Prediction Blog: Metallix vs Bête Noire

"Hatred is like a fire. It makes even light rubbish deadly." - George Eliot

Metallix, the Mechanical Monster from Mobius. 

Betty Noire, the Black Beast of Fear.

The world of fan content is strange and unpredictable, yet as inevitable as your dying breath. Create something that gains the attention of the masses, and they will want to insert their own ideas into your stories to find out how they would merge together. And unquestionably one of the most common concepts is the above all threat to everything the heroes hold dear.

And when those threats are literally designed at their very core do to nothing but kill and destroy, the only true losers in a battle between them would be us. Can the concept of Fear overcome pure crushing hatred? Let's find out!

Before we begin...

As this blog is made examining characters who are owned by single creators, I feel its nessecary for me to make some things clear in the case of potential controversy. 

All negative things I have heard about the creators of these two series have been exclusively ear to ear, and I have no idea what is and is not true. Even if I did, it would not matter. I believe in separating art from the artist, and this blog is not made to honour any creator, simply to enjoy the media that they created. If that for whatever reason makes you upset or uncomfortable, you're free to click off at any point. I won't charge you.

On a brighter note, Metallix and Betty are OC characters inserted into already existing series. Despite this, I will not allow them to scale to any feats from said series that happen outside of Super Mario Bros. Z and Glitchtale. I will be examining these two video series only.

Lastly, on the matter of "Metallix =/= Mecha Sonic", I will be examining both of them as the same character. Aside from name and design, they serve the exact same function in the story, the 2015 series is a remake which puts Metallix in the same spot over Mecha Sonic, and Metallix was originally supposed to be Mecha's final form. 

They're the same character, but Metallix will be the one taking priority, as that's the current version. And he's cooler. 

(Lastly, Lastly, I wanna give a huge shoutout to U/ultim8_Lifeform's Betty Noire respect thread on Reddit. Having a place to get easy to access links from was a godsend after I had already spent 8 hours bingewatching all Glitchtale content the day before. No, I don't care for my mental health.)



"Monster? I'm not a monster. I am a GOD!!"

Mobius, a peaceful and quiet grassy planet full of lively and lovable animals, living with harmony and no care in the world. Who would ever hope to ruin something like that? Why, the nefarious Doctor Eggman of course!

With the vision to create his glorious Eggman Empire, the not so good Doctor hatched a plan to turn all the animals into his robotic slaves. But there was a variable he didn't account for. A speedy, blue variable. For every robot, plan, and robot plan Eggman came up with, the good natured and heroic Sonic the Hedgehog was there to stop them. So, if Eggman couldn't beat Sonic... maybe Sonic could?

Following a long line of failed robotic duplicates, Metal Sonic was more than a challenge for the blue blur, but one that was ultimately overcomen. But Metal was different from the rest. Seeking higher power, he merged with the other Sonic robots, becoming a being of immense mechanical might; Metallix. This new sonic robot sought only one thing. Power. Power which he would gain by defeating his creator and slaughtering all of Mobius' inhabitants in search of the almighty Chaos Emeralds. 

But just as he had them all, that pesky Shadow the Hedgehog warped them into another dimension, forcing Metallix to jump ship in order to track them down. Because no matter what dimension he's in, Metallix will be the strongest. That's what he was built for. 

Betty Noire

"Why are you even trying to stop me anymore? Your efforts will be in vain. You fail to realize, that for me... This is just the beginning. But for you... It's Game Over."

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. One day, a war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

That's how the story we all know began, but what few know is that the two human wizards responsible for the spell had a disagreement. The spirit of Bravery, Agate, sought to preserve the barrier keeping the monsters underground, but her brother Copper, the spirit of Determination, wished to free them. After a hard fought battle, Copper emerged victorious. 

But Agate did not take her defeat well. Having lost her Bravery due to her defeat, she sought out a new SOUL Trait that could replace it, and with the aid of some hatred, she discovered the trait of FEAR, the opposite to her brothers Determination. 

Losing her sanity to the fear and hate, Agate gained a new level of power, which she used to challenge her brother, defeating and murdering him. But her SOUL did not react well to the switch of traits. Knowing that she was getting closer to her death, Agate used the last of her powers to cast a spell, using her own corpse as a vessel to construct a new entity to follow her goals of keeping humans and monsters apart forever. 

It wouldn't be until a human child named Frisk aided in breaking the barrier that this embodiment of fear and hatred would awaken to fulfill her destiny. This Bête Noire would start a war to slaughter everyone and collect their souls, enusing that peace would never fall on the land. Because after all, Fear isn't something you can run from. 



Scanning System

No good robot is complete without a matchingly good scanning system. Metallix can use this to scan his areas in what seems like infrared vision. He can also lock on to targets, meaning they'll never escape him. 

Gatling Gun

Housed inside of his arm, Metallix wields a powerful gatling gun as his main weapon. Having six exit barrels, this powerful firearm (literally) can spray out dozens of bullets in a matter of seconds. 

In the original series, this was a machinegun. 

Rocket Launcher

Behind the gatling gun, Metallix holds a rocket launcher, capable of firing powerful projectiles of the more explosive variety. As seen above, he can even fire two at once. 

Missile Launchers

Inside of his shoulders, Metallix has a pair of large missile launchers, which fire homing missiles with high damaging potential. 

Jet Boosters

He do be flying with them. 

Energy Shields

Should he ever need one, Metallix can erect an energy barrier around himself in order to defend from attacks. 

Chest Reactor

Used in order to draw power from the Chaos Emeralds, the Chest Reactor also serves as a storage unit for the miracle gems. Metallix can use this to gain a power boost from the Emeralds should he ever need it. 

Chaos Emeralds

The Chaos Emeralds are mysterious gemstones with unknown origins that possess an unlimited amount of power. Used by themselves, a single Emerald provides a huge enough power boost for Yoshi to match Metallix in combat, for the Koopa Bros. to one-shot all 5 Heroes, and for the Axem Rangers to obliterate 3 mountains as a test run. With all 7, the wielder is said to be able to access a form where they become unbeatable in combat. 

Unfortunately for tinhead tough, he doesn't have all the Chaos Emeralds. In fact, if you look at the original series, he's actually equipped with exactly zero of them. That sucks! In the reboot, he's currently got two, so that's pretty good for him at least!

Betty Noire


Every living being possesses a SOUL, the physical embodiment of one's own existence and the thing keeping any human or monster alive. Betty's own soul is actually the one of her creator, Agate Lightvale, and is powered by the concept of FEAR. 

More in Powers and Abilities.


Betty's signature weapon, she is capable of transforming her SOUL into a hardened spear of energy. Naturally, its main use is as a throwing weapons to pierce through her targets and rip out their souls. She can retract it back to her hand at will via a summonable energy line. 


Couldn't find a picture of it that wasn't in Jessica's hands, so she gets to show up in this blog. She's pretty cool, I guess. 

HATE is a mysterious substance, the construct of magic accidentally created by the very first Determination Mage Irral, and the controlled concept of the emotion it states its name with. HATE is incredibly intoxicating, capable of infesting SOULS and taking them over (More in Transformations, just know that Kumu ate the HATE Vial, the gluttonous nincompoof).


Betty's split half, Akumu is an extension of the spell used to create her. Sentient and capable of own thought, Akumu is usually floating alongside Betty, assisting her in combat by turning into weapons or shields (see below).

Akumu is also capable of transforming into basically any shape, even altering its colours to do so, such as when it turned into a perfect duplicate of Betty. Even when untransformed, Akumu can simply ram into foes or projectiles to destroy them. 

More useful tough is its ability to store SOULS. In fact, before her creation of Kumuzilla, Akumu was Betty's primary SOUL container, making her able to access any absorbed SOUL at a moments notice. And since they're connected, any energy absorbed into Akumu goes directly to Betty as well. 

Finally, Akumu is capable of merging with Betty's SOUL spear in order to penetrate her. This is how she accesses her true, merged form. (More in Transformations)

Kumu Scythe

When she's not using her SOUL as a weapon, Betty normally fights with Akumu transformed into a scythe, capable of slicing through cliffsides and shooting energy waves. Following merging with him, Betty could generate this scythe from any part of her body

Kumu Shield

Akumu will willingly take a hit for Betty any day of the week, meaning it has no issues turning into shields and barriers to protect her from attacks. 

Kumu Fist

While she's only showed this ability in her merged form, there's no reason Kumu can't do this at any time. "This" being, as seen above, enveloping Betty's fist in order to drastically boost her striking power. 

Kumu Shlorp

Hey look its Jessica again

Akumu's utilities expand beyond just offensive and defensive techniques. Wether for intimidation, interrogation or whatever other means, Akumu can take on a more liquid shape, ensnaring foes to pin them in place, or pull Betty out of the way of enemy attacks


These blobby blobs are objects created from Betty out of pure magic, and her primary tool of collecting SOULS from people while off doing whatever else. She commanded over a dozen of them at the same time while attacking the city, even while she herself was in active combat elsewhere. 

The Kumulings extract SOULS from people via an Impostor-style harpoon tongue, and any SOUL they absorb goes directly to Betty's reservoir. The blobs can also combine to grow larger, and split apart at will, and can even change their shape to distract foes. Finally, they're able to sense SOULS of humans and monsters alike even from far away. 


A ginormous collection of Kumulings that combined together into a huge mass of bubble gum that dwarfed skyscrapers. Kumuzilla was practically impervious to any type of damage, even tanking a direct charged hit from Undyne the Undying (though she managed to finally obliterate it with a second hit after armouring up).

Powers and Abilities


Hand to Hand Combat

Being a Dragon Ball inspired villain, it's no suprise Metallix' greatest tool is his ability to throw down. He's a master martial artist capable of fighting against numerous foes at once, meaning that in a one on one match, no one stands a chance. 

Spin Dash

Like his flesh and blood counterpart, Metallix can curl up into a ball and dash around at the speed of sound, even being capable of maneuvering around in the air while doing it. He's even shown the ability to charge this technique up into the Light-Speed Dash. 

Extendable Limbs

Only showcased while inside the Minus World, Metallix can extend his arms to grab foes from farther away. 


Wether due to Chaos energy or awesome robot powers, Metallix can instant transmission around at blinding speeds, easily overwhelming any targets and avoiding blows. 


An ability he doesn't use often, Metallix has showcased the ability to telekinetically hold objects, such as the Chaos Emeralds and these bricks

It may have something to do with the Chaos Emeralds, as Yoshi was able to telekinetically hold and toss his eggs after he started channeling an Emeralds powers. 

Chaos Control 

An extraordinarily powerful ability gained after Metallix originally absorbed the powers of the Chaos Emeralds for the first time, Chaos Control produces a large amount of chaos energy that messes with space and time. This is the technique Metallix used to transport himself into the Mushroom Kingdom, but he has also just used it in combat for quick teleports, as seen above. 

Energy Manipulation

Again with the Dragon Ball comparison, Metallix can access what is presumably Chaos energy to fire devastating attacks from seemingly any part of his body. 

  • Palm Blast: Metallix charges up energy in his hand before punching it into his targets stomach, sending them flying. 
  • Charged Blast: You won't belive it
  • Meteor Blast: Metallix holds his hand up, firing a beam into the sky which splits apart, dropping down projectiles everywhere 
  • Eye Laser: He looks at you really hard
  • Chest Beam: Here's the big one!
  • Kamehameha: See the gif above
  • Chaos Blast: Copied from Shadow, Metallix gathers a large amount of negative Chaos Energy and sends it out into a massive explosion. 

Death Ball

Major enough to deserve its own section, the Death Ball is currently the strongest attack Metallix has ever showcased, a giant sphere of pure energy capable of annihilating an entire island. Unfortunately though, it takes a long time to charge up, leaving him open while doing so. 

Shun Goku Satsu

He just randomly did this once. In Street Fighter, the Shun Goku Satsu, or Raging Demon, is an attack that annihilates the targets soul with the weight of all their past sins, making them die one thousand deaths. 

Now, is Metallix actually destroying Red's soul here? Probably not. (If this impacts any verdict, I will both be impressed and disappointed)

Betty Noire

SOUL Manipulation

Told you there'd be more. 

Alright, so SOULS are the embodiment of a living beings existence, harnessed into a singular object. If the SOUL is destroyed, the owner of it instantly perishes (unless they have a specific counter to that, such as Determination). 

SOULS gather powers from the specific Trait they possess, such as:
  • and, of course, FEAR
Betty is capable of forcefully extracting SOULS from other people via either her SOUL spear, or via the beforementioned Kumulings, and wether Akumu or the Kumulings devour them, their power is instantly transferred to Betty (After merging with Akumu, its probable that Betty can simply consume them herself).

By holding a SOUL, Betty can instantly drain it of its power and take it for herself, or even outright crush it in her hand to wipe it from existence all together. She is also capable of using HATE-filled SOULS to resurrect people she slain, causing them to become puppets of hers to command. And finally, she can look into the memories of any SOUL in her reservoir


One of her most used tricks, Betty can use nigh-instant Teleportation to warp around the battlefield and attack unknowing targets from behind. 

Illusion Casting

She wouldn't be the embodiment of Fear if she couldn't properly utilise it, would she? Betty's Illusions go far beyond simple tricks of mind. They are perfect illusions that take complete control of the targets mind the moment they lay eyes on them, with not a single person having ever escaped them.

Betty also gains the ability to instantly understand what her target fears and considers a weakness, such as making Asriel see his sibling Chara, who died in his hands, torturing Jessica by turning into her dead daughter, and showing Toriel a vision of Asgore slaughtering innocent children, which was so strong it caused her to lash out and almost kill him

Her illusions have even shown to be strong enough to seemingly manifest themselves in the targets reality, such as when she clashed with her scythe against Asriel, even though she didn't actually have it in her hands


After absorbing the HATE vial, Betty gained the ability to practically instantly regenerate any part of her body, no matter how damaged it is. Even vaporisation doesn't seem to be enough to kill her, considering she was very casually walking through Mettaton's spotlight, which was in the progress of doing just that. 

Even if not, that's still gotta be pretty close, considering that in order to finally kill her, Gaster had to rip her in half, impale every party of her body, crush her flat, blast her with a building-sized laser, and finally strike her with a collision of 9 even stronger lasers. Considering she was alive enough to scream in agony until the final hit and she could regenerate from Undyne dealing a similar damage to her while she was in a MUCH weaker form, Betty's healing factor is pretty damn potent. 

Oh and btw all that only resulted in the HATE still managing to possess her body and take over, so even that wasn't enough to permanently end her gg get fucked. 

Body Manipulation

With the HATE flowing through her body, Betty can manipulate it in order to create chaotic tendrils of blackness

HATE Bubble

By gathering a large amount of HATE, Betty can construct a giant bubble to encase her targets or defend herself. 

Energy Absorption

Should a powerful energy attack get thrown her way, Betty can easily absorb it, harness it for herself, and return it to sender


Betty's ultimate attack, usable after absorbing a large amount of SOULS. The word that I can absolutely spell without looking it up generates a massive amount of magical energy, giving her the ability to take command of any enemy attacks, no exceptions, wether it being dozens of Undyne's spears, an army of Sans' Gaster Blasters, or Gaster's Giant Hands, she can use them as if they were her own. While it took a lot of SOULS to unlock, after doing so she can spam it as much as she wants with no side effects. 

A common misconception is that Rhabdophobia only works on magical attacks, but Gaster's Blasters are technological in nature and specifically referred to as a weapon outside of his magic, meaning that's not a real limit for her. 



Metal Sonic

Metallix' original form before becoming the monster he is today, Metal Sonic was built to compete evenly with Sonic the Hedgehog, and was for the most part a success. Unfortunately for him though, he never quite managed to get past "compete evenly", which is why he decided to get an upgrade. 

Semi-Super Perfect Form

Accessed with the power of four Chaos Emeralds, Metallix' Semi-Super form is strong beyond words, easily the peak of power seen in SMBZ so far. This form doesn't seem to grant him any new abilities, but its not like he needs them when it boosts his natural powers way beyond their original height. 

Perfect Form

We will never get to see this lmao.

Betty Noire

True / Merged Form

After absorbing Akumu, Betty gained back her original, true form that Agate always intended for her to be in. As a merged entity, Betty gains all of Akumu's powers by herself, such as the ability to shift into weapons, create shields, and extend her arms into Tendrils.


Alright, strap in for this one. 

After Gaster fucking rocked Betty's world and reduced her to a withering husk, Betty stated that killing her would only result in something worse happening. She was right. 

The HATE inside of Betty's body had slowly overtaken her during the course of the series, and upon her death it was capable of possessing her corpse, using it as a vessel to chaotically unleash its true, unmatched power.




  • Probably shaped your childhood. 
  • Beat the Heroes in basically every fight.
  • Demolished all the Axem Rangers in one minute flat.
  • Killed Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and the rest of Mobius' entire population.
  • Killed Mario (as in, actually. Luigi had to 1-Up him)
  • Collected 4 of the 7 Chaos Emeralds (before he lost them)
  • Got officially referenced by SEGA.
  • The reason VS Animations exist at all.
  • Beats up Mario and Sonic which makes him multiFTL+ with omniversial Speed.



  • Regularly keeps up with and outpaces Mr "Speed of Sound" himself.
  • Broke Yellow Ranger's axe at FTE speeds.
  • Used the Light-Speed Dash to clash with Sonic so fast time froze for them. (Debetably Lightspeed)
  • You'd think a Sonic robot would have more direct speed feats


Betty Noire


  • Baited Undyne into killing Alphys
  • Fought evenly with/defeated Frisk, Chara, Gaster, Sans, Asgore & Undyne
  • Frisk considered her a threat even at Lv19
  • Killed almost every child in a school (yes really)
  • Beats up Sans which makes her multiFTL+ with omniversial Speed.





The Heroes

A suprise to no one, Metallix literally manhandled the heroes in every single encounter they had (except for when Mario just happened to find a star), even when they had additional help and after he had already spent energy on other foes. Hell, even a Chaos Emerald wasn't enough for Yoshi to stand a fighting chance against the robotic menace. 


While they never got to meet officially, Metallix is way higher of a threat than Bowser is, consdering he's a blatant superior to Mario by himself, and Mario could fight the Koopa King on even footing. Metal Bowser even gave Mario a beating not too different from Metallix' own, suggesting a similar power level between the two. 

Worthless Scum

The rest of the seen antagonists of the series are very obviously beneath Metallix in might, most of them even having ended up as easily-dispatched of victims of his. 

Betty Noire

Frisk, Chara & Asriel

It's no suprise that Betty can fight evenly with the three main protagonsits of the series. Hell, for most of it she had Asriel under her control after killing him. Frisk also had to actively go into the Void and get replaced with Chara because they knew they weren't strong enligh to beat Betty, even at Lv19. HATE required a Lv19 Hate-Infused Chara and God of Hyperdeath Asriel to be defeated.

W. D. Gaster

Betty absolutely wrecked Gaster in their first fight, getting seconds away from genuinely killing him. And in their second encounter, he could only mater her with the help of Sans and Papyrus (though when Sans died, Gaster' rage drove him to an earlier unseen point, where he quickly dispatched of her.)


Betty basically one-shot Undyne in their first meeting, and after absorbing the HATE vial, matched Undyne the Undying in combat. 

Everyone Else

I did not have the patience to render out anyone

As the big bad of the series, Betty should pretty handily scale to just about every character seen. While she did get rather upset about constantly being forced to flee prior to her merging, following it she reached a point only matchable by the highest of tiers, and the HATE is even beyond that. 



I don't actually know the context for this, finding a weakness picture for metallix was just really difficult. He doesn't take many L's.

Metallix is powerful. INCREDIBLY powerful. But unfortunately for him, that power might just be his biggest weakness. Since he's so used to being above literally everyone else, he doesn't take his fights seriously. On Yoshi's Island, he stated that he was toying with the heroes during their fight, which could be a death sentence against a stronger foe. 

Additionally, his bloodlust provides a weakness, since it makes him much less likely to actively go for a killing blow, as he wants to savour every moment of killing his foes, like how he was forced to let Yoshi go after spending too long torturing him when he could have killed him at any moment. 

Lastly, some of his stronger techniques like the Light-Speed Dash, Chaos Blast, and especially the Death Ball take too much time to charge for him to be able to use them in most fights against equally fast opponents. 

Betty Noire

Gaster fucked her up bruh

Betty is a tactical, deadly foe... until she isn't. Once she absorbs the HATE, she will slowly go down a path of becoming more bloodlusted and less logical, essentially becoming a wild animal. While it takes a long time for this to happen, it's a weakness nonetheless. 

And while her regeneration can pull her back from what's basically death, utterly annihilating each and every single part of her should be enough to take even HATE out. And naturally, as the embodiment of Fear, Betty is weak to the usage of Determination, which has the chance to insta-kill her if strong enough. 



  • is HIM
  • Stronger in Semi-Super
  • Specific techniques can wipe out Betty in one hit provided enough power
  • Much faster with specific arguments
  • More durable, super or not
  • Doesn't have a SOUL
  • Chaos Emeralds provide a constant power increase
  • Can totally one-shot with the Raging Demon bro trust me
  • Copyright
  • Weaker in base
  • Slower with specific arguments
  • Betty's regeneration provides a challenge 

Betty Noire

  • Her story is actually finished.
  • Stronger than base Metallix
  • Genuinely faster if you consider lightspeed Metallix a hyperbole or outlier / buy immeasurable Glitchtale...
  • Regen makes her much harder to kill
  • Killed Sans Undertale TWICE
  • Dead
  • Weaker then Semi Super Metallix, even with HATE
  • Less durable than even base Metallix
  • Metallix doesn't have a SOUL
  • ...but also much slower if you don't 
  • Online critics


Loka Fåghel

Yeaaaaaah babbbyyyyy Metallix vs Betty I love this matchup! While I kinda fell off it for a bit, it's been one of my most wanted for a long time, and rewatching both series only cemented that further. Yeah, it's not the most thematically rich matchup and both probably have better options but shut up these series are very important to me and also this is my blog take it or leave it. 

Alright, debate debate debate. Let's begin with the tertiary factors, because stats are a little harder to lock down for these two than you'd think. First things first, Metallix doesn't have a SOUL, he's an explicitly inorganic being, so that gets rid of all Betty's insta-win options. Wether or not her illusions would work is questionable, since Metallix is once again a robot, but even if they could affect him, he doesn't exactly have any explicit fears that she could logically take advantage of. 

Both can teleport, so they're even there, and both can create barriers and extend their limbs, so in a pure fist-fight they're also comparable. Betty does have a solid advantage in her ability to absorb and redirect energy, meaning she can push back against most of Metallix' offensive arsenal. Even if he decides to use his firearms or missiles, Rhabdophobia allows Betty to counteract even that. 

Let's talk stats. Metallix surprisingly lacks any real solid feats for his base form. Sure, he can one-shot powerdoze through the Koopa Bros. super attack, putting him at like... vaguely hill level, and scaling to Bowser makes him... what, 1/4 stadium level, but Betty's a blatant city buster. That's up to 100 megatons, bucko. 

Both can move at FTE speeds, and both can teleport, so in terms of sheer combat speed they're comparable. Betty scales to and above Asriel's lightning which half the cast dodges or intercepts, which at best would put her at Mach 1282. I'm not fully confident in giving Metallix LS solely based on the Light-Speed Dash's name being.... Light Speed Dash, but he did use it to clash with Sonic fast enough to stop time from his perception. That's probably higher than lightning timing for Betty. I'm not 100% sure how that works. 

As for durability.... yeah, Betty's kinda outmatched here. Metallix is at a solid 1.06 Teratons, while Betty is at her best capable of taking hits from someone with a 4.3 Gigaton power source. A teraton is a lot bigger than a gigaton, if you didn't know. Betty's having a hard time doing meaningful damage, even with her strength advantage. 

Now we get to the part where things go haywire. Betty's regeneration and the HATE. Metallix loves dragging fights out to torture his victims as long as possible, which in a battle against someone who can come back to scraps isn't the best strategy. Her durability being higher than his AP also means that he lacks any way to wipe her out in one hit, and the HATE only further cements that, capable of instantly regenerating any part of its body. So, Betty's stronger and can regen from any of Metallix' blows, meaning his higher speed and durability will eventually wear down and give Betty the chance to land a killing blow. 

Until the Chaos Emeralds come into play. 

Betty scales to Asriel's SOUL, which creates a shockwave around a mountain. A single Chaos Emerald powered attack wiped out three mountains. Four Chaos Emeralds together wiped out an island. Metallix has two of them. Let's run some numbers shall we?

Metallix, with Four Emeralds, wiped out Yoshi's Island at 9.9 Teratons of TNT. 9.9 / 4 = 2.475. 

A single Chaos Emerald has the yield of 2.475 Teratons. In case you're not aware, that's 2475 Gigatons, or 575 times more powerful than the highest thing Betty scales to. Yikes! Metallix has two of them! Yikes! And he was capable of matching Yoshi powered up by a Emerald without him doing the same! Yikes!

Yeah, so while Betty holds a surprising number of advantages early on, Metallix's far greater speed and durability means he'll be able to avoid her attacks and eventually bust out the Chaos Emeralds for a quick win. Even if HATE multiplies Betty's powers by hundreds of times, the boost Metallix gains from the Emeralds is far greater, meaning he'll have no issue wiping her out with a good old Chaos Blast or Death Ball (if you think that takes too long to set up... Metallix can fly, Betty can't).

Though she won't go down easy, Metallix will ultimately become the last thing Betty will ever Z... okay yeah sorry that was awful

Errrm actually Betty is immeasurable and uni+ via timeline and void shenanigans-


Firstly, thank you to Loka for having me on their blog, they're awesome. Anyways, Metallix vs Betty Noire. Who do I think wins? Well, let's break this down.

Firstly, strength. Betty has some impressive showings, matching other powerful being such as Frisk and Gaster, but Metallix is on an entirely different level... at least until HATE comes in. HATE surviving the crater Chara made and cracking the Earth means that she'd be on par or stronger than Metallix, but even with his superior techniques and "greater" sanity, her raw power advantage would turn the Mechanical Monster of Mobius to metal mush.

Next, speed. Both are definitely FTE and debatably FTL, but Metallix has one advantage over Betty than nets him the win in this category; Chaos Control. Because the technique bends space-time, it's practically a time-stop, something that Betty has never had to deal with, and combining that with relatively equal speed, Metallix could easily get the jump on her.

Lastly, techniques, hax, and misc. Alongside the aforementioned Chaos Control, a few things about Metallix makes even harder for the Black Beast to kill him. Because he lacks a SOUL, a lot of Betty's SOUL-stealing tricks like the SOUL Spear or Kumulings wouldn't be much help. Additionally, Betty's illusions have not been shown to work on machines. On the other side, alongside being a cool reference, the Shun Goku Satsu annihilates the target's soul with the weight of their sins, and given you've read this blog, I don't think I need to tell you how well that'd work on Betty.

But this isn't as one-sided as I'm making it, far from it. Betty's regen is busted, and her energy absorption and Rhabdophobia are hard counters to most of Metallix's strongest attacks, meaning that he'd have a hell of a hard time trying to put her down, especially once Betty is consumed by HATE.

Ultimately, this debate comes down to who could land the killing blow first, and ultimately, I believe that honour goes to Metallix. Despite his opponent's superior strength and plethora of hax, their equal speed becomes unequal thanks to Chaos Control, and though Rhabdophobia is gonna be hell to get through, I do believe that with his immunity to her illusions and Chaos Control, Metallix would land that blow and destroy her with his superior tech. In the end, Betty's tale has a crushing ending.


Going through the finer details in this debate, I’m ultimately siding with Metalix. Though this pick was far from easy with everything Betty had going for her. An obvious example is Betty’s huge array of SOUL based powers. Metalix has an impressive array of weaponry but Betty can match a huge amount of that with Akuma shapeshifting to block and counter attack the majority of them. Even most of his own attacks can be turned around on him, Rhabdaphobia nullifying basically all ranged attacks and his energy attacks doubly being neutered by Betty’s absorption capabilities. Metalix isn’t stupid, he’d likely back off once Betty showed these capabilities, but it wouldn't happen without some harsh trial and error.

But ranged combat is far from Metalix’s specialty. Even with Betty having plenty of weapon options with her spear and Akuma weapons, he’s shown incredible martial prowess before and could likely keep up with fists alone. It’s more than possible he eclipses Betty in skill to such a degree that she simply can’t cope with him assaulting her over and over up close. Some energy techniques could even be used effectively up close, by passing her reaction to Rhabdaphobia and absorption with attacks like Palm Blast or just point blank Chaos Blasts. And as a side bonus, being a robot helps with plenty of Betty’s crueler powers, being able to use sensors to see past any illusions and his lack of SOUL preventing any manipulations one way or another. With both surpassing the other in close and distant battle, along with having their own teleports to neutralize much of field control, intelligence and hard stats are what’s helping end this debate.

Looking at stats, Metalix manages to eke out in just all of them. Impressive as Betty’s city destroying and Asriel scaling is, Metalix being able to obliterate Yoshi’s Island is just too much to cope with. While dubious, I am leaning towards FTL Metalix. Given the circumstances around it and support from Light Speed Dash itself, I feel comfortable with this. Even if not accounting for it, Metalix could potentially cope with Betty’s greater speed with Chaos Control. The real kicker here is durability, While Metalix dwarfs Betty in base survivability, her regeneration makes it almost meaningless. Metalix would have to completely annihilate all of her, which is easier said than done given Betty can stay on the defense for a long time and most vaporization potions are shut down by Rhabdaphobia. In the end, the deciding factor is tactical skill and battle smarts. At first, it seems like Betty has a major advantage over Metalix, and that’d be true. Given Betty having many more fights with opponents on her scale and frequent gambits, along with Metalix’s ego and overconfidence, she could easily have a strong grip on the flow of battle. Metalix isn’t stupid, but his overconfidence wouldn’t go away until he was put in a fatal circumstance…at first.

The HATE here is a very dangerous trap for Betty. Given both have ways to make this fight go on incredibly long between teleportation and baiting, it's possible that the HATE could start to wear Betty down mentally, especially if, and likely when, Metalix starts to gain an upper hand through the stat gap. And if the HATE form for Betty is brought out in full, those instincts would make any tactics worthless for her. Even Metalix with his more simple tactics could use this to spring for a kill. Her stunted focus could even stop her from absorbing attacks or making use of Rhabdaphobia as brute force takes her over. From there, Metalix could take full use of his full ki powers and manage to fully obliterate her. And even if all HATE corruption is ignored outside of Betty’s final form, the stat gap for both in durability and strength is too much for Betty to reliably land a kill on Metalix compared to him managing to overwhelm her.

Betty may have been an incredibly wily, varied, and horrifying opponent, but Metalix’s sheer power was enough to put an end to her for good.

Also Shun Goku Satsu insta-destroys all SOULS tbhhhhhhh


Hi everyone! It’s me Dani and welcome to my verdict for Metallix vs Betty Noire! Admittedly, I don’t have a lot of experience with Glitchtale, but Super Mario Bros Z was a big part of my childhood, I know enough about Betty to actually write my opinion on who wins this matchup, and writing these in general is just a lot of fun, so I decided to write a verdict despite not having a ton of experience with one of the combatants. I don’t have anything else to say so I’m gonna get right into it!

Starting with both combatants’ most obvious advantages, Metallix takes strength and durability by a very wide margin. Betty’s city-destroying feat and surviving Undyne the Undying’s strongest attack while at her weakest are impressive, but Metallix is strong enough to destroy the entirety of Yoshi’s Island with only four of the Chaos Emeralds and can survive the Death Egg crashing into Mobius, which are both more impressive than what Betty has done. Speaking of Betty, she has a huge advantage in abilities and hax. Her energy absorption could send Metallix’s ranged attacks back, her regeneration would make it really hard to put her down for good despite her not being as durable, and Rhabdophobia could stop any of the evil robot’s attacks. But her most useful ability is her illusion creation. Her illusions have complete control over the mind of whoever Betty is fighting, can target her opponent’s weaknesses and fears, and can even be manifested into the real world, which are all things that Metallix doesn’t really have a counter to.

So Metallix has strength and durability while Betty has abilities and hax, but there’s one stat that I haven’t discussed yet, which is what I think would decide who takes the win more likely than not… speed. Whoever is faster is the major deciding factor for me. Either Metallix is faster and just takes Betty out before she could use her abilities or Betty is faster and outhaxxes. Deciding who took this advantage was hard, but after thinking about it more… I think that Betty barely takes it. Metallix’s best speed feat is clashing with Sonic so fast that time was frozen to them, which is something that Betty could actually match, as she has shown the ability to move in areas outside of timelines and she has consistently shown FTL feats, while a Metallix’s FTL stuff aren’t super consistent and are likely just outliers or hyperbole.

But there are other things that I believe would make this fight lean more towards Betty’s favor. A lot of Metallix’s super powerful attacks like Chaos Blast and Death Ball take a while to charge and even if he was able to unleash said attacks, Betty could stop it with Rhabdophobia or absorb it and return it to sender. Also Metallix’s arrogance and love for savoring the moment also hurt his chances, as his ego would leave him open to Betty’s illusions and just not taking her seriously until he’s likely close to death and his bloodlust would lead to him not killing her before she breaks out her more busted abilities. Betty’s biggest weakness would be her eventually becoming a mindless killer, but thanks to her speed advantage, I think that she would be able to take Metallix out before that could happen.

Metallix is an incredibly powerful fighter (and as the feats section mentioned did indeed shape my childhood), but I think that Betty Noire has the speed, abilities, and hax needed to end this tale with Metallix getting crushed.

Thank you for reading! I had fun writing this despite not having much experience with one of the combatants! Thank you for having me on Loka, I have fun writing these :D


Hello again! Thanks so much to Loka for having me on here, and let's get right into it, shall we?

The biggest, and most crucial aspect of the fight which prevents Betty from just ending everything from the get-go is Metallix's lack of a SOUL. He's a a robot (multiple, actually), an inorganic being which functions on his code and programming. Unlike Mettaton, who is specifically stated to possess a SOUL (due to being Hapstablook), Metallix isn't vulnerable to Betty removing it for a quick win, which brings us to the larger aspects of the matchup.

In terms of speed, both have shown faster than eyesight movement, likely supersonic, but that's a low end for them. Betty is more than comparable to Asriel, who can summon bolts of lightning that several characters in Glitchtale have been able to dodge, intercept and survive, which, being generous, would put Betty at the speed of lightning, or 33% light speed. Equally however, Metallix has plenty of higher end feats of his own, such as performing the Light Speed Dash, and moving and reacting to Sonic using the same technique, perceiving time as frozen when moving at those kinds of speeds. Although the exact speed for the lightning dodges in Glitchtale is harder to lock down, giving Betty the benefit of the doubt still has Metallix at over three times faster, which means she'll be hard pressed to lock him down and tag him.
Thankfully for her, Betty's regeneration gives her a lot of wiggle room in this regard. Thanks to her absorbing the HATE vial, she can regenerate any part of her body if it's damaged, surviving pretty much anything outside of complete annihilation. Akumu also provides her with a lot of options for avoiding damage as well, becoming shields and pulling her out of danger, plus Betty's teleportation can give her great control over most situations. However Metallix is naturally able to teleport as well, and has access to Chaos Control on top of that, which messes with space and time to grant him access to numerous abilities. Metallix has so far only shown to use Chaos Control for teleportation and inter-dimensional travel, but this does give him more options to work with, and could theoretically transport Betty to another dimension and leave her there.

Betty's illusions are powerful, but work by targeting the opponent's mind, which is a problem against an opponent who doesn't have one. Due to his robotic nature, it's unlikely Metallix would be affected by Betty's illusions, and he's never been shown to truly fear anything like Betty's other victims, so she couldn't get a better grasp on what made him tick by those means. Although not the same, Metallix has a scanning system to analyse and lock on to his targets, which would allow him to always keep Betty in his sights. Both can create shields to protect themselves with Metallix's Energy Shield and Betty's HATE Bubble, and they manipulate their bodies for attacks, though Metallix's projectiles like his Gatling Gun, Rocket and Missile Launchers would be susceptible to Rhabdophobia. Unlike the name suggests (Rhabdophobia means Fear of Magic, fyi), Betty can use it to take control of enemy attacks, be they ones of magic or science, and turn them back on her foes. This would also likely extend to Metallix's energy abilities like the Meteor Blast, Chest Beam and Kamehameha.
Given Metallix's greater speed and teleportation options however, he'd be able to avoid these attacks. He's got telekinesis, which could potentially turn them back again on Betty, or keep them in a perpetual tug of war, but ultimately he doesn't really need to. His physical abilities are extremely powerful, being an expert hand-to-hand combatant with access to the Spin Dash, and ability to extend his limbs further to grab opponents. But the biggest obstacle in Betty's way is his sheer power. Metallix survived being inside the Death Egg when it crashed onto Mobius, which shook the entire planet, a feat worth 1.06 Teratons of TNT, and that was entirely in his base form.

With four Chaos Emeralds empowering him, Metallix was able to annihilate Yoshi's Island in a single blast, which would require just under 10 Teratons of TNT to pull off. Betty is still extremely impressive in her own right, gathering enough power to wipe out a city, which could be worth up to 100 Megatons of TNT, and comparable to the Human SOULS shattering the Barrier, which could be a feat worth up to 4.3 Gigatons of TNT, but there's still a substantial gap in power. Even just in Metallix's base form he's just under 234 times stronger and more durable than Betty at her best, and that's increased with his Semi-Super Perfect State by nearly 10 times, on top of being three times faster with two options for teleporting, and the ability to fly, which Betty does not possess.
It's unlikely that Betty would be able to deal any lasting damage to Metallix, if any at all, given the gap in strength, durability and speed. Her regeneration would keep her in the game for a long time, especially given Metallix's sadistic nature, drawing out fights to savour the kill against his foes, but what would normally be a flaw of the robotic hedgehog actually ends up being a lot more beneficial in this specific circumstance. Betty absorbing HATE corrupts her over time, losing herself to bloodlust and insanity, becoming less logical. Given Metallix's overwhelming physical superiority, he'd be able to take the advantage against Betty herself, and end up drawing out HATE. Although HATE's regenerative abilities are insane, they lose the same kind of mental faculties that Betty had.

Betty's most useful ability against Metallix is definitely her Rhabdophobia, and given Metallix's greater power, returning that same kind of power back at him would be her best bet to deal severe damage, but as the fight drags on further and further, she begins to lose herself more and more. HATE taking over hasn't shown to use Rhabdophobia, and though has showcased minor telekinesis, it was explicitly used on Chara's SOUL, which wouldn't work against Metallix. There's not much reason to suggest that HATE would be able to utilise it in the same way against Metallix, or return his attacks back against him, which would give the mechanical menace plenty of opportunity to wipe Betty and HATE both out with one of his many attacks. Chaos Blast and the Death Ball would be the most effective ways to do this, given their wide area of effect, but he could likely do this at any time. Drawing things out for HATE to take over simply means that he's not at risk to Betty trying to hijack his attacks with Rhabdophobia, and solidifies the win for our favourite robotic terror.
Although not the most solid argument, it is also possible that Metallix could destroy Betty with the Shun Goku Satsu/Raging Demon. We don't have much information as to how it works in Super Mario Bros. Z specifically, but assuming it's at least similar in nature to the attack in Street Fighter, it would directly target the opponent's soul to crush them under the weight of their sins. In the series, it was only ever used against a fellow robot, who doesn't have a soul, but the technique is both physical and spiritual. In Street Fighter, there are ways to avoid death against it, such as the Power of Nothingness protecting one's soul, but the lack of one would likely do a similar thing. Betty is literally made of hatred and has killed many in her quest to wipe out all Monsters, so it's no question that, assuming the Raging Demon works as it does in Street Fighter, would be able to annihilate her SOUL all the same. After all, SOULS in Glitchtale can be physically interacted with and are frequently destroyed by her, and Betty's regeneration only extends to her physical body, not her soul. Metallix has enough power to both destroy her body and crush her SOUL in one go, but once again, it's reliant on information that we simply lack from the series, so while I think there is a decent, and pretty interesting argument to be made for it, it's not the most stable one. Metallix's advantages are more than enough normally to be able to take out the Black Beast of Fear.

With all of this, in addition to Metallix possessing multiple Chaos Emeralds, which provide a more larger and constant power increase, he's got everything he needs to dominate this fight. His physical abilities are far greater, and Betty's regeneration can only hold out for so long against his overwhelming might. Metallix's specific abilities are perfectly matched for Betty's own, and the longer the fight goes on, the better things are for him, gaining more and more power and Betty loses herself to insanity and bloodlust. So don't fear, Metallix has the exact SOULution to deal with Glitchtale's HATEful menace permanently. I believe he wins in a CRUSHING victory!


cowards roll. I rock

yo it's me the HeavenPiercer guy again
SMBZ was a huge part of my childhood and during the initial Undertale mania Glitchtale was one of the fan works i was most invested in so let's get right to the verdict!

metallix blitzes and one-shots.


Team Metallix: 5 (Loka, Aussie, Mannington, Soma, Chris)

Team Betty: 1 (Dani) 


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