfect bullseyes (badum-tsss) in the middle of a summersault. And heeeeeee sticks the landing!

Rocket Launcher

During the Secret Invasion, Bullseye packed a rocket launcher to fight the Skrulls, and although he really wanted to shoot Spider-Man with it, he eventually decided against it. But hey, if it can blow up Skrulls, imagine what it can do to humans.


It's a grenade. They explode. You throw them at things and they go kaboom. That- thats- it's a grenade.


Poison Darts

When Lester wants someone dead without it being traced back to him, he can use one of several poison darts that he's precise enough to stick on his foes without them even noticing. After a while, they'll fall over and die without having ever been aware of it. Spookay.

Elektra's Sai

After killing Elektra, Lester kept one of her sai for himself in order to taunt Matt, because he's a dick. Supposedly, these weapons have a neuro-system that delivers a shock to any non-Elektra person who holds it, so I guess Bullseye just vibes with that. Checks out. Other than that, it's a sai. Not much else to say.

Hawkeye's Bow

During the Skull attack under the events of the Secret Invasion, Bullseye helped the heroes fend off the alien threats, even giving up the chance to kill Daredevil in order to stop the Skrulls. As a thanks for not letting the world get destroyed, Bullseye was enlisted by Norman Osborn for the Dark Avengers and given the title and weapons of Hawkeye. 

Becoming Hawkeye was basically perfect for someone who can aim just as well as the man himself, and he had no issue using Barton's many trick arrows for all kinds of fun activities (murder). And naturally, since its Bullseye, he doesn't really need the bow. Should he lose it (or grow tired of it), he can simply chuck the arrows at his opponent instead.

While he hasn't showcased all of the trick Arrows that Hawkeye carries in his quiver, he likely has access to most of them, disregarding specific versions such as the megaton or adamantium-tipped arrows.

Daredevil's Club

Because he's a grade A dick like that, Bullseye has on several occasions snatched Daredevil's club and used it for himself. Just because. Matt's collapsible walking stick, baton, and billyclub combination weapon possesses many fun properties, such as a grappling cable and mini smoke pellets.


Dragonfang is the legendary weapon wielded by Valkyrie, one of the most powerful warriors in the universe, after it was passed down to her by Doctor Strange and the Ancient One. The weapon obeys it's users will, can teleport across continents, cleave through any material, and absorb magical energies to use for itself. After Brunnhilde was killed by Makelith, Bullseye found the weapon and used it to go on a murder spree,  even striking down Heimdall.

And then Jane Foster punched it in half one issue later. This is why we can't gave good things.

Anything else he can get his hands on

As previously mentioned, Bullseye has an uncanny ability to just... weaponise anything he touches, making anything he picks up a potential lethal weapon. He's good enough to use any of these items as precisely as he needs, wether that be bouncing objects that have no bouncy traits against walls or killing people with items as soft as pillows, and I do mean any item when I say that. Household objects, toys, yard ornaments, food, parts of his own body, you name it.

The ridiculous stuff he's thrown at people over the years include:

a fucking dog

Yeah okay no this bears special mention. 

He threw a fucking dog at Venom once.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy.




Accuracy & Precision

Wow Deadshot and Bullseye how come you're special enough to get your own unique Feats section






Accuracy & Precision







Deadshot is one of Gotham's most prominent supervillians, so it'd be weird if he and Batman didn't fight every other Tuesday. Yet for everytime Batman goes up against him, while he may lose, he always leaves him with a memorable battle and a good bit of flesh wounds.

Gotham Bad Guys

Fighting Batman as a foe naturally means that Floyd can fight foes that fight Batman too, as he's a foe of Batman too. Makes sense? Worth mentioning that Deadshot has fought Bats rouges gallery himself several times too, most notably Deathstroke, with the two being evenly matched for several days. 



Daredevil is Bullseye's favourite playing partner, which is why he loves to fight him, throw stuff at him, and kill his friends. Awwww! What matters is that Daredevil and Bullseye has repeatedly showcased to be equals in armed and unarmed combat.


Something which was a little of a suprise to me was that Bullseye quite often fights against various X-Men members, such as Deadpool, Gambit, and Wolverine. Having taken many of them on several times, it stands to believe he could scale to their feats as well.
  • Gambit's explosive playing cards can create large craters, massive explosions, and destroy nuclear towers.
  • Beast can move like kinda quickly (Mach 29 - Mach 59)
  • Deadpool survived being at the epicentre of a massive explosion in Krakoa. (30 Kilotons of TNT)
  • Wolverine has withstood being punched across the planet (333 Tons), being close to a nuclear blast (21.7 Kilotons), dodged Cyclops' Optic Laser (2 c), and, of course, fought in Blightspoke.
    • Blightspoke is a realm above the multiverse where collapsed realities are stored. In this fight, entire universes shattered around and atop Logan but he was able to continue fighting.


Bullseye has taken on Peter in the past, meaning there's potential for him to be comparable to Spider-Man's upper street tier levels of power.



On the outside, it may be difficult to find a weakness for someone who can seemingly do it all, but Floyd isn't quite as perfect as he'd like to believe. For someone knows as the man who never misses, he sure does miss... a lot. Naturally, this could be attributed to the foes he fights against being basically superhuman, but it's still something to keep note of.

And while his suit is pretty good protective gear, it has been broken before, even by something as simple as a shot from an ordinary handgun, though it was at a very close range. Deadshot has also fired through his own armour in the past, so it's not like this is a singular instance.


Oh, karma is a bitch, innit?

Bullseye has one quite obvious, glaring weakness: his fragile mental state. Okay, well less fragile, and more completely shattered. Bullseye is nothing less than an absolute lunatic, and while he often doesn't let this get in the way of his killing mastery, it's still there and could be taken advantage of by a more tactile and manipulative foe.

Outside of that, he also carries very little in form of protective gear. His suit is durable enough to withstand basic gunfire, but as you can see above, it can be penetrated by enough force. His adamantium coating also doesn't cover his entire skeleton, so while his head is gonna be hard to get through, the same can't be said for, say, his arms of legs. Even if it did, it's also worth remembering that his skeleton is on the inside of his body, and he could still succumb to the likes of bleeding out.



"That's yer problem, lady. You believe people can be cured, be made healthy, be made normal -- that they can be saved. That they should be saved. But maybe the only way to cure some people is with a bullet between the eyes."

  • Isn't fucking crazy.
  • More clean, efficient, and tactical.
  • Likely better in terms of hand to hand.
  • His scanner will inform him of Bullseye's adamantium skeleton and how durable it is. 
  • Certainly capable of aiming around the adamantium, given the chance.
  • Close to even in strength and speed.
  • Better protective gear.
  • Will Smith
  • Much weaker with specific scaling.
  • Armour can be broken with enough force.
  • Is going to struggle if he runs out of weapons.
  • Lacks many reliable methods of getting through or around the adamantium.
  • "Deadshot" sounds like something 9 year old Loka would come up with 
  • Is somehow not in Fortnite
  • Will Smith


"You know, it's too bad I killed my mother in high school... She would have loved this. Joking. She wouldn't a' cared."

  • More unpredictable.
  • Wider arsenal by nature of his abilities.
  • Doesn't have to worry about running out of weapons since he can weaponise anything.
  • His adamantium skeleton can defend from most of Deadshot's weapons.
  • Much stronger with specific scaling
  • Close to even in strength and speed.
  • Cooler name.
  • Insane.
  • Tends to not plan ahead on the same level.
  • Has little to nothing in terms of body armour.
  • The adamantium skeleton doesn't protect all of his vital organs.
  • ALSO somehow not in Fortnite 

Before the verdicts

Herald Deathstroke & Spider-Man

not using it

Spider-Man (in general)

Fucks sake

So even disregarding Herald scaling, Spider-Man has still become a bit of a contegous character in the world of power scaling as of late. Let's talk about it!

Say, have you heard about this little movie called "Spider-Verse"? Can't imagine so, it's not that talked about. Well, this movie and its sequels popularised the existence of the, well, Spider-Verse, the multiverse of Spider-men from all across comics, games, and movies, allowing them all to meet and coexist. These Spider-men are for the most part shown to be relative, meaning that a lot of people have begun cross-scaling characters across different continuities. This by itself is fine, since most Spider-Men appear to be close to even in terms of power.

The exception of the ones that I've mentioned, as you'd likely expect, is Supaidaman and his Leopardon mech, more specifically their interstellar flight feat.

Is the feat itself legit? Probably.

Should Spider-Man scale to it? Eeeeh... maybe?

There's certainly an argument to be made about reaction time when it comes to piloting interstellar spaceships, which I know a lot of people have issues with anyways, as well as a feat on that caliber bordering the line over to outlier Spider-Man territory, which is something I don't wanna deal with.

All in all, most scaling is fine, but I personally wouldn't use the Supaidaman feat for 616 Peter.

Should Bullseye even really scale to Spider-Man to begin with?

I think so, yeah. At least to some extent.

Bullseye has fought Peter in the past, taken blows from him, caught his projectiles, broken through his webs, and made him bleed. I see no reason as to why he shouldn't scale to at the very least a restricted Spider-Man. How far that gets him in the scaling chain isn't really my thing to decide tho.




Alright, last time I covered a Marvel vs DC matchup as one of these, it was between two herald level characters that scale to and beyond multiversal levels of power. Here's the opposite! Deadshot and Bullseye are far from contending with even weaker blatant superhuman from either verse, resulting in what is a surprisingly grounded matchup all things considered.

Both scale to similar feats of power and durability, and when it comes to sheer speed, the difference is so small that it basically does not matter.

So, the real debate is in terms of skill and weaponry, two categories that I see going to both combatants respectively. While Bullseye is a threat at long range for a reason, Floyd is clearly the more accurate and precise of the two. Deadshot is actively always aiming to get the best shot off for whatever purpose he needs, while Lester really doesn't care about anything else than just killing his target most of the time. Meanwhile... well, of course Bullseye has the weapons advantage. It's literally his entire thing to turn anything he can grasp into a deadly projectile, even if it has no reason to be able to kill people to begin with.

Now, how do we determine a winner from that? Since they match each other this well, there really isn't a singular category that I can look at to end the debate, right? Well... yes there is. Their body armour. Since their durability is on par, it stands to reason that a single good hit to a vital organ would be enough to end the battle, so who's the better protected of the two? Deadshot.

His armour isn't perfect, far from it, but it has been showcased to be better than Bullseye’s bulletproof vest, and is actually covers his whole body, meaning that it protects his eyes and throat, unlike Bullseye. Being a master at landing perfect trickshots to take advantage of enemy weak spots, Floyd could absolutely blind Lester, or even shoot an explosive down his throat where he's definitely unguarded, bypassing his indestructible skeleton. 

Even aside from that, Floyd can probably just shoot through Bullseye's body and make him bleed to death (his main weapon is a set of automatic machineguns that spray bullets capable of piercing through 72 layers of solid kevlar after all), since just because the skeleton covers his heart and brain, it's still on the vulnerable inside of his body.

It's quite the specific set of arguments, I know, but I think its the more likely outcome. Since we know for a fact that Deadshot's armour can remain intact after heavy hits such as, say, fighting Deathstroke for five days straight. That incredible level of tenacity and stamina is also something that Lester has simply never showcased himself, so even in a drawn out duel, Floyd could likely rise above, and show him the true meaning of the name Deadshot.

...shit I already used that joke didn't I 


Oh boy, oh boy, oh BOY, I can't believe I'm finally getting to do a DC vs Marvel matchup!!!

Let's start with strength. Without scaling, Deadshot was able to blow up a helicopter with just one (1) of his explosive rounds, while Bullseye, with his bare hands, was able to total a motorcycle. These are hard to compare as one is from a weapon and the other isn't, but if I had to guess, I think, without scaling, Deadshot is stronger. With scaling tho, Deadshot is usually portrayed as equal to Batman, who can survive a blast from a weapon that creates earthquakes. Bullseye, on the other hand, scales to Deadpool, who survived being in the epicenter of a massive explosion in Krakoa, comparing these two, Deadpool's feat is stronger. As such, Bullseye should be stronger as well.

Now for durability, again, with and without scaling

Deadshot was able to take a punch from Parademon, who is... a parademon, who are foot soldiers from Apokolips. Though to... basically everyone else, those guys are cannon fodder, they're actually pretty fucking tough. This one in particular was able to snap a man's neck with a single hand. Bullseye, in comparison, took a hit from Jane Foster, the Mighty Thor (she was holding back don't worry). Without scaling, I'd wager Bullseye is the tougher of the two. Now let's talk how tough they are with scaling. Deathstroke, whom Deadshot had fought for five days straight in the past, took a blast from Gunfire, who was able to blast magma to the bottom of the ocean. Compared to again, Deadpool, who was able to take a big explosion in Krakoa and not die. Comparing these two feats, Bullseye has the advantage yet again.

Now for speed, which in my opinion, is the most important factor of this fight. And once again with and without scaling.

Deadshot, aside from being a casual bullet timer, was able to intercept Captain Boomerang Jr.. Now, this guy can move faster than sound, so he says, so Deadshot intercepting this guy is very impressive. Speaking of impressive, Bullseye, during his stint as Hawkeye, was able to dodge Cyclops' optic blasts, which, despite not being lasers (GOD, Loka) (kys - Loka), move as fast as them. So, once again, Bullseye has the advantage without scaling. With scaling, both of them scale to characters who can parry lasers as well as characters who can perceive and move in nanoseconds. So without scaling, both are about equal, but due to Bullseye already having a faster speed feat, I'm giving Bullseye the speed advantage.

Now for the second most importantly section, arsenal

Deadshot has a scanner which, aside from doing its name, can detect what materials are made of, as well as how durable they are. Along with average guns, he has laser guns, rocket launchers, wrist mounted guns, rockets, and incindery rounds. Bullseye, in comparison, prefers using throwable weapons, like grenades, kunai, shuriken, cards, etc. Most impressive of these however, are Hawkeye's trick arrows. As mentioned in the speed section, Bullseye once took up the mantle of Hawkeye (fun fact, Bullseye as Hawkeye was used for Death Battle's Green Arrow vs Hawkeye thumbnail). These arrows mostly have the same properties as Deadshot's other weapons, but they also have Pym Particles. Those are, for those who don't know, grow and shrink things. Bullseye also has... literally everything around him as a weapon. Trashcan lids, paper clips, teeth, mucus, DOGS (Said dog was able to stagger Venom which is very impressive). Effectively, this means, unlike Deadshot, he won't run out of ammo. This alone, I feel, gives Bullseye the advantage.

So...yeah. I think for the first time I've done this ever, one guy has every advantage that matters over the other guy. 

Bullseye just...hit a bullseye!

The winner is Bullseye.


POV: Lee Harvey Oswald

Anyway yeah Bullseye VS Deadshot, cool as shit I'm afraid, though this verdict will probably not be super long or in detail and I'll get to why in a minute.

Most of the debate can essentially be boiled down to 2 specific factors: skill and speed... so let's get into them lol

In terms of skill both are around similar, yet different ballparks. Deadshot is undoubtedly a more efficient assassin, very much helped by generally being more tactical, as well as... well, sane. Bullseye however has a distinct advantage that Deadshot kinda lacks, that being the factor that Bullseye can essentially weaponize even the simplest, least deadly object he can get his hands, meaning that so long as he breathes, anything he could see, he could use as a potential murder method.

Granted, Deadshot being more efficient gives him a better chance to actually hit his target, buuuuuut there's 3 other factors that make it a difficult approach to JFK Lester:

1. Bullseye's adamantium coated bones. While Deadshot has the advantage of identifying it as bulletproof, that very much limits his options to trying to shoot his internal organs.

2. Deadshot is more likely to run out of bullets. Compared to the previously mentioned factor of Bullseye's versatility, while it doesn't make Deadshot a sitting duck by any means, it does limit him... a lot. And yes, while he's a very skilled Hand-to-Hand fighter, going toe to toe with Batman and Deathstroke, Bullseye is pretty experienced in that field too, fighting foes like Daredevil and Wolverine, while also being far more unpredictable.

and 3. The speed gap. Obviously this depends of the scaling you buy for these two and at the end of the day, this is bound to differ for multiple people. Personally, I buy Lester being generally quicker, primarily due to scaling to foes like Spider-Man or Wolverine, and with that advantage, he's more likely to break through Deadshot's defenses and land a fatal blow faster than his adversary.

Ultimately, both are generally even in a lot of areas, it's just that Bullseye takes the most damning factor of them all in this gunfight. Skilled as Deadshot is, he really will be JFK if he didn't lock the fuck in.


why did I hop back on verdicts for the street tier matchup

While I ain’t sure how beloved it is for others, something about the sharpshooting and gunplay potential for this MU always got me excited to see it brought up. So without any regard for how much of a headache verdicts for this could be, I hopped on to rep my boys and decide just who’s the better marksman.

Going over both of their large arsenals, Deadshot packs a lot more standard heat, if it fires a bullet, he’s used it, and generally has more unique extremes for them, with special rounds and his wrist guns. Bullseye simultaneously has a handful of more out there tools, mostly in his spare Hawkeye arrows, and his…lack of them. His improvisation, pulling out any junk and turning it into a deadly weapon, means he is never out of options. Paired with his more unique arrows he has, he has a higher, limited end of tools and an unending lower end of tools for chucking. Pretty clearly, both of them have a ton they can throw out and take. Either of them have plenty of chances to take down either with any weapon they have. There’s more needed to decide who’s winning, namely stats and skills.

While strength and speed are pretty close to even, durability and defense is an odd case for both. Bullseye’s adamantium bond is obviously way above anything Deathstroke can pull out, and is going to make breaking through a lot harder on top of his vest. But Deadshot’s walking in with the knowledge of that too, thanks to his scanner. And like any good assassin, he’s plenty used to picking his shots carefully. He can take shots through any seams on potential vests, shoot through bones if there’s room, and perhaps most obviously, go for the headshot. Deadshot’s taken to shooting out eyes and through throats before, a clean shot could spell the end for Bullseye, especially if he used something like incendiary or explosive rounds. Even something as simple as an armor piercing-explosive round through the vest into the torso could do massive damage. His armor is also a much better form of defense compared to Bullseye, but seeing how close up shots can tear through it, something heavy enough thrown from close up can make some openings for Bullseye.

None of that all matters if they can’t pin the other down. And to that matter, we have to discuss who among them is the better shot. While I’d never go as far to say he’s completely outclassed, Bullseye hasn't shown the same level of absurd marksmanship as Deadshot, boasting far more precise shots with ricochets across city blocks and landing in the perfect spot to paralyze and graze hearts. Bullseye has just as much of a shot (and plenty more ammo) to land a killing blow from any distance, Deadshot would have had plenty more opportunities to do it himself before him. Getting up closer is a risk for a close-up chuck to Deadshot’s noggin, but both of them have plenty of martial experience and those wrist gauntlets can send bullets into Bullseye’s head with a good punch to his noggin.

While it’s something that could very easily go either way, I’m confident that this Deadshot will strike a perfect Bullseye.

oh yeah happy pride month, be gay, do crimes like guns



So I'm not one for dipping my toes on street tier marvel vs dc (God knows this stuff can get messy) but Loka asked me for a tie-breaker so hoo boy let's go

First of all, just getting this out of the way, I won't be using most of the higher Spider-Man feats in this verdict. Bullseye probably scales to Peter, but something something "always holds back" something something "Bullseye is on par with Daredevil and Kingpin most of the time and those two DEFINITELY don't fully scale to Spidey". Kay? Kay.

With the web-crawler out of the way, how's that stat gap holding up?

Pretty damn close actually. Both of them scale to nanosecond feats and laser dodges that get pretty much the same number, both of them should reasonably scale to the Kiloton range, with Deadshot getting a bit higher. This means that the Devil is in the fine, fine details. But to make a complicated debate slightly less complicated, I'll just be asking one little question: Who could reliably land a killshot first? There's not that big a gap, and they both have weapons that can certainly put a human on their level down for good fast enough. But what about Bullseye's adamantium skull? Wait, couldn't Floyd just shoot him anywhere else and make him bleed out? Explosive rounds, that should do the trick! But wait, Bullseye's got rocket launchers and shit, god damn it-

After a thorough analysis and going back and forth with myself several times WHILE WRITING THIS VERDICT...

Fuck man I gotta side with Bullseye. Here's the thing about guns, right? They all run out of ammo eventually. Deadshot is an amazing marksman, but against someone that can match his skill blow for blow, shot for shot, it's hard not to side with the guy that can grab a pebble the moment his ammo runs out and be just as deadly as before. I might change my beliefs someday, but it is what it is. See y'all next match I join, bye bye!


Team Deadshot: 2 (Loka, Mannington)

Team Bullseye: 3 (Gman, Greek, Chris)


  1. Can't believe you didn't give props to the goated Benjamin Pointdexter from Marvel/Netflix's Daredevil Season 3; very very peak fiction/antagonist


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